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刑法的适用离不开解释,实践中由于对众多的解释方法没有形成一个统一的适用顺序,使得针对同一案件因为运用的解释方法不同而形成不同的解释结论的情况屡见不鲜.极大地影响了刑法的安定性和权威性。确定刑法解释方法的适用位阶势在必行。我国刑法理论界对此基本持赞同的态度。但对于解释方法适用的具体序列,学者们观点各异。综合我国理论界的观点以及借鉴WTO争端解决中的有益做法,建议我国在适用刑法的解释方法时应该遵循这样一条顺序,即从以查词典为开端的文义解释到系统解释再到目的解释。系统解释中根据对“系统”范围的不同界定,又分别包含了体系解释、合宪性解释和历史解释。  相似文献   
我国域名与姓名权纠纷解决机制的立法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国关于个人域名注册的制度一直不是很明确,也没有明确的法律法规对于个人姓名注册域名而发生的纠纷以及重名对域名注册带来的冲击进行具体的规定和协调。因此,我国应当运行个人域名注册机制、制定相关的法律规范来保护个人注册域名的行为,建立适合我国域名发展的个人域名注册模式,在处理域名与姓名冲突时,用专门的法律规定来作为解决的依据,并建立域名与姓名权冲突的事先防预机制和制定资格要求争议解决政策。  相似文献   
仲裁裁决只在当事人之间发生法律效力,因而在处理一些涉及公共利益的纠纷时如果采取一些适当的技术措施,这些纠纷仍然是可仲裁的。但解决了知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性并不意味着所有在理论上可提交仲裁机关处理的知识产权纠纷都会提交仲裁,还存在适仲裁性的问题。  相似文献   
本文从正反两方面论述了医疗纠纷中以“侵权结果发生地”确定管辖权的合理性及必要性。并从司法实践出发,就如何从证据法学角度认定“结果发生地”的相关事实阐述了作者的观点。  相似文献   
海洋运输业是俄罗斯远东传统的运输方式。各海港利用其得天独厚的地理位置在远东海洋运输业中发挥着重要作用,但转轨以来海港的发展面临着重重困难。俄远东主要的海运公司承担着绝大部分的海洋运输任务,20世纪90年代以来货运量持续下降,海运公司的发展壮大尚待时日。俄远东的海洋运输业积极参与国际运输合作及经贸合作。  相似文献   
社会公平的内容,包括具有明显递进性质的五个层次,即人格公平、机会公平、交易公平、分配公平和心理感受公平.与此相对应,社会不公平的内容也呈现出五个层次.中国社会不公平现象加剧的原因,就在于社会不公平的层次性累积和放大.  相似文献   
诉讼与仲裁的功能比较--兼论仲裁的功能优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种社会解决纠纷机制来说,诉讼的主要功能仍在于解决纠纷、消除冲突.这对于维护社会秩序是非常必要的.但是,作为一种特殊的纠纷解决方式和社会控制机制,诉讼也不可避免地存在着结构性功能缺陷.与诉讼相比,仲裁的特点在于其程序简便、结案较快、费用开支较少、不具备行政特色、能独立公正和迅速地解决争议,给予当事人充分地自治权;同时具有客观性、灵活性、保密性、终局性和裁决书易于得到执行等优点.这种优势正是各国定位仲裁与诉讼关系的基础.  相似文献   
论纠纷的可诉性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘敏 《法律科学》2003,(1):73-79
纠纷的可诉性是实现当事人的裁判请求权的逻辑前提 ,纠纷可诉性的广度反映了裁判请求权的实现程度。目前我国民事诉讼法理论和实务界关于纠纷可诉性的标准或依据及范围的理解限制了裁判请求权实现的空间范围。纠纷可诉性的标准应当为纠纷是平等主体之间的财产关系争议和人身关系争议 ,而并非限于民事法律关系争议。纠纷可诉性的范围包括民法所调整的民事法律关系发生的争议、应受民事法律保护的应有权利受到侵害引发的争议、宪法权利受到私法主体侵害所引发的争议。  相似文献   
This article discusses an extension to the Thomas–Kilmann conflict mode instrument (Thomas and Kilmann 1977) designed specifically for conflict situations in which strong negative emotional relationships are at play. The Thomas–Kilmann (TK) model is widely used to help participants (disputants and mediators) identify how two basic conflict characteristics interact to influence how stakeholders shape their actions with regard to their interests. Essentially the TK Model is built on the premise that the two salient conflict variables are the relative importance of the relationships at hand and the substantive issues being discussed. These variables are illustrated with a simple matrix that shows how each party will interact with the other based on the relative importance it places on these variables. Graphically illustrating where the behaviors fall on the matrix can explicate parties' behaviors to add a new perspective that may change the dynamic of the conflict. But the TK Model does not address scenarios in which individuals have very negative or destructive relationships, and sabotage, blocking, and exclusion are behavioral norms. Hence, we developed the Baumoel–Trippe (BT) Extension to the TK Model to address the highly negative and often identity‐based conflicts that are often found in the world of family business. Accordingly, the BT Extension to the TK Model explores conflicts in which the relationships are not merely unimportant or uncooperative, but where they become negative to downright vengeful. There is so much at stake for family business stakeholders that the family relationships may become so adversarial that the very business and family harmony all parties value are at risk. With our extension of the TK Model, we seek to provide insight into how decisions might be made when stakeholders are in highly negative, conflictual relationships.  相似文献   
Parties in a divorce case are faced with the challenge of dealing with highly charged emotional and financial issues simulataneously. Early Neutral Evaluation is a beneficial weapon in the dispute resolution arsenal that can help decrease the level of conflict between parties. This Note discusses the development of Early Neutral Evaluation as a form of dispute resolution and proposes the establishment of court-organized mandatory Early Neutral Evaluation programs to settle financial matters in a divorce case.  相似文献   
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