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金融风险是影响金融安全的一个重要因素,当金融风险积聚到一定程度并发生恶性连锁反应时就会爆发金融危机,因此,建立抵御金融风险维护金融安全的法律制度尤为重要,而金融刑法作为金融风险防范的最后一道制度屏障,在抵御金融风险维护金融安全中起着重要的作用。为此,有必要从金融风险防范的角度审视我国金融刑事立法在抵御金融风险方面的诸多缺陷,从加强金融风险防范的功能出发,创新我国金融刑事立法,充分发挥金融刑法在创新金融体制和防范金融风险中的功能与作用。  相似文献   
防止冤假错案,维护程序公正,实现惩罚犯罪与保障人权的统一,非法证据排除规则的制定,可谓任重道远。无疑,法律的颁布不等于实施。除了刑事法官的价值观念、法律思维、职业习惯的主观因素影响及刑事司法实践的客观因素作用,作为价值性冲突规范,非法证据排除规则的理解、适用仍有其难处。本文以庭审阶段非法证据排除的程序规制为切入点,拟从法解释学的角度,结合本土刑事司法实践特征,以求进一步明晰非法证据排除规则的运用,从而更为有效地实施排除规则。  相似文献   
洛克作为近代宪政民主政治思想重要的奠基人之一,凭借《政府论》上、下两篇的论述,在批判"君权神授"的基础上,对"有限政府"思想进行了较为全面的阐释。尤以《政府论》下篇为代表,对后世宪政的发展产生了莫大的影响。可以说在洛克相关理论的影响下,才有了今日限制政治权力、保障公民权利的现代宪政理论。本文通过对洛克有限政府思想进行溯源剖析,分析其中所蕴含的宪政价值。  相似文献   
Ottoman urban reform policies not only targeted the rehabilitation and rebuilding of provinces, cities, streets, and squares; they also aspired to refashion the inhabitants of urban spaces. Vocational orphanages (?slâhhanes) of the latter half of the nineteenth century were, in that respect, instrumental in removing minor vagrants, beggars, and street children from urban areas according to redefined borders of urban security and visibility and in reintegrating them into society through training and employment in arts and crafts. As much as this initiative was a significant step on the part of the state to intervene in family life and child-rearing practices, the research also points to the agency of poor parents in demanding and benefiting from state welfare policies.  相似文献   
Parliaments are difficult institutions to market and promote to their publics, partly because of their political nature and their institutional complexity. However, because good promotion requires a good ‘product’, thinking about parliaments in terms of their promotion can also focus attention helpfully on how they are actually structured and operated, thereby contributing to the improvement in their effectiveness, both internally and in relation to the wider polity. The Westminster and Scottish Parliaments can be usefully and conveniently compared and contrasted, both in terms of their parliamentary product, and in its promotion. such a comparative analysis highlights some of the defining characteristics of an effective parliament, such as an underlying vision and purpose, substantive institutional autonomy (especially in relation to the executive), and genuine public engagement. It also emphasises that both the operation and the promotion of a parliament are multi-layered tasks for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.  相似文献   
Drawing on an original parliamentary survey, an analysis is undertaken of what motivates MPs elected in a closed proportional representation (PR) setting to consider changing this electoral system. Moves in this direction are quite rare and for this reason a case study of Romanian parliamentarians is proposed. Bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques are used to assess the impact of both power maximisation incentives and values. The main findings indicate that MPs were willing to replace the closed-list PR with a single member district alternative only when they perceived clear benefits for them (that is, re-election) or their party (that is, a positive impact, either at intra-party level or within the party system). These self-interested motivations are prioritised over nomination-related reasons and the possibility of a constituency-centred focus of representation.  相似文献   
This short overview of available statistical data on crime and penal systems in Scandinavia indicates that the level of traditional forms of crime in Scandinavia is on a par with or lower than that found in many other European countries. As elsewhere in western Europe, Scandinavia experienced a substantial increase in crime rates during the post‐war period—indicating that these recorded increases may have common structural roots. The 1990s witnessed a stabilization of theft rates, albeit at a high level. Increasing equality between women and men may have contributed to an increase in the reporting of violent and sexual offences against women (and children), making these offences more visible. The system of formal control in the Scandinavian countries is characterized by relatively low police density; a clear‐up rate that has declined; above‐average conviction rates; the imposition of fines in a high proportion of criminal cases; and relatively low prison populations. The implications for crime policies are discussed.  相似文献   
面对近世西域分权思想的传入及其对传统中国法律与司法制度的冲击,晚清统治集团把革新司法权力运行体制与方式,推进以司法与行政相分立为核心的司法体制改革,作为施行预备立宪的基本思路和策略选择。在国权统一的模式下,晚清统治集团推行有限度的司法与行政之分立。然而,中央官制改革方案对于法部与大理院之间司法权限的界定并不清晰,遂引发了后来影响广泛的法部与大理院之间围绕司法权限而展开的激烈争论。这场部院司法权限之争,深刻地反映了司法独立理念与行政支配司法理念之间的价值冲突。晚清司法改革标志着新的近代型司法制度的出现,体现了近代中国法制与司法文明的历史进步。  相似文献   
专家证据以其“意见性”和“科学性”吸引了法庭基于维护事实认定独立性忧虑的可采性标准的研究。这一研究对象以实行对抗制庭审模式,存在大量相关证据判例的美国证据规则最具典型性,通过对弗赖伊案、多伯特案以及《联邦证据规则》相关条款的解读、分析及其演进脉络的疏理和反思,探讨蕴含在美国专家证据可采性标准变化规律中的理性因素和思辨精神。对比我国鉴定意见在适用现状和理论研究中的不足,反思我国缺乏鉴定意见科学性评判标准的问题本质,推动相关研究。  相似文献   
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