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The United States is experiencing growing impacts of climate change but currently receives a limited policy response from its national leadership. Within this policy void, many state governments are stepping up and taking action on adaptation planning. Yet we know little about why some states adopt State Adaptation Plans (SAPs), while others do not. This article investigates factors that predict the emergence of SAPs, both in terms of policy adoption and policy intensity (goal ambitiousness). Applying the diffusion of innovation theory, I consider the relative influence of internal state characteristics, regional pressures, and test for conditional effects between government ideologies and severity of the problem. The results show interesting differences between predictors that influence policy adoption and ambitiousness. States are more motivated to adopt a policy when faced with greater climate vulnerability, have more liberal citizenry, and where governments have crossed policy hurdles by previously passing mitigation plans. The intensity of policies and goal setting, moreover, is more likely to be driven by interest group politics and diffuse through policy learning or sharing information among neighboring states in Environmental Protection Agency regions. These findings support an emerging scholarship that uses more complex dependent variables in policy analysis. These variables have the potential to differentiate symbolic from substantive policies and capture finer information about predictors of importance.  相似文献   
This article examines how the defence component of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) has been revisited over the last few years. It argues that while the CSDP has grown predominantly as a security – rather than defence – policy, the latest developments that include the creation of a military headquarter, the launching of a Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the new role for the European Commission in defence funding, attest to an evolution towards a more central EU defence policy. In the meantime, the article points to some structural impediments to the materialisation of European defence. The momentum says little about the form and finality of military operations that EU states will have to conduct so as to give a meaning to defence in a European context. Moreover, persisting divergences in the EU member states’ respective strategic cultures and institutional preferences – notably vis-à-vis NATO – are likely to continue to constrain European defence self-assertion.  相似文献   
开展执法规范化建设既是深化“三基”工程建设成果的重要举措,更是保证公安事业持续发展的战略决策。执法规范化建设是一个复杂而长期的系统工程,必须以科学发展观为指导,坚持发展理念,把执法规范化建设作为适应执法新形势和构建现代警务的必然举措;坚持以人为本原则,在执法规范化建设中突出广大执法民警的主体作用,落实执法为民要求;坚持统筹方法,把执法思想、执法制度和执法机制等诸要素有机结合起来,全面协调和可持续地推动执法规范化建设的有序开展。  相似文献   
This article compares strategic public sector HRM practices between 10 small countries that have consistently shown extraordinary economic, social, and governance performance. The fact that these small countries, which are traditionally considered to be disadvantaged, have become benchmarks of good government suggests they have uniquely maximized and leveraged their key resource: people. In search of novel lessons, we assess through secondary data how their public sectors have organized and institutionalized four key HRM activities: 1) selection, 2) appraisal, 3) training, and 4) compensation, and whether they engage in strategic, centralized efforts to architect and “bundle” these activities. Our exploratory case study findings show that these high performing countries employ various integrated efforts to attract the best and brightest into their public sectors, and train and reward them well, although they differ in terms of their centralization dynamics. We conclude our article with seven propositions for future research and implications for emerging small countries.  相似文献   
This study investigates task values and motivations of “millennial” generation of planners and identifies important factors affecting their public sector choices. Multinomial logistic regression comparing the task values and specializations in private and nonprofit sectors with public sector was performed. Millennial generations in public sector value communication and implementation tasks where at young workers in private and nonprofit sector place importance on tasks related to administration and plan and policy development. The finding indicates private companies give favorable opportunities to the young workers to take leadership role in projects and appreciate their management skills to operate the programs and plans.  相似文献   
两山理念蕴含的科学思维方法,为新时代进一步推进生态文明建设提供了方法论指导,要求我们从战略思维上把生态文明建设上升到关乎中华民族伟大复兴的高度;从系统思维上把人-自然-社会作为内在的有机体去把握,把生态治理看作是一个复杂的系统工程;从辩证思维上把握绿水青山与金山银山的相互关系,在实践中把经济发展与环境保护构成统一的整体,走高质量发展之路。  相似文献   
战略思维是领导干部必须具备的一项重要素质和能力。毛泽东是我们党的历史上善于以世界眼光和战略思维观察、分析、剖断和解决问题的典范。井冈山斗争时期,毛泽东对中国革命道路基本方向的预见就是善于战略思维的杰作之一。因此,学习、借鉴毛泽东,是培养和提高领导干部战略思维能力的一个重要途径。  相似文献   
井冈山斗争时期,毛泽东以伟大的无产阶级革命家的宽阔胸怀和超人智慧,实施了对袁文才、王佐这两支农民武装的成功改造。在改造袁、王部队的过程中,充分体现了毛泽东一系列超人的策略思想。袁、王部队成功改造,为井冈山革命根据地的创建、发展发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
中国对外贸易摩擦的深层次原因与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易保护主义重新抬头,导致贸易摩擦的数量不断增加,领域和范围日益广泛,严重阻碍了国际贸易的发展。中国已进入贸易摩擦高发期,是国际贸易摩擦的最大受害国。日益频繁的贸易摩擦已成为国人关注的焦点问题。应对国际贸易摩擦,要在分析研究产生根源的基础上,对症下药,采取相应对策。  相似文献   
国有经济战略性调整中的若干认识误区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加快国有经济的战略性调整 ,必须首先从理论上解决思想认识问题。国有经济比重的降低不等于社会主义因素的减少 ;国有资本和国有企业的有偿转让 ,按照国际社会的说法属于“私有化” ,但我国绝不能因此有损公有制的主体地位和国有经济的主导地位 ;国有经济逐步退出竞争领域是必然趋势 ;国有经济的主导作用主要在于防止私人资本对国计民生的垄断 ,而不是通过股份制形式控制更多的民有资本  相似文献   
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