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Radical innovations and practices frequentlyfind themselves in an inhospitable environment,struggling against the gravitational force ofdominant norms, practices and relations. Thispaper explores the problems radical changeconfronts in its attempts to become sustainable.Against the postmodern valorisation of thetransient and ephemeral, the paper argues forthe importance of routinisation and repetitionin the process of creating and sustainingchange. A metaphor of social pathways isdeveloped to explore how new routines arecreated through de jure (governance) andde facto (usage) means. The paper arguesthat, in contrast to governance, the emergentdurability generated by usage enables routinesto outlive their conditions of existence.At the same time, routines at odds with theirsocial and institutional environment tend overtime to disappear. The second half of the paperdraws on four British attempts to introduce newpathways: lesbian and gay local governmentinitiatives, Conservative education reforms,Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp and LocalExchange Trading Systems (LETS). Through theseexamples, the paper reflects on attempts tocreate more conducive environments, and some ofthe difficulties this generates.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how to approach the history of female possessions today. By analyzing some recent contributions applied to two well-known historical figures: Teresa de Ávila (1515–1582) and Jeanne des Anges (1602–1665), I will problematize some of the ongoing history of female possessions. I intend a reflection on two of the current conceptual frameworks that feature the way history explains the subjective experience of these premodern possessed individuals. I focus on two kinds of interpretation: one I call the ‘neurotic’ interpretation, and the other the ‘subversive’ interpretation. Both constructions underpin explanations of women’s divine and demonic possessions, involving historiographical gender prejudices and ahistorical assumptions.  相似文献   
邪教“法轮功”是社会问题、社会心理现象的一种表现,在这个大前提的基础上必须看到“法轮功”痴迷者与其他人在人格特征、心理健康状况等方面存在的差异。为了有效治理邪教问题,从微观的角度了解“法轮功”痴迷者的心理特点、心理健康状况,找出痴迷者与普通人群之间的心理差别和其形成的原因,对于帮助挽救邪教痴迷者,具有重要的意义。在对邪教的治理对策中,在痴迷者的转化、矫正工作中,必须增加心理学的角度和方法。这样才能对“法轮功”痴迷者提供更有效的帮助,才能取得更好的社会效果。  相似文献   
Based on ethnographic research conducted since April 2014, this paper will examine the intersection between mega‐event security apparatuses, event‐led urbanism, and local geographies of desire. We argue that urban sanitisation strategies (particularly those derived from a constellation of foreign interests) threaten local geographies of desire but remain dependent upon erotic space and subjectivities in (trans)national exchange and everyday economic salvation. The erasure of sexual diversity is a case with which to examine the impact of FIFA/IOC‐sanctioned urban renewal, and the manner in which local bodies (particularly those deemed sexually ‘deviant’) are repeatedly forced to circumvent these globally determined processes of development.  相似文献   
Nach § 32 Abs 1 WEG 2002 sind die gemeinschaftlichen Aufwendungen für die WE-Liegenschaft einschlie?lich der Beitr?ge zur Rücklage von s?mtlichen Wohnungseigentümern nach dem Verh?ltnis ihrer Miteigentumsanteile – entsprechend dem Grundbuchsstand – zu tragen. Weil ein (noch) nicht errichtetes WE-Objekt (hier: ein Gesch?ftsraum) erst untergeht, wenn dessen unterbliebene Errichtung endgültig feststeht, führt seine blo?e rechtliche Existenz, dh mit einem im Nutzwertverfahren ermittelten und im Grundbuch einverleibten Mindestanteil samt untrennbarer Verbindung mit dem – tats?chlich nicht gebauten – WE-Objekt zur dem entsprechenden Kostentragungspflicht des Wohnungseigentümers nach § 32 Abs 1 WEG 2002. Wollte der WE-Verwalter von seiner gesetzlichen Pflicht abweichen, die gemeinschaftlichen Liegenschaftsaufwendungen nach dem gesetzlichen Aufteilungsschlüssel des § 32 Abs 1 allen Wohnungseigentümern vorzuschreiben, bedürfte dieser Akt als Ma?nahme der au?erordentlichen Verwaltung nach § 29 Abs 5 WEG 2002 iVm den §§ 834f ABGB der Zustimmung s?mtlicher Teilhaber. § 32 Abs 2 WEG 2002 (früher: § 19 Abs 1 Z 2 WEG 1975 in der Stammfassung) schlie?t mit der zwingenden Schriftform der einstimmigen Vereinbarung eine konkludente ?nderung des gesetzlichen Aufteilungsschlüssels aus.  相似文献   
Policy narratives play an important role in the policy process. Often policy narratives originate from advocacy coalitions seeking increased support from the public for their policy stance. Although most Narrative Policy Framework studies have focused on national policy issues, this study examines a state and local economic development project by exploring the policy narratives from competing coalitions in favor and opposed to the project. Specifically, in the Portland–Vancouver area of Oregon and Washington, local policy discussions have been dominated by a proposal for a new mega bridge on Interstate‐5 connecting the two cities across the Columbia River. A new government agency (CRC—Columbia River Crossing) was formed for the implementation of this project. Upon approval of a proposal, CRC experienced heavy backlash from citizens, local businesses, community leaders, and other stakeholders leading to the formation of two competing coalitions in opposition and support of the bridge. This study, using content analysis of 370 public documents, finds that competing coalitions utilize policy narratives in strategic ways to characterize the opposing coalition, themselves, and other actors in the policy subsystem. This study also suggests that the strength and cohesion of a coalition's narrative contributes to its policy success and the winning/losing status of a coalition potentially determines the types of strategies they will use. Last, this study introduces and tests a new narrative strategy called the impotent shift testing a coalition's strategic use of the victim character.  相似文献   
Governments play an active role in promoting corporate social responsibility and specifically environmental management system (EMS) programs, but few studies have examined the impact of such support on the decision of businesses to adopt EMS programs. We ask two questions in this paper: how does government support for EMS programs affect adoption of such programs? Second, what effect does this government support have on the pace of adoption of such programs? The answer to the first question can reveal how effective government programs are in boosting membership in EMS programs. The answer to the second reveals to what extent businesses within EU member states are converging upon particular EMS standards. We examine these questions in the context of the European Union’s Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), 2010–2014. There is significant variation in government support of EMAS across the EU and at the same time, EMAS competes for business attention with the more established ISO 14001. Our quantitative and qualitative analyses therefore reveal the effectiveness of government programs in boosting adoption, but also to the extent to which such programs cause convergence upon EMAS in the face of a competing standard such as ISO 14001.  相似文献   
刘凝是清初江西的儒学家,天主教徒,宋元之际著名学者刘壎之后裔,编撰了17世纪中文天主教书籍序跋集《天学集解》。马若瑟是康熙年间来华传教士,耶稣会“中国索隐派”的重要代表,传教士中的汉学大家。马若瑟在江西传教时,与刘凝结下深厚友谊。刘凝在小学考据方面的治学风格影响了马若瑟对中国语言与经典的研究。通过考证刘凝与马若瑟的学术交往,重点分析两人在基督信仰、治学方法与经学研究几个方面相互影响的关系,可以揭示出身处文化夹缝之中的儒家基督徒与来华传教士,如何诠释中国的文本和思想,弥合中西文化之差异。  相似文献   
随着西方医学技术在天津的传播与发展,清末天津地方政府制订了一系列仿效西方国家的卫生防疫行政管理制度,而后又出台了海港防疫制度。这些措施有得有失,因此有必要在对其进行历史考察的基础上展开梳理与评析。  相似文献   
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