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晚清以前,郑成功正面至多是以“遗民忠义”的“忠烈”形象受人景仰。19世纪末20世纪初,随着西方民族主义思潮的传人,革命者开始用近代民族国家的视角重新塑造和认识中国既往的历史。郑成功因其“排满驱荷开拓台湾”的历史功绩及极富传奇色彩的生平,尤被晚清革命者所看重。在后者的阐释下,作为“反清英雄”的代表人物之一,郑成功形象发生“近代转型”,既迎合了反清革命宣传的需要,又是重构民族历史的重要组成部分。民国成立后,郑成功的英雄形象融入了国人的历史记忆之中,因应时代的需求,一直成为激励国人奋发图强、救亡图存的精神资源。抗战胜利后,郑成功又被作为光复台湾的精神象征而受到国人的进一步推崇。  相似文献   
面对国际银行的竞争冲击,我国商业银行如何挖掘自身潜力,寻找优质客户,开展客户关系管理,就成为非常重要的课题。其中,针对客户忠诚度的研究非常重要。分析客户忠诚度模型对影响客户忠诚度的各个因素,可以认为,提高客户忠诚度对商业银行经营管理具有重要的正面作用。要根据我国银行业特点,制定提高客户忠诚度的相应策略。  相似文献   
试析新婚姻法对于夫妻忠实义务的规定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新婚姻法对于夫妻忠实义务的规定合符法理及现实 ,但在实施过程中应注意法律的界限  相似文献   
The impact of local campaigning on voter choice has been studied within the theme of mobilisation. Grassroots effort can attract votes efficiently, but campaign contact is (potentially) endogenous, so results showing positive effects could be flawed. Experimental solutions to this problem are possible, but could also have low external validity. Drawing on the electoral geography literature, this article suggests that endogeneity concerns can be addressed through so‐called ‘friends and neighbours voting’. One source of endogeneity is that that candidates may tend to canvass those living close to their own homes, and those canvassed would be expected in any case to be prone to support local candidates. The problem of endogeneity is reframed and treated as an omitted variable bias. Using unique Irish data on the geographic location of the homes of candidates, as well as data on the location of the voters, the analysis confirms that canvassing has a positive impact on candidate choice independent of the effect of geographic distance. More importantly, these two variables interact. The results point to the relevance of the geographic dimension of electoral politics in driving the endogeneity bias in local campaigning studies.  相似文献   
Few political parties are willing to lead the public debate on how the European Union should develop and parties rarely publicly discuss issues on the EU agenda. This is probably one of the most important democratic problems in the contemporary EU. When and why parties are willing (or not willing) to discuss European cooperation is therefore an essential issue in which political science should engage. Previous research has shown that parties that are internally divided on EU issues downplay these issues in order to avoid internal disputes. At the same time, parties that have severe intraparty conflicts over the issue are unable to contain the debate. Thus, parties that are unified in their position on EU issues and parties that are heavily split speak about the EU, but others do not. Also, earlier research has shown that political parties downplay issues in response to internal divisions among their supporters. It is argued in this article that the focus should not be solely on intraparty conflict or whether or not a party's voters are hesitant or disunited, but rather on how these factors interact in order to better understand how parties act strategically regarding EU issues. Using a new dataset that relies on quantitative content analysis of quality newspapers during the national election campaigns in the period 1983–2010 in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden, it is found that parties that have a high degree of internal dissent on European issues, while at the same time having an equally divided electorate, are the parties that are most present in the public debate. Hence, it is the interaction between these two important factors that explains much of the variation in the amount of attention paid to European issues in national election campaigns.  相似文献   
对人大代表的权力缺乏有效的制约,是导致人大代表"不作为"甚至利用代表身份违法犯罪的重要原因。因此,通过深化人大代表的选举制度改革,明确人大代表权责,细化罢免人大代表的条件和程序,从而加强对人大代表权力的制约。只有将人大代表的权力置于原选区的选民或原选举单位的严格监督和控制之下,才能使人大代表真正代表广大选民的切身利益和真实意志。  相似文献   
The Call of the Wild is one of the masterpieces of Jack London.The hero,Buck,is a dog.The dog is not only an animal but has features of human beings.By comparing Buck's attitudes and behavior to its masters with the way the masters treat Buck,and analyzing Buck's response to John Thornton's death,we can see that the author expresses the desire for loyalty in this novel.  相似文献   
Although it is commonly assumed that voters shift on an ideological spectrum over time, there has been relatively little scientific inquiry into the reasons for shifts in voter ideology. In this article, we attempt to explain why voter ideological shifts occur utilizing an interval measure of voter ideology recently developed by Kim and Fording. A pooled time-series analysis of 13 Western democracies for the period of 1952–1989 identifies several internal and external factors causing shifts in voter ideology. With respect to domestic influences, the state of the country's national economy, primarily inflation, seems to drive movement in voter ideology in a most significant way, but we find that the direction of this relationship is dependent on the ideological disposition of the incumbent government. With respect to international influences, we find significant ideological diffusion across neighboring countries of Western democracies. The effects of ideological diffusion are strongest within countries that are small relative to their neighbors. We also find that ideology is influenced by the international political environment, especially the level of East-West tension during the Cold War.  相似文献   
For all the focus on economic issues in the wake of the crisis of 2008 the Obama administration has remained ambiguous about a central component of economic policy. As both candidate and President, Obama has sent mixed messages about trade policy. This ambiguity reflects wider uncertainty within the Democratic Party about global trading relationships and this paper explores and assesses the reasons for this uncertainty. A large part of the answer lies in the disparate sources of support for the Democrats. That is, the party has courted support from interest groups and core groups of voters that have widely divergent views about the value of trade liberalisation.  相似文献   
考察中日两国的忠孝观,会发现在看似相近的表象下隐藏着各自不同的伦理要素。这一对道德观念反映了两国不同的伦理体系及社会形态。忠、孝道德观念在两国的形成和发展过程中,反映出中日两国传统意识间的差异,以及社会形态的变化,对于正确认识中日两国意识形态的差异,有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
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