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自20世纪90年代以来,旅游地女性问题成为国内旅游学研究的重要议题之一。以中国期刊全文数据库、中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库为文献检索来源,对1994年以来我国旅游地女性问题研究的21篇硕士论文和79篇重要期刊文献进行系统归纳和评述,并对该研究领域中存在的问题及发展趋势进行大致描述,可以为将来的研究提供启发和借鉴。  相似文献   
基于多维尺度分析和文献共被引分析对Web of Science引文索引数据库中近5年来女性研究领域的7101篇文献的研究热点和知识基础进行分析的结果表明,该领域的研究热点主要聚为5大类别,分别是女性主义研究、性别研究、女性社会研究、女性暴力研究、女性心理研究,其中性别研究居于核心位置,将其他部分有机结合了起来。该领域的知识基础中包含13篇关键文献,较好地代表了该领域的发展水平。  相似文献   
继承性与民族性是中国特色哲学社会科学的首要特点。通过解析什么是女性学的学科继承性与民族性,分析坚持女性学继承性与民族性的学科意义与现实价值、存在的问题及其主要成因,并在这些基础上进一步提出体现中国女性学继承性与民族性的对策思路,具有重要理论和实践价值。  相似文献   
在我国立法层面逐步建立非法证据排除制度的背景下,非法证据排除制度能否发挥预期的效果仍取决于在司法实务中的贯彻落实情况。通过分析W市法院近三年启动非法证据排除程序的实际情况,我们发现实务中仍存在对非法证据的范围认识不统一、刑讯逼供、疲劳审讯等非法方法的界定不明确、重复自白是否可采具有争议、程序性情况说明尚普遍存在等问题。在司法实务中正确贯彻落实非法证据排除规则,实现对非法取证行为的一般预防功能,首先需要转变重实体轻程序的传统观念,树立实体正义与程序正义并重的新观念,同时要着眼于我国刑事诉讼的现状,避免非法证据排除泛化。在具体操作上,要严格落实证明责任倒置原则,对控辩双方在非法证据排除程序中实行不同层次的证明标准,辩方提供的线索或材料只需达到“存在非法取证的可能性”这样较低程度的证明标准即可,控方的举证则需达到“排除合理怀疑”这样较高程度的证明标准。对于有辩护人的案件,尽量保证在庭前会议中最大可能地解决非法证据排除问题,避免不具备准入资格的非法证据进入庭审,在法官主持下,控辩双方在庭前会议中达成的协议应当具有约束力。  相似文献   
Responsible research and innovation, or RRI, is a concept that aims to bring together society and science for a better future. There are six key elements of RRI: public engagement, gender equality, science education, open access, ethics and governance. Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation (HEIRRI) project aimed to bring the concept of RRI into the educational system. Using state-of-the-art review of good practices, HEIRRI team developed 10 training programmes on RRI for different higher education institution educational levels, including a summer school and a massive open online course (MOOC). We conducted pilot of the trainings and evaluated participants' experiences. Satisfaction with HEIRRI training programmes on responsible research and innovation was high, both for participants and for the trainers, and trainings raised awareness of RRI. Participants' feedback was used to identify areas that need improvement and provided for recommendations for final versions of the HEIRRI training programmes. In order to equip researchers with skills to recognize and apply RRI values, RRI should be included in their education. HEIRRI training is suitable for a range of different disciplines, including forensic science, and is free to use and adjust for specific contexts (available from: https://rri-tools.eu/heirri-training-programmes).  相似文献   
The randomized control trial and pre/post research designs are commonly used in applied research and provide common standards for mediation evaluation research. These approaches have many benefits, particularly for evaluating whether mediation as an experimental intervention works or not. Scholars and practitioners, however, want to know not only whether mediation can work as expected but also how it works in a range of real‐world contexts over time. In these contexts, ideal experimental conditions are less likely to occur. Challenges include such circumstances as the following: the number of cases suitable for statistical comparison is insufficient; researchers lack control over how mediation is implemented; researchers lack clear, objective variables to measure; and the variability of mediation outcomes when studied over time makes it difficult to draw conclusions about them. My research has involved each of these challenges, and I have used ethnographic research as a way to evaluate mediation in these contexts. In this article, I explain ethnographic methods and present two studies as examples of mediation evaluation research that began with a standard program evaluation design, and then incorporated ethnography to allow more complete data collection and analysis. My purpose here is not to argue that experimental methods in mediation evaluation research should be displaced but rather to demonstrate how ethnographic methods can be used when the conditions necessary for standard evaluation cannot be met. The two studies used as examples are from an elder mediation study in Ghana and a family court mediation study in the United States.  相似文献   
For all of the time, effort, and money invested in child custody evaluation (CCE) and for all of evaluators' emphases on collecting empirically sound data, CCE is not itself an empirically robust process. The reliability, validity, efficacy, and efficiency of CCE has never yet been adequately demonstrated. The science has yet even to define and measure the variables that constitute a healthy family, much less how one is to measure and recommend changes for conflicted systems in the midst of tectonic transitions. This article proposes five ways in which family law professionals and the culture at large should work to better serve the needs of our children: (1) the establishment of proactive parenting and co-parenting education intended to diminish the frequency and magnitude of family conflict and improve the quality of child and family functioning; (2) the introduction of organized incentives that motivate healthy parenting and co-parenting practices as opposed to negative consequences that do too-little, too-late; (3) a greater emphasis on social equity, cultural humility, and universal professional training; (4) the creation of ethical guidelines that disconnect continuing conflict from professional income; and (5) outcome research that feeds back into the evolution of these and related processes.  相似文献   
法制现代化是人类社会法律文明的成长与变革过程,这场意义深远的历史性变革首先肇始于西方。西方法制现代化作为原生的内发型法制现代化,由于它反映了法律文明发展的世界性这一共同规律,因而成为全球法制现代化运动的先导。  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,中国共产党三代领导集体对社会主义所有制结构理论进行了不断探索。以毛泽东为核心的第一代领导集体,对新民主主义和社会主义的所有制结构提出了一些设想,在总体上把单一公有制看成是现实社会主义的基本特征;以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体,认为公有制为主体是必须坚持的社会主义基本原则,确认了公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的所有制结构;以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体,深化了对社会主义公有制经济的认识,把公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展确定为我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,进一步丰富和发展了马克思主义所有制理论。  相似文献   
中西部地区长期以资源换增长的传统经济“赶超”战略的实践结果令人忧虑。必须选择人与自然和谐为基础的绿色发展新路。这是从实践反思、理论启迪和顺应国家优化国土开发格局战略新变化,破解中西部地区产业发展的“低端锁定”困局和重化工业结构与生态脆弱矛盾作出的必然选择。  相似文献   
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