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改革开放后,邓小平对中国近现代史多有论述,解决了当时思想理论界面临的重大问题。邓小平这些论述体现了正确把握自鸦片战争以来中国历史发展的主题、主线,从历史中吸取营养、增加智慧、获取力量等特点。邓小平关于中国近现代史的论述,堪称运用历史解决现实问题的典范。  相似文献   
卡多佐对司法过程的理解以逻辑的方法为起点,关注司法中逻辑一致性,特别是普通法中”遵循先例“原则对司法平等与司法信仰的重要作用;历史与习惯的方法帮助法官解决逻辑思维的僵硬;社会学的司法方法运用客观的解释原则,探寻社会福利的现实意涵,赋予法官裁量权的同时也限制裁判者的恣意,最终通过发现与形塑的方法帮助法律成长.法律本质上就是一种过程.  相似文献   
青年发展关系到青年的成长和人的全面发展。在目前阶段应处理好四个关系。一是物质与精神的关系,应超越高出生存的物质享受向精神享受转变,以伟大的思想解除功利的束缚,对生命有独特的领悟。一是个人与社会的关系,理解权利与义务提高个人的公民素质促进社会的发展,并成为世界公民。一是主客体的关系,努力形成自我意思具有创新的思维能力,使有限的生命焕发出无限的光彩。一是心理和生理的关系,有一个强健的身体迎接未来的挑战。  相似文献   
Generosity is the thought that comes to mind after hearing and later reading the five studies first presented at a symposium in Toronto (2 October 2008) and published here in this issue of Nationalities Papers. My colleagues, who span the disciplines of history, literary criticism, and political science, have been generous with the time they spent in composing their essays and then traveling to Toronto to deliver them in person, and they have been particularly generous in conveying a spirit of constructive criticism and self-reflection that represent the best aspects of our common intellectual enterprise. To each of you – George G. Grabowicz, Taras Kuzio (who initiated this symposium), Serhii Plokhy, Alexender J. Motyl, and Dominique Arel – I express my deep appreciation for your generosity of mind and spirit.  相似文献   
Blast trauma results from highly variable events that can lead to similar effects in the skeleton. Clinical literature, which largely focuses on soft tissue, provides limited efficacy for interpreting fully skeletonized cases. Interpretation of skeletal blast trauma is hampered by the low number of fully skeletonized case studies and experimental replication studies, which mainly use nonhuman proxies. The purpose of this study is to discuss fracture patterns on two individuals from WWII as a means to better understand and identify fracture patterns associated with blast trauma. Existing clinical and anthropological criteria are reviewed and applied to two World War II cases, both presumed to exhibit blast trauma based on historical contexts. These case studies exhibit combinations of complicated and extensive signs of blunt-force and projectile trauma, reflecting the diversity of skeletal trauma resulting from blast-related events. This analysis emphasizes the arguably impossible task of establishing a diagnosis based on the available literature and lack of prior knowledge about specific losses. Ultimately, analysts must consider the totality of skeletal trauma, combining biomechanical theory and relevant clinical and anthropological literature to arrive at useful yet defensible assessments of trauma. However, refined criteria and additional studies are needed to assess complicated trauma from blast-related events in anthropological contexts.  相似文献   
In the 1980s, Central America became the Cold War's centre stage as Western solidarity committees rushed to shine a global spotlight on the region's revolutionary movements. Drawing on archival research and activist testimony, this article explores the uncharted European solidarity movement with Guatemala (1979–1996) and its transnational structural weaknesses. Additionally, this contribution aims to revisit recent transnational approaches to solidarity movements that highlight the purposive role of actors of the Global South in generating and shaping solidarity. Instead, it argues that restricted political spaces severely constrained Guatemalan agency domestically, affecting the strategies and tactics deployed on the international front.  相似文献   
唐代,是中华法律文化的鼎盛时期。以律、令、格、式为表现形式的法律体系发达、完善;以《永徽律》等为核心的法典,条文简洁、规定明确、逻辑完整;以《唐律疏议》为代表的律疏,对法典的制定过程、立法宗旨、基本内涵、条文沿革、法意法理和实施要求,注疏详尽、阐述透彻、通俗易懂;法律体系在现实生活中的贯彻实施也比较充分、有效。而光辉灿烂的唐代法律文化,并不是有唐一朝的产物,而是从夏商周以来华夏大地上各个时代各个民族法律知识、法律智慧叠加的成果。以此千年发展线索为契入点,对唐代中华法律文化的民族元素进行梳理,阐述多民族共同创造中华法律文化的精神,在当下建设中国特色社会主义法治国家中的文化意义和历史价值,具有突出的理论价值和重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
当今资本主义世界的普遍富裕社会状态以及通向这一状态的路径是存在巨大风险的。必须指出,如果看不到西方发达国家普遍富裕与我国共同富裕的本质区别,就极易将共同富裕与普遍富裕混为一谈,满足于将“反贫困、反不均”导向普遍富裕(包括手段和结果状态),进而不知不觉地在意识形态上犯“右”的错误;反之,如果看不到两者的共通之处,把两者绝对地对立起来,视其为一种绝对的排异排斥关系,则极易犯“左”的错误,阻碍反贫困事业的进一步发展。既能看到两者具有本质区别,又能看到两者包含着差异性的共通之处,才是完整的合乎事实本来面目的合理认知。在社会主义商品经济条件下,劳动的力量在总体上处于主导的支配地位,它将通过政治的(人民国家)、经济的(公有制)、社会的(文化和道德的意识形态力量)方式或支配或节制或约束或影响资本(包括公有的、私有的)的行为方式,进而摒弃资本主义商品经济的局限性,超越普遍富裕的局限性,实现共同富裕。当然,说在社会主义商品经济条件下,将实现共同富裕,还只是从可能性上讲的,要将这种可能性转变成现实性,还必须在遵循商品经济的一般规律、不断解放和发展生产力的基础上,永不停顿地构建、孕育、发展人民性,以充盈的人民性为基础、为导向构建和发展共同富裕社会状态。  相似文献   
Bad History     
If history is a sort of radar for the ship of state, then the machine has broken down, just at the point where Gordon Brown, trained as a historian, takes over control. Caught up in the best-seller business, popularised on TV, it has come to reflect metropolitan commercial drives, the obsessions of The Hitler Channel or the 'publish or be damned' ethos of the Research Assessment Exercise. Fashionable discourses about identity and postmodern consumerism, and the palsied traditions of Fogeydomboth remote from the basic business of getting, spending and governing-may offer a niche-marketing future, but are more likely to speed the vessel towards the rocks.  相似文献   
医患双方因医疗行为发生纠纷诉至人民法院后,对病历中存在改动、添加的痕迹,医方和患方会持截然相反的观点。医院认为这是正常的修改,对医疗行为的正确性没有影响。而患方会认为,这是医疗行为错误或违反卫生法律法规给患者带来损害后,医方为逃避承担责任,而采取的补救措施,是篡改病历,掩饰自己的过错。这样的证据摆在法官面前,无论法官作出怎样的内心确认,法院作出怎样的裁判,都可能使一方甚至双方内心永远留着痛。  相似文献   
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