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处在全国禁毒前沿的云南公安机关在总结 10多年来禁吸戒毒工作经验中由基层首创、并进行试点的基础上 ,走出了一条“外循环”转“内循环” ,实行劳动康复管理模式的禁吸戒毒工作新路子。自 2 0 0 1年全省推行对吸毒人员的收戒方式“外转内”以来 ,实践证明 :工作开展好的地方 ,通过全员收戒吸毒人员 ,实现社会面上无吸毒人员的目标 ,就能够遏制社会面上的毒品需求 ,有利于逐年减少吸毒人员 ,为创建“无毒县市”、“无毒乡镇”、“无毒社区”奠定良好的基础 ,促进整个禁毒斗争的顺利开展。  相似文献   
指标体系设计是地方政府整体绩效评价中的关键问题及核心内容.本文以广州市与深圳市为例,首先基于独立第三方立场和公众满意度导向,作为层次分析法特例设计指标体系并运用到两市政府整体绩效评价中,然后与两市体制内考核评价体系进行了比较,论文就指标体系及实施过程存在问题与改进方向展开了讨论.  相似文献   
Lobby groups face direct competition from each other, yet the level of competition they face varies and depends on the political issue area they compete in. This article investigates the question, how these differing intensities of competition affect the lobbying behavior of interest organizations. Based on data stemming from a survey among Swiss and German interest groups, this article establishes that the intensity of competition among lobby groups positively influences both directly lobbying politicians (inside lobbying) but also exercising influence indirectly via the media and the public (outside lobbying). Yet it is also demonstrated that the inside lobbying benefits more strongly from higher competition levels, hence interest organizations look for ways to directly influence politicians first when they are faced with stiffer competition.  相似文献   
Advertorials are a form of outside lobbying that organized interests use to influence policymakers and attentive publics. It is apparent from their popularity that organized interests consider them to be an effective form of political communication. This article analyzes 2,805 organized interest advertorials that appeared on the lower right quadrant of The New York Times op-ed page from 1985 to 1998. Advertorials take two broad forms: (a) image advertorials, which are paid messages by organized interests designed to create a favorable climate of opinion, and (b) advocacy advertorials, which are sponsored messages intended to win support for an interest's viewpoints on controversial issues. Typologies of advertorials (11 categories), organized interests (21 categories), corporate and noncorporate economic interests (29 categories), and policy content (28 categories) are used to document annually and over time who is sponsoring advertorials, what types of advertorials are being used, what interests avail themselves of advertorial campaigns, which issue areas are receiving attention, what images and policy messages are being communicated, which organizations sponsor the most advertorials, and the timing of such political advertising campaigns. We find over time an increasing number of advertorials, an increasing number and diversity of sponsoring interest organizations, an increasing trend toward advocacy advertorials, a continuing but declining sponsorship dominance by corporate interests, a shifting policy issue emphasis that corresponds to events in the political environment, and evidence that organized interests employ a variety of sponsorship strategies.  相似文献   
新的历史时期中国面临新一轮的对外开放,加入WTO虽然会对中国的一些行业带来冲击,但最为关键的是,WTO的基本规则与我国对外开放的目标根本一致,中国加入WTO,将使对外开放的进程不可逆转。通过学习和运用统一的国际市场经济规则,制定新的对外开放战略,中国的对外开放将得到进一步的推动。  相似文献   
李玫 《贵州民族研究》2007,27(4):114-117
因为历史及居住环境等因素,作为少数民族文化的体现和载体者,在漫长的历史长河中逐渐形成的本民族文化的封闭性、保守性,体现在本民族妇女身上仍然十分突出,极大地影响了她们自身素质的提高,延缓了现代化进程。要改变目前这种状况,必须通过外界的新文化、新思想,来消除少数民族妇女自身障碍,这是促使她们能够自觉地改变旧有观念,进而提高自身素质的关键;是促使其个体健康发展继而融入到人力资源优势整体中的关键;也是建立新型农村、塑造新型农民,让弱势群体共享社会成果,构建和谐社会、向现代化积极迈进的关键。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代中期以来,顾客至上、绩效管理与公共部门管理绩效的外部评价在西方政府管理实践中被广泛接受;而作为城市公共管理绩效外部评价形式的政府满意度评价,在我国同样也已经得到实际应用并引起广泛关注.通过对杭州市和美国桑尼维尔市政府满意度评价的典型案例比较,揭示了两者组织管理过程以及效果的差异,并从中引申出关于完善我国城市公共管理绩效外部评价的有益启示.  相似文献   
构建上海现代社区警务机制,用科学的发展观来探索、思考新时期警务工作的框架、模式, 当务之急应把握处理好传统与现代、投入与产出、数量与质量、突击与长效、份内与份外、作为与偏为等关系,才能保证上海现代警务机制的顺利构建。  相似文献   
公司治理机制可分为两类:一类是委托人的主动监督(激励),一类是出资者的退出威胁.当主动监督方式由公有资产代理人执行时,由于产权残缺的影响,最好利用退出威胁,让市场这支"看不见的手"来约束内部人.对私人企业来说,由于私人产权的完整性可以施加有效的激励与约束,并且对经营者的主动监督是不可或缺的,因此由私人股东运用主动监督(激励)机制是必要且有效的.  相似文献   
腾冲县地处西南边陲 ,边境线长达 14 8 0 75公里 ,无天然屏障 ,有 12条公路 ,2 7条民间小道直通缅甸。近几年来 ,腾冲县在深入开展禁种禁吸和积极创建“无毒社区”活动的同时 ,动员各方面积极因素 ,大力开展境外替代种植工程。以公安为龙头 ,农业部门为基础 ,边防武警、海关、商检等和社会各种力量参与 ,形成一体化的替代种植实体。对缅甸克钦邦自治区实行技术支持 ,无偿援助等方式 ,以粮食、经济作物替代罂粟种植 ,取得了较好的效果  相似文献   
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