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区域集团化的原因在于:经济全球化和各国国内经济发展之间的矛盾运动;追求市场多元化,克服对单一市场的过度依赖;获得政治竞争优势.关税同盟理论表明,区域集团的贸易创造效应可能对世界经济发展有利,贸易转移效应可能对世界经济发展不利;大市场理论表明,区域集团能够促使规模经济形成,加剧竞争,提高管理和刺激技术发展,增进区域内直接投资;奥尔森的理论表明,区域集团会对成员国的各种特殊利益集团形成约束,促进各国经济效率的提高.区域集团化发展给我们的启示是:应以国家长期利益为重,树立均胜观;加强对内开放;加强与周边国家或地区的合作.  相似文献   
王彬  褚晓琳 《桂海论丛》2004,20(5):62-65
米尔恩人权哲学通过对先验人权观的批判,以低度道德作为其权利体系的理论起点,这有利于消除人权国际保护中的政治化趋向;低限人权概念是米尔恩人权哲学体系的理论内核,它在人权国际立法中具有可操作性,使人权国际保护从理论必然性走向了现实可能性;普遍人权命题是米尔恩人权哲学体系的理论诉求,普遍人权命题意味着人权主体的普遍性和人权标准的普遍性,并调和了不同人权价值的对立,从而为人权国际保护的对话提供了理论平台。  相似文献   
儒家仁学与普遍伦理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
儒学是世界上少有的几个历史悠久、积蕴丰厚、影响巨大的思想化体系之一,它可以与基督教化、伊斯兰教化、印度教与佛教化相并立。儒家仁学,也可称为仁爱通和之学,是儒学的精华,最具有普世性,它可以为人类普遍伦理提供重要的思想基础。仁爱之心是一铆道德行为的基石,培养爱心,扩充爱心,是建设道德明的基础性工程,建设普遍伦理最紧迫、最因难的任务是将爱心扩充到全人类。儒家强调“四海之内皆兄弟”,视天下犹一家,人类只有具备了此种情感和意识,普遍伦理建设才能顺利进行。同样,通和之学用之于道德,便要求打破以部为空的狭隘性,淡化族群仇恨心理,实现真正的博爱。总之,儒家仁学,包括它的仁爱通和之学,会为普遍伦理的建设提供有价值的理念。  相似文献   
面对当下社会矛盾重重、国人道德底线一再下滑的现状,人心改造工程是未竟之业。本文考察三位民国时期基督徒知识分子的墨耶对话,他们主张墨耶之爱能够为当时社会提供改造人心的精神动力,并以此实现民族复兴之大业。今天重新研究这些身为基督徒的知识分子对墨耶的比较研究,对当下改造人心,改善社会不良风气有着积极意义:墨耶之爱的价值内涵不仅对普通人具有道德示范作用,更要求领袖人才先改造自我,以身作则。  相似文献   
研究总结我国的普法教育,对进一步搞好普法教育工作,建设社会主义民主政治,有着重要意义。普法教育要坚持围绕党和国家的中心工作进行;要坚持学法和用法、普法和治理相结合;要坚持把法制教育和思想道德教育紧密结合起来;要坚持与领导干部带头学法、用法相结合;要坚持着眼于增强公民的法制观念。  相似文献   
Exposure to violence is a threat to the health and well-being of society, especially for children. Previous research on youth exposure to violence has focused primarily on the implications for victims or the treatment of the offenders. While some research has concentrated on the lived experience of the children subjected to violence, it has generally been defined within a specific domain such as domestic violence or bullying. Using student essays available from the “Do the Write Thing” (DtWT) Challenge, this research explored significant issues of violence as experienced by middle school children in southeast Texas. This research used a thematic approach for a qualitative analysis of 132 essays submitted during the 2015 school year. Essays were coded and categorized to identify major themes of how children describe their experience of violence and assign meaning to violence in their lives. Several themes within three domains (cognitive, social and moral) arose including the pervasiveness of violence, feelings of helplessness, and violence as “wrong.” Results indicate that students wrote most about personal experiences and how violence permeates their daily lives. Implications for practice and services to children are discussed.  相似文献   
本文认为,<闽南话漳腔辞典>(中华书局2007年版)是方言志、亦是民俗志著作;"以风俗解释方言,即以方言表现风俗"是方言学、亦是民俗学之道.本文从<闽南话漳腔辞典>收录的闽南方言俗语及其释义部分举例取证,描述或补述闽、台婚姻旧俗之若干情节,说明和证明闽、台两地民俗文化的共同性.  相似文献   
This article speaks of a debate in contemporary India: that surrounding the validity of enacting a civil code that applies uniformly to all communities and religions in the state. In certain feminist arguments, such a code is seen as possibly providing a sphere of rights to Indian women that is alternative to the rights – or wrongs – given to them by the plural religious laws, which form the basis of the civil law in India. India, however, is a heterogeneous polity, encompassing a diversity of cultures and religions, some dominant and others forming minorities. Given these differences, some critics see the feminist call for a Uniform Civil Code as an essentialist move that prioritises gender over other agendas and politics. They argue that the site of the ‚universal’ in this feminist move is a liberal site that inherently excludes marginalised Others and benefits the dominant subjects in India. In my article, I contest this critique and question whether the site of the universal and its authorial subject in postcolonial India is, in fact, an exclusionary liberal ruse of power. I draw insights from the history of the formation of the postcolonial nation-state in India to posit an experience of the state and the universal within it, which is alternative to the Western liberal model. The aim of this article is, therefore, not so much to debate the in/validity of a Uniform Civil Code, as to address certain contemporary post-structuralist critiques of the site of the universal in postcolonial India and posit a departure from them, based on perspectives drawn from history.  相似文献   
试析我国统一司法考试制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年我国将实行统一司法考试制度。国家统一司法考试制度是指国家通过立法的方式确立的司法考试资格、司法考试科目和内容、司法考试方式和组织机构及管理的一项国家司法制度。为了实现考试面前人人平等,建立一项完备的统一司法考试制度是十分必要的。  相似文献   
<周易>、<老子>都是儒道文化的元典,二书有关"道"、"器"关系的论析更是儒道文化中心的中心、关键的关键.<易>、<老>二书都是将宇宙三分的无形之道、有形之物、人为之器.它们一个对"器"是肯定的,一个对"器"是否定的;一个主张与自然并列,另外创造一个与自然同等辉煌的世界;一个主张向自然归依,实现与自然的兀然同化.  相似文献   
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