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论农村青年妇女的发展问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村青年妇女是当今社会一个相对弱势的边缘群体,逐步解决她们的发展问题,既可以缩小社会底层的人群数量,稳定社会生活,也可以为农业现代化提供高素质的劳动力,推动农村进步。这些制约农村青年妇女发展的因素,不仅涉及许多深层次的社会问题,而且也涉及深层次的心理问题,解决农村青年妇女发展问题需要一些新对策。  相似文献   
"三农问题"首先是一个政治问题,但从法治社会角度而言,"三农问题"同时是一个法律问题,而且是一个社会法问题.私法仅就农民利益问题寻求救济,而国家行为对市民社会亦难以作为,故"三农问题"由于牵涉到社会整体利益,应归于第三法域--社会法调整范畴.以社会法视角,可从降低农业人口、农村城市化和农民教育三方面,审视我国当前"三农问题".  相似文献   
法律与逻辑——对法律与逻辑关系的一种全面解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要对法律与逻辑关系进行了全面的探讨。对逻辑学和法学之间交叉性的一些问题进行了回顾和总结。首先,探讨了什么是“法律逻辑”,并重点介绍了我国学者较陌生的“规范逻辑”,将两者进行了比较;其次,对法理学和逻辑学都关心的“法律推理”问题进行了探讨,比较了“法律推理”和“司法推理”两者的异同,以及两大法系“法律推理”的特点和差异;最后,对饱受批判的“法律形式主义”进行了研究,指出应当辩证地看待“法律形式主义”的功与过。最后,作者结合我国的实际,认为:我们不能借口反对“法律形式主义”而忽视和否定逻辑在法律领域中的作用。  相似文献   
简述江泽民的"三农"思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石明 《学理论》2009,(4):34-35
江泽民同志对做好农业、农村、农民工作提出了一系列重要论述,深刻理解江泽民同志的“三农”思想,对于我们在新世纪新阶段进一步做好“三农”工作,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   
我国农业对我国来说不仅是基础行业,解决了几亿人的就业问题,也是我国粮食安全的保障,因此说农业是我国的生命产业。目前我国农业的现状是小农经济普遍,难以应用现代高科技技术,无法形成现代化、产业化;基础设施严重落后,有些地区甚至还是靠天吃饭,一遇到大的自然灾害,就歉收甚至绝收,农业生产极不稳定。因此单靠农业本身积累资金发展是相当困难的必须由国家进行大规模投入。为了实现我国财政对农业投资,促进农业增长方式的转变,本文建议应采取一些有力的措施来加以保障。  相似文献   
中俄农业台作前景广阔——中俄农业十大互补性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中俄两国农业具有广泛的互补性:(1)俄土地资源丰富,中国人均土地资源较少;(2)俄出现人口危机,农业劳动力资源匮乏,中国农业劳动力资源丰富;(3)俄近期是中国农机产品的广阔市场;(4)中国将长期进口俄罗斯钾肥;(5)明日的俄罗斯可能成为中国的粮仓;(6)俄将是中国园艺产品的长期市场;(7)俄是中国传统的茶叶市场;(8)俄将是中国猪肉和禽肉的主要出口市场;(9)中国将是俄罗斯牛肉和乳制品的主要出口市场;(10)中俄双方农业科技各具优势,互补互利,加强合作,可促进两国农业经济共同繁荣。中俄农业有着坚实的合作基础和美好的合作前景。目前中俄农业合作仍然存在一些限制因素,但是只要中俄双方都从战略协作伙伴关系的大局着想,从中俄睦邻世代友好的长远利益着想,这些问题都会在不断合作与理解的过程中逐步得到解决。  相似文献   
Abstract — This paper focuses on SERNAM, the state institution responsible for the incorporation of gender into public policy in Chile, and the actions taken by the state to benefit women employed in the modern agricultural sector. It charts the emergence of the demands for such an institution by the women's movement, and the creation of SERNAM as an integral part of the transition to democracy. In particular, the paper analyses the Programme for the Children of the Temporeras , which is a unique state-led initiative to provide childcare facilities to enable women to enter the seasonal labour market during the summer months. The paper explores the complex relations between gender, the state, capitalist agriculture and patriarchal structures, with the aim of highlighting the sometimes unexpected convergence of interests, and the points of conflict.  相似文献   
必要措施是"通知-删除"规则实现制度价值的关键环节,其在"通知-删除"规则的发展过程中发生了明显变化:措施种类从简单删除升级为综合性必要措施,同时通过司法审判逐步增加了对必要措施的及时性和合理性要求。这些变化使必要措施更加完善,但也由此带来措施种类恣意增加,网络服务提供者注意义务加重及自治空间不明确等隐忧。面对这些问题,需要进一步厘清必要措施的价值定位,根据比例原则分层级制定必要措施的实施意见,同时为网络服务提供者预留自治空间,充分发挥其自治能力。  相似文献   
The literature on social justice, and social justice movements themselves, routinely ignore nonhuman animals as legitimate subjects of social justice. Yet, as with other social justice movements, the contemporary animal liberation movement has as its focus the elimination of institutional and systemic domination and oppression. In this paper, I explicate the philosophical and theoretical foundations of the contemporary animal rights movement, and situate it within the framework of social justice. I argue that those committed to social justice – to minimizing violence, exploitation, domination, objectification, and oppression – are equally obligated to consider the interests of all sentient beings, not only those of human beings.  相似文献   
There have been periodic electronic news media reports of potential bioterrorism-related incidents involving unknown substances (often referred to as “white powder”) since the 2001 intentional dissemination of Bacillus anthracis through the U.S. Postal System. This study reviewed the number of unknown “white powder” incidents reported online by the electronic news media and compared them with unknown “white powder” incidents reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during a 2-year period from June 1, 2009 and May 31, 2011. Results identified 297 electronic news media reports, 538 CDC reports, and 384 FBI reports of unknown “white powder.” This study showed different unknown “white powder” incidents captured by each of the three sources. However, the authors could not determine the public health implications of this discordance.  相似文献   
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