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iPad案中判断白手套交易是否存在欺诈,关键在于隐瞒买方真实身份是否违背了诚实信用原则。有关诚实信用的教义分析显然没有能力解决这一问题。有效的替代进路是对不同裁判方案的可能后果进行经济分析。白手套做法的正当性在于隐瞒相关信息有助于抑制敲竹杠、降低谈判费用、促成有效率的交易。  相似文献   
《Women & Performance》2012,22(1):47-66
This essay argues that Sarah Bernhardt's choice to play young male roles late in her career served as a radically anti-agist feminist response to the limiting and often demeaning professional and social opportunities afforded aging women. While scholarship has attended to Bernhardt's cross-dress roles through the lens of gender, this essay highlights her “breeches” roles, in particular Hamlet and L’Aiglon as cross-age and cross-gender. By examining “aging” as the contextual mode by which gender functioned, we open up new terrain with which to examine and appreciate Bernhardt's significance in the scope of theatre history, women's history and aging studies. In the title roles of Hamlet and L’Aiglon, Berhnardt assumed youth and male-ness on stage, which both highlighted her offstage socially perceived deficits (aged and female) and challenged the designation of those identities as deficient; performance threw into flux what had been assumed static. And the public responded. Far from honoring the assumed cultural hetero-normative contract that aging women acquiesce public visibility, Bernhardt's breeches roles (re)constructed her body as female (from aging/sexless) and demanded audience members’, male and female, desiring gaze.  相似文献   
This article examines the fine art of the Soviet national republics and its discourse in the Soviet Union, which were considerably shaped under the influence of socialist realism and Soviet nationality policy. While examining the central categories of Soviet artistic discourse such as the “national form,” “national distinctness,” and “tradition,” as well as cultural and scientific institutions responsible for the image of art of non-Russian nationalities, the author reveals the existence of a number of colonial features and discursive and institutional practices that foster a cultural divide between Russian and non-Russian culture and contribute to the marginalization of art. Special attention is paid to the implications of this discursive shaping for the local artistic scene in Buryatia.  相似文献   
As the founder of the basic research paradigm on “writing as a vehicle of Values” in modern China, Guo Shaoyu established a tri-partite notion consisting of “writing to conform to values”, “writing as a vehicle of values” and “writing to illustrate values”, and this practice has influenced several generations of scholars. However, his approach, which draws heavily on Western literary theory, cannot reveal the original meaning of “writing as a vehicle of values” due to its failure to consider its features and the fact that this notion came into being as a result of “literature miscellaneous”. It is necessary to return to the notion on the ontological level so as to better understand the uniqueness of classical Chinese ideology resulting from China experience which, in turn, is made possible only by Chinese actualities.  相似文献   
High-quality digital three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of microscopic findings have been used in anatomical and histopathologic research, but their use in forensic pathology may also be of interest. This paper presents an application of these methods to better characterize the pathway of a stab wound of the anterior surface of the heart in a case of suicide. A portion of the heart wall including the stab wound was serially sectioned for microscopic analysis along the full extent of the wound. Histologic sections were digitally acquired, and a 3D reconstruction was created with ImageJ software for 3D computer graphics. This showed a full-thickness wound path extending to the endocardial surface of the left ventricle, curvilinear in appearance. After correction for shrinkage, 3D reconstruction allowed estimation of the dimensions of the myocardial injury and comparison of the appearance of the wound with the suspected knife used. The curvilinear appearance was considered to reflect injury during myocardial contraction. Complete microscopic sectioning and 3D reconstruction may allow virtual sectioning through various orientations and also provide useful forensic information for selected injuries.  相似文献   
数字货币是以区块链技术为支撑并以电子化方式记录的,不代表实质商品或货物,发行者亦没有兑现实物义务的通货.按照数字货币是否由有权机关发行可以将数字货币分为法定数字货币和非法定数字货币.法定数字货币的法律属性为货币,非法定数字货币通常简称为数字货币,其虽然可以在功能上满足货币的交易媒介要求,但在法律属性上不构成法定货币.按...  相似文献   
自2015年全面选派“第一书记”驻村扶贫以来,“第一书记”是活跃在精准扶贫工作中的主要力量,在加强基层组织、助力精准扶贫、推动精准脱贫、提升治理水平等方面成效显著。建立“第一书记”扶贫长效机制事关贫困地区脱贫目标的精准实现,事关全面建成小康社会总体目标的最终完成。因此,全面分析并掌握驻村“第一书记”的概念和相关政策,从选派驻村“第一书记”主体角度和制度角度梳理学界有关“第一书记”扶贫长效机制的动态,并在此基础上分析其存在的不足,就未来研究角度进行展望,具有非常重要的价值。  相似文献   
"从东亚病夫到站起来的伟大历史飞跃"包括:新民主主义革命的成功,建立了新中国,确立了中国共产党的领导和执政地位,确立了人民民主专政,"中国人从此站立起来了";社会主义革命和建设的成功,确立了社会主义制度,中国人不但"在世界上站起来,而且站住了"。改革开放新时期,我国以经济建设为中心,大力发展社会主义生产力,实现"富起来"。中国特色社会主义新时代,我国将建设成为社会主义现代化强国,实现中华民族伟大复兴,实现"强起来",社会主义初级阶段结束。党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线,既是对党的奋斗历程的历史叙述,又是逻辑叙述。"从站起来、富起来到强起来"是历史叙述,也是逻辑叙述,可以说是对党的基本路线的形象概括。  相似文献   
随着计算机网络技术的不断普及和发展,虚拟社会已经成为人类社会的一个重要活动场所,为了进一步规范虚拟社会的秩序,文章深入剖析了由虚拟社会引发社会安全隐患问题,并提出具有建设性意义的三种应对措施,即建立实名制上网制度、备案举报制度、网上巡逻制度。  相似文献   
唐文标早年颇具现代色彩的新诗创作中,就已潜藏着对现代主义抽象的超越、救赎精神的疑虑反思,并隐约可见现实关切、社会实践等思想特质,这为其后来参与“保钓”等左翼实践并最终与现代诗彻底决裂,埋下了思想的种子。在经受20世纪60年代后期欧美社会运动和“保钓”运动洗礼后,他将左翼的精神和理想带至台湾,其对现代诗的发难重新激起台湾思想文化上的左翼现实批判精神。因此,联系唐文标早期的现代诗创作活动,全面考察其左翼文学思想的发展历程,才能更深入把握左翼革命理想中激荡的种种对现实、历史、民族的深切寄托。  相似文献   
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