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虚拟研究开发中保护知识产权的协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟研究开发是虚拟企业概念渗透于科学研究的一种模式。由于不确定多数的参与主体、技术信息的共享、网络环境的复杂性等特点 ,以协议来保护虚拟研发中涉及的知识产权是一种贴切反应虚拟合作要求、成本较低的防患于未然的积极方法。本文将合同法原理与虚拟研发特点相结合 ,试图设计可供借鉴的虚拟研发协议范本 ,其内容主要包括 :参与主体、标的、认证条款、保密条款、风险承担、知识产权确认与分享等 1 3个条款。  相似文献   
马克思关于资本主义和社会主义经济发展的理论,在我国资本市场的发展中是值得借鉴和发展的,没有价值的虚拟资本在资本主义国家发展中起到了至关重要的作用。在我国现阶段随着有价证券、期货等虚拟资本的出现,金融市场出现前所未有的繁荣,但是由于市场规则滞后,这种繁荣的背后隐藏着许多不规范,因此带来了很多风险漏洞,因此我们需要研究马克思关于资本主义的发展和虚拟资本在资本主义阶段成败的经验,以便为社会主义市场经济的健康发展寻找一个正确的方向,保证我国资本市场健康稳步的发展。  相似文献   
Photographic surveying is fundamental to crime scene investigation. It is performed using 2D images; however, this method is limited because it does not offer a detailed view. We present a 3D (three‐dimensional) experimental model that has clarified unsolved aspects of a homicide. A woman was found dead in her home. Considering the large number of injuries on the victim, signs of the use of two weapons, and the absence of traces of the killer/s, several hypotheses about the dynamics and the number of offenders were made. The forensic surveys suggested that a single offender had used two weapons at the same time, but this hypothesis was considered to be impossible by investigators. Our 3D model allowed us to experimentally reproduce the murder and compare various dynamics. The model was used as evidence in Court to prove the hypothesis of a single killer and demonstrate that no other people were involved.  相似文献   
When analyzing DNA from exploded pipe bombs, quantities are often in trace amounts, making DNA typing extremely difficult. Amplifying minute amounts of DNA can cause stochastic effects resulting in partial or uninterpretable profiles. Therefore, the initial DNA collection from “touch” evidence must be optimized to maximize the amount of DNA available for analysis.This proof-of-concept study evaluated two different swab types with two direct amplification strategies to identify the most effective method for recovering DNA from common pipe bomb substrates. PVC and steel pipes, electrical tape, and copper wire spiked with epithelial cells were swabbed with cotton or microFLOQ® Direct Swabs and amplified directly or via a pre-treatment prior to STR amplification.Not only was the microFLOQ® Direct Swab protocol the quickest method with the least risk of contamination, but in combination with direct amplification, the microFLOQ® Direct Swabs also generated the most complete STR profiles.  相似文献   
随着互联网经济的发展,利用计算机非法获取虚拟财产行为的社会危害性日益凸显。虚拟财产是一种电磁数据存储的网络信息,且需要借助于计算机或其他智能设备,以图像、声音等方式被感知,不具有实体的形态,然而其具备作为物存在的特定性和独立性,故虚拟财产是一种无体物。虚拟财产能否作为财产犯罪的对象,应当从法秩序统一的立场出发,寻求民事法律的规定。因虚拟财产具有价值且为无体物,将其解释为《物权法》的权利客体没有超出法条语词可能的含义。我国财产犯罪的对象——财物的范围包含了无体物,故物权性质的虚拟财产能够作为财产犯罪的对象。对非法获取虚拟财产的行为进行分类,类型化地讨论有助于更好地保护虚拟财产。  相似文献   
The transition from 2D imaging to 3D scanning in the discipline of firearms and toolmark analysis is likely to provide examiners an unprecedented view of microscopic surface topography. The digital examination of measured 3D surface topographies has been referred to as virtual microscopy (VM). The approach offers several potential advantages over traditional comparison microscopy. Like any new analytic method, VM must be validated prior to its use in a crime laboratory. This paper describes one of the first validation studies of virtual microscopy. Fifty‐six participants at fifteen laboratories used virtual microscopic tools to complete two proficiency‐style tests for cartridge case identification. All participating trained examiners correctly reported 100% of the identifications (known matches) while reporting no false positives. The VM tools also allowed examiners to annotate compared surfaces. These annotations provide insight into the types of marked utilized in comparative analysis. Overall, the results of the study demonstrate that trained examiners can successfully use virtual microscopy to conduct firearms toolmark examination and support the use of the technology in the crime laboratory.  相似文献   
作为一种文化精神与品格,士人之“清”有着丰富的内涵和鲜明的精神气质:个人生活的清俭、为人修养的清白、为官的清正、为政的清明。清俭、清白是古代士人对君子人格及道德操守的追求与坚守,它更多的是一种个人的内省与自律。清正、清明则是从政和处世的一种精神品格,本质上是一份责任与担当。士人的“清”使他们的人生价值达到了新的高度,同时也成就并丰富了中国廉政文化的品格与内涵。  相似文献   
机关事务管理改革与创新是放管服改革在政府内部的开展,也是放管服改革进一步推进的必然要求。在放管服改革深入过程中,县乡基层政府面临职责加重、政务事权加量、基层政府与公务员任务翻倍的情况,机关事务管理尤其是基层机关事务管理的管理体制、服务结构、管理模式、管理格局、保障水平面临挑战。基层机关事务管理改革需要通过职能定位、权力配置与机构设置、运行规则和法律保障等多路径进行创新,使之与放管服改革相配套。推进基层机关事务管理的法制化、规范化、社会化、信息化、专业化、标准化对于确保放管服改革落到实处、避免腐败和提高基层公务员士气具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Editor’s Note     
Envisioning a well-ordered society composed of filial subjects who obeyed the law, avoided disputes, shunned religious heresy, paid their taxes, and peacefully engaged in agriculture, the Kangxi emperor’s “Sacred Edict of Sixteen Maxims” (圣谕十六条) has often been considered a declaration of the alien Qing dynasty’s Confucian bona fides. While the rhetoric of the pronouncement echoed traditional moral values, the political acumen of the Qing rulers was readily apparent in the eighth maxim, “explain the laws to warn the ignorant and obstinate.” Melding moral and legal education, the eighth maxim specifically endorsed the efficacy of the law. The importance placed on legal knowledge was abundantly clear in one of the earliest commentaries, which explained all sixteen maxims with examples of applicable legal guidelines. Thus, the “Sacred Edict” was a shrewd maneuver that endorsed traditional moral values, but it also foreshadowed a “legislative turn” in the Qing rule that was discernible in the evolving ethos of criminal justice. Despite the extensive efforts to propagate the “Sacred Edict,” violent crime was on the rise in the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong reigns. When transformation through moral “teaching and cultivation” (jiaoyang 教养) failed to alleviate social conflict, Qing rulers reconsidered and revised the established practice of criminal justice and the existing concept of criminal behavior. By the end of the eighteenth century, the effort to stem the tide of violent crime relied less on ideological exhortation and more on legislation that articulated harsh punishments. This “legislative turn” in Qing criminal justice resulted in an aggressive policy of deterrence that facilitated the greater use of capital punishment.  相似文献   
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