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赵庆平 《春秋》2010,(2):60-61
高大强.一个从事欧洲优质产区葡萄酒研究的资深专家.一位以“三分酒七分情”酿出幸福生活的艺术家.为我们诠释葡萄酒带来的个性文化与独特魅力。  相似文献   
韩美林没有必要作出一副愁眉苦脸的样子,更没有必要到处去诉苦。人生就只有这么一次,应该将内心的这种愁苦转化为艺术创作的动力,从中获得乐趣。  相似文献   
<正>2006年12月,张世鹏作品《荷塘清趣》被中南海紫光阁作为国礼收藏。《荷塘清趣》花则莲中,出淤泥而不染,配以虾群嬉戏,可谓心在乡野,典雅清新;而行笔用色间,或疾或慢,疏野自然。张世鹏者,当代虾神也。故拜许麟庐先生为师,系齐白石再传弟子。字舞龙,号半通道人,堂号三余斋。艺精于勤而传于神,名闻于书画  相似文献   
苑迪整理 《中国减灾》2010,(2):F0003-F0003
2009年2月13日,第52届世界新闻摄影比赛评选结果在荷兰阿姆斯特丹揭晓。美国记者安东尼·苏奥的一幅反映美国经济危机的黑白照片荣获比赛最高奖“年度最佳新闻照片奖”。包括新华社记者在内的7名中国记者在本次大赛中获得3项一等奖、3项二等奖和1项三等奖。反映北京奥运会和汶川大地震的照片在获奖作品中占据了一定比例。  相似文献   
赵辉 《台声》2010,(4):60-63
作为近现代台湾最知名也是最具影响力的艺术家之一,杨英风成长于大时代的变动之下,人生历程更是横跨海峡两岸。他生于台湾宜兰.少年时期曾在北京居住求学,之后足迹遍及东京、罗马等地.最后终老于台湾。杨英风毕生致力于东西文化之融合。发展中国现代艺术精华,其作品涵盖版画、速写、水墨、油画、摄影、漫画、镭射、美术设计、奖座设计、雕塑、景观规划,早期作品的人文主义风格.到后期以现代主义的抽象组合,杨英风的作品中独具意味的中国式思维,令人印象深刻。  相似文献   
THE field of Chinese installation art was ignited by a single event: a one-man show at the National Art Museum in Beijing staged in the 1980s by American artist Robert Rauschenberg. In the following three decades many Chinese artists plunged headlong into the practice and development of this cuckoo art form, winning the admiration of established art circles and the public at large. The installation genre employs a wide variety of media and art forms - painting, sculpture, architecture, music, theater, poetry, prose, film, photography, and audio and visual recording; its lack of restrictions means "almost anything on hand can be turned into art by inspired installation artists, including the "viewers" themselves.  相似文献   
BEFORE leaving to begin his studies in the U.S. in 1997, the prodigy Lang Lang, 15, gave a solo piano concert in Shanghai. In the city that has bred a galaxy of renowned artists, the lad was greeted with instant recognition and mass adoration. The theater was fully packed for the farewell-for-now performance, and extra seats were set up in the aisles.  相似文献   
FOR Chinese-American artist Chen Jinfang (Chen Tsing-fang), painting is the work of head, heart and guts. He is determined to create 100 works depicting the Shanghai World Expo, an artistic legacy of the great event. Although now 75 years old, he lies awake at night thinking about his compositions. "Once an inspiration strikes, I have to get to work immediately," he says. He bought 70 advance admission tickets, and goes to the Expo Park every few days, sometimes just for the afternoon, sometimes from morning till night.  相似文献   
谷子 《新民周刊》2012,(49):91-91
《电场:超越超现实——法国蓬皮杜中心藏品展》于12月15日在上海当代艺术博物馆七楼开幕了,这个来中国大陆的首次展览将延续至明年的3月15日。法国蓬皮杜中心藏有6000余位艺术家创作的近8万件作品,居世界现当代艺术品收藏首列,围绕超现实主义先锋派的藏品是蓬皮杜馆藏的瑰宝之一。  相似文献   
广而告知《检察风云》真诚地邀请您给我们带来生活中每一处细微的感动,点滴的温馨,把您的快乐与美好通过2011年"欢乐谷"杯"衣食住行——乐"摄影大赛一同与我们、与所有人分享。衣:个人之美,有趣,搞笑,凸显您个性的服饰之美。食:三餐之美,把您精致,享受的食物带给我们,原创小菜更受青睐。住:建筑之美,灵动的建筑,古韵的宅门或您家庭中富有创意的家居设计。行:"行走"之美,旅行的方式有很多种,您是坐火车,还是搭飞机,抑或是徒步、骑行,把您的交通方式与旅途中美丽的风景带给我们。  相似文献   
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