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This article contests the misconception that the Hall of Memory of the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, represents an irreligious space. While accommodating the expectations of a post-secular society, this belief fails to recognise the influence of Christianity upon the generation that experienced World War I and developed the memorial practices that arose in response to it. Veteran-artist M. Napier Waller embedded complex religious symbolism in the scheme of three windows he designed and executed for the hall. Drawing on his individual experience of battle, personal philosophy of art and the medieval customs of his forebears, Waller told the story of Australia’s experience of the war and aligned a nation’s sacrifice with that of Christ: His Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension are symbolised in the south, west and east windows, respectively. The inclusion of a nurse was central to Waller’s plans and required he manipulate the men creating the memorial to achieve his goal. In doing so, he neutralised the greatest threat to his vision: its founder, Charles Bean, and located a woman of many identities—a Martial Madonna—as the heart of national sacrifice in Australia’s premier war memorial.  相似文献   
This article surveys the current law in various states as well as the Model Rules of Professional Conduct regarding whether a mediator‐lawyer may draft a settlement agreement at the conclusion of a mediation. It includes a look at the traditional boundaries between a lawyer and a mediator and concludes with a recommendation on how California should approach whether a mediator‐lawyer should be allowed to draft a settlement agreement for parties at the conclusion of a mediation.  相似文献   
修改后的律师法,扩大了执业律师在刑事诉讼活动中的权利,从理论上解决了律师执业中"会见难"、"阅卷难"和"调查取证难"的三大难题.从立法机关的立法理念上来讲,这次律师法修改,是一种刑事诉讼理念上的进步,赋予了律师与司法机关在刑事诉讼中更加平等的权利,给予了律师以充分的法律信任,表明律师的政治地位和法律待遇在不断提高,他们将在刑事诉讼中发挥越来越大的作用.  相似文献   
律师执业豁免权是一项十分重要的的权利,可以保障当事人的人权,促进司法公正,保证律师更好地履行其职责,也有利于审判方式的改革。修订后的律师法规定了律师享有庭审言论豁免权,意义十分重大,应该完善相关立法,扩大律师执业豁免权的内容,并强化律师管理、完善律师惩戒制度,防止律师滥用执业豁免权。  相似文献   
L'étude des réformes de l'administration et des institutions publiques suisses a considérablement délaissé la problématique des conséquences des changements sur le terrain et surtout n'a pas analysé le vécu des acteurs administratifs de base. Notre étude vise, au niveau analytique, à rendre compte du vécu des réformes à l'échelon des «petits fonctionnaires»; sur un plan méthodologique, une enquête de nature ethnographique est introduite pour étudier ce questionnement. Notre enquête sur la réforme de l'armée suisse «Armée XXI» sert d'illustration. Si notre démarche permet de parvenir à des résultats intéressants sur les conséquences et le vécu de cette réforme, elle comporte également des enjeux empiriques spécifiques articulés autour de la question centrale de la relation du chercheur à son terrain. Au final, une microsociologie ethnographique du vécu des réformes par les acteurs de base nous semble susceptible de contribuer à un enrichissement de la recherche sur les transformations récentes des institutions publiques en Suisse.  相似文献   
军队律师应该介入部队重大经济活动,提供法律事务服务,切实履行军队律师的职责。要不断健全和完善军队律师介入部队重大经济活动的机制。  相似文献   
第二次西园寺公望内阁时的"增师"问题,不仅导致了西园寺内阁的垮台,也成为第一次护宪运动的导火索。文章主要分析政友会支持的首相西园寺公望和以元老山县有朋为靠山的陆军围绕这一问题所展开的较量。通过探讨内阁、军部、元老等各势力间的博弈状况,从中管窥大正民主运动前夕日本政界主要政治势力间的矛盾斗争。  相似文献   

In the early twentieth century, Beijing's Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) stood as a prominent symbol of Western medical science and education in China. After the People's Republic of China was established in 1949, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) took control of the College between 1952 and 1956.This article argues that the endurance of PUMC as an institute of scientific, Western biomedicine in China was largely contingent upon reforms that the PLA instituted there. Drawing on Chinese accounts, as well as the observations of North American and European physicians, it asserts that political campaigns under Army leadership vehemently attacked American influences on the College but avoided direct criticisms of Western medical science itself. This dynamic politically legitimized the Western medical education that the College embodied. It also permitted PUMC to contribute to the development of Chinese military medicine, suggesting a significant connection between civilian and military medical education in the early People's Republic.  相似文献   
浅析红军团结改造神兵的历史经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地革命战争时期,活跃在湘鄂川黔边区的神兵有几十万之众。红军在创建湘鄂边、湘鄂川黔革命根据地的同时,依据党的统一战线理论和民族政策,对神兵实行团结改造的政策,取得良好的效果,争取数千神兵参加红军,使神兵成为红军的主要兵源之一,神兵为红军的壮大和根据地建设作出了贡献。  相似文献   
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