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举报投诉人原告资格问题是行政诉讼理论和实践争议的焦点。《行诉解释》第12条第5项认可了投诉人的原告资格,但在理论和实践中仍存在较大的争议,需要梳理并回应。就保护规范理论而言,在实体法和程序法没有规定主观公权利的前提下,诉讼法及其司法解释也可以赋予投诉人原告资格,并可以据此推导出与原告资格相对应的主观公权利;就保护必要性而言,第5项中合法权益的规范功能能够替代保护必要性的适用;就投诉人的定位而言,第5项与司法实践存在冲突,建议将第5项对投诉人的定位由其他利害关系人改为行政相对人。  相似文献   
The quality of deliberative conversations are dependent on citizens compliance with deliberative norms yet there is a lack of methods to assess norm compliance in discussions. Here, the psychological construct of complexity of thinking is claimed to conceptually correspond to the deliberative conversational ideal and adopted as a measurement of deliberative norm compliance. The hypothesis that citizens' complexity of thinking increases as a result of participation in deliberative conversations was tested in a minipublic case study in Sweden. Participants' complexity of thinking was assessed before and after deliberation by responding to an open‐ended question about the topic of debate. Manual coding was used to rate participants integrative complexity. The result confirms the hypothesis, which serves as an indicator of deliberative quality. The study also demonstrates that women get higher increases in complexity, as do highly agreeable individuals and those who hold more liberal views. The findings demonstrate the potential usefulness of integrative complexity as a measurement of deliberative quality.  相似文献   
“经济人”的理论的缺陷,导致了“社会人”的行为科学的产生,威廉.大内的《Z理论》就是在这样的背景下产生的,其理论既有局限性又有优点,应用其方法对中国的企业文化进行探讨是一个较好的途径。  相似文献   
行政指导在性质上实际是一种具有弱权力、准强制性的服务性行政行为。行政指导的性质决定着行政指导具有被行政主体违法行使而侵害行政相对人合法权益的可能,完全具有诉讼的必要性和可行性,国外在这方面已经作了有益的探索。我国应当尽快完善相关立法,明确将行政指导纳入行政诉讼的受案范围,以充分保护行政相对人的合法权益。  相似文献   
政党规范是关于政党的各种规范的总称,其核心问题是如何有效进行政党治理、维护政党政治秩序、促进民主政治发展。政党规范主要包括法律规范、社会规范、内部规范。这三种形式的政党规范既有一定的联系,在价值追求、形式特点、效力范围、实现方式方面又有明显区别。在当今世界,政党政治的复杂性、系统性、多样性,决定了仅靠任何一种规范都难以有效地进行政党治理;只有把政党规范作为一个体系、树立系统的政党治理观,既加强立法、依靠法律来匡正政党行为,也加强政治伦理建设、用伦理秩序来匡扶人心,还要加强政党内部建设、整合党内秩序,做到德法相济、内外相济、各种政党规范相协调,才能构建合理的政党政治秩序、促进民主政治发展。  相似文献   
警犬技术作为我国公安刑事技术的重要组成部分在公安工作中发挥了不可替代的作用,具有技术装备和武器装备的双重特性.在实际工作中,由于缺少警犬技术方面的立法规范,致使许多袭击警犬和警犬误用的行为得不到有效地规范,从而出现了警犬损伤和无辜群众受到损害的现象.  相似文献   
Victims who express less emotion in response to a crime are perceived as less deserving, less sympathetic, and they have less punishment assigned to the offender who committed the crime. This study considers the extent to which emotion norms underlie perceptions of victims who testify. Two studies investigate the circumstances in which emotional reactions to a crime are seen as "unusual" and whether a more general emotion norm underlies responses to victim testimony. We test a "victim-role" norm against a "proportionality" norm by crossing the severity of victim's emotional response (severe or mild) with the seriousness of a crime (serious or less serious). Results across two studies lend greater support to the notion that people expect victims to match the intensity of their emotional response to the seriousness of the event (i.e., a proportionality rule), although we also find instances in which expectations of the victim are not strong. Gender of the victim exhibited small and contingent effects. We discuss the relevance of emotion norms to legal settings.  相似文献   
惩罚的问题本来属于刑法学中的一个古老问题。但是,它背后所包含着的意蕴在法制史上的不同阶段是不同的。在现代社会,法律的惩罚是针对人的社会性方面而作出的,在直接的意义上,它不能被简单地理解为教育,更不能被看作一种社会性的报复,而是一种以隔离措施为手段的行为禁制。对惩罚问题的历史性考察,可以发现现代法律改造的基本原则,那就是全部立法活动应当基于人的社会生命来进行。  相似文献   
"一带一路"倡议是中国特色社会主义进入新时代对外开放的重大抉择,旨在形成陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的开放格局,推进中华民族从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大复兴进程,成为构建人类命运共同体的实践平台。七年来,"一带一路"建设已经完成顶层设计的"大写意",正在绘制聚焦重点和项目建设的"工笔画",在政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通等"五通"方面成就卓著,并形成一系列合作理念和机制规范,推动沿线国家优势互补,联动发展。"一带一路"建设作为一项涵盖经济贸易、政治外交、人文交流等诸多领域的系统工程,在中国特色大国外交保驾护航下,构建国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,打造健康丝绸之路以推进全球公共卫生平台建设,并展现出美好前景。  相似文献   
伪造、变造金融票证罪的罪质特征从根本上决定了伪造空白信用卡实质上是伪造信用卡的预备行为,在现有的立法框架下对于伪造空白信用卡的行为可酌情依刑法第177条之一第一款的规定定罪处刑.对于一定严重程度的预备行为不宜按实行行为处理,《信用卡解释》第1条第二款的规定并不妥当.  相似文献   
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