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加强对警察的管理,必须从完善警察自身的素质上下功夫。警察身上所内含的德性在警察管理的过程中蕴涵着重大的价值,应成为警察管理的又一新方向;警察德性建构的价值取向应是对人权的信仰、对法律的忠诚和对公正的维护;而警察管理中德性的养成则可以在他律和自律的逻辑中建构。  相似文献   
交通管理信息化建设和应用,是整个公安系统信息化工作的重要组成部分,具有涉及面广、信息量大、信息变化快、重要性强等特点。制约交警信息化建设和应用工作的因素仍然存在。交警部门要抓住当前"三基"工程建设的有利时机,加强信息化建设,推动基层基础工作,为交通管理和民警执法提供科技服务,从而实现在信息化主导下交通管理模式的转变。  相似文献   
当前,基层公安队伍最需要塑造的"亮剑"精神是"胸怀人民、忠诚敬业的信念;精诚团结、和谐凝聚的作风;主动进取、迎难而上的胆略;坚韧执着、锲而不舍的毅力;专注于心、踏实有为的品质".塑造"亮剑"精神是一项长期性、系统性、基础性工程,必须立足新的时代背景和基层公安具体实践,以建机制、出实招为突破口,围绕"引导、训练、规范、凝聚"八个字,综合运用多维塑造法,持之以恒、不断完善,才能形成和强化这一精神优势,为基层公安工作注入持久的动力和活力.  相似文献   
针对基层派出所防范管理主业还未完全凸显,基础工作信息体系还未完全构筑,群防群治网络还未合理严谨的问题,应通过着力推进社区治安巡访机制,强化情报信息和人口管理意识,以构建群防群治网络,严密基层的阵地控制,整治治安问题突出地区,继而调整管理防范的薄弱部位,实施新型社区警务战略。  相似文献   
我国社会组织参与社会管理的现实性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放后,我国社会结构发生变化,国家社会由一体化向二重化发展,社会呈现多样化,政府在社会管理中覆盖面窄、手段僵硬、效率低下的特点已不能适应现代社会的发展,急需转变社会管理方式。新时期下的社会组织获得蓬勃发展,它自主、自律、民间、灵活、高效、贴近基层的特点能够弥补市场和政府在公共领域的不足,符合我国政府职能转变的要求,将社会组织引入社会管理,能够实现政府和社会资源配置的最优化,最大程度地保障公民权益。  相似文献   
There have been a number of initiatives in Africa to rid the Continent of political instability, conflict, poverty and disease. Many have argued that aid from the West has helped Africa in many ways—from stopping wars, to food relief and rescuing the African environment. Yet others have slated Western involvement which they contend, frequently leaves Africans dependant rather than capable of solving their own problems. In line with the pan-Africanist and the African Union (AU) ideals, there is now a realisation by Africans that there is a need to find African solutions to African challenges and problems. This review article explores the University of South Africa’s (Unisa’s) Management of Democratic Elections in Africa (MDEA) programme, by looking at its objectives and the reason why it must be labelled a Programme, its mandate, which is in line with the brief of the AU and pan-Africanist ideals. The article focuses on how Unisa’s programme responds to the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG); and how it has attempted to facilitate knowledge for peace in Africa, through empowering electoral officials from various African states. The article concludes by looking at the successes and limitations of the Programme over a five-year period, from its inception in 2011.  相似文献   
近几年,各地公安机关陆续推出许多“累死”在平凡而繁忙的工作岗位上的普通基层民警作为宣传典型,并把这些典型当作公安队伍建设的“成绩”。但是宣传这些典型的同时也暴露出公安基层队伍管理的诸多弊端和漏洞。  相似文献   
“三权分置”是中央农村土地制度改革的重大决策部署。《民法典(草案)》近日公开征求意见,将于2020年3月提交全国人大审议通过。其在“物权编”简单移植了《农村土地承包法》土地经营权的个别条文,解决了土地经营权定性不明的问题,但使《农村土地承包法》的逻辑紊乱、利益失衡、无法放活经营权等问题进一步固化、显化,亟待作出实质性修改。其进一步修改应以实现“放活经营权”改革目标为基本遵循,坚守“物债二分”基本理论,充分尊重中国实际,切实维护农民利益。  相似文献   
本文基于上海市五个大型居住社区(以下简称"大居")的问卷调查与实地走访,梳理了上海"大居"现有就业机会、服务资源的配置情况以及居民需求状况。调查显示,上海"大居"在社区商业设施配套、公共交通设施、文体娱乐活动、物业管理服务以及教育资源等公共服务配套方面仍存在供需失衡问题,尚不能满足居民更高层次的需求。因而,要通过加快优质公共服务资源的导入,扭转"大居"弱势群体集聚的薄弱态势,推动人口结构优化,带动市场化资源的注入,培育"大居"社区内生增长动力,将"大居"建成多阶层、多群体共荣共享的高品质社区。  相似文献   
In countries like Russia, where legal institutions providing political accountability and protection of property rights are weak, some elite actors accept the use of violence as a tool in political and economic competition. The intensity of this violent exposure may vary depending on the position the province had had in the Soviet administrative hierarchy. The higher the province's position before 1991, the greater the intensity of business violence one is likely to observe there in post-communist times, because the Soviet collapse left a more gaping power vacuum and lack of working informal rules in regions with limited presence of traditional criminal organizations. Post-Soviet entrepreneurs also often find it worthwhile to run for office or financially back certain candidates in order to secure a privileged status and the ability to interpret the law in their favor. Businessmen-candidates themselves and their financial backers behind the scenes may become exposed to competitive pressures resulting in violence during election years, because their competitors may find it hard to secure their position in power through the existing legal or informal non-violent means. To test whether Soviet legacies and Provincial elections indeed cause spikes in commerce-motivated violence, this project relies on an original dataset of more than 6000 attacks involving business interests in 74 regions of Russia, in 1991–2010. The results show that only legislative elections cause increases in violence while there is no firm evidence that executive polls have a similar effect.  相似文献   
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