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党的各级领导干部要率风气之先、垂道德之范,成为社会主义荣辱观的模范实践者和积极推动者,努力做到"六个结合"树立社会主义荣辱观与加强道德修养相结合;树立社会主义荣辱观与坚定理想信念相结合;树立社会主义荣辱观与学习贯彻党章相结合;树立社会主义荣辱观与保持共产党员先进性相结合;树立社会主义荣辱观与加强作风建设相结合;坚持树立社会主义荣辱观与加强党风廉政建设相结合.  相似文献   
二十一世纪是信息时代。教育的历史告诉我们,教育的每次重大变革和发展都离不开科学技术,自上世纪九十年代以来,多媒体和计算机网络开始应用于教学,现在已成为现代教育的技术基础。充分利用以校园网为基础综合教育资源,建设具有现代教育思想、教育理念,掌握现代教育技术,适应21  相似文献   
建设专业化研究型高校纪检监察干部队伍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校纪检监察部门肩负党的纪律检查和行政监察职责,承担着党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的重要任务。要深入学习实践科学发展观,按照政治坚定、公正清廉、纪律严明、业务精通、作风优良的要求,建设勤廉型、学习型、专业型、研究型、创新型的纪检监察干部队伍。  相似文献   
Police investigation units represent a knowledge-intensive and time-critical environment. Knowledge sharing is a key process in investigations. In this paper, we present an empirical study of performance in police investigations. Police investigation units are defined as value shops, where primary detective work is performed. Knowledge sharing is found to have a significant influence on the police investigation value shop. Furthermore, this research suggests that knowledge sharing is influenced by occupational culture. Occupational culture is a reduced, selective, and task-based version of organizational culture that is shaped by the socially relevant worlds of policing occupation. Four dimensions of occupational culture were identified: team culture, planning culture, theoretical culture, and traditional culture. Only the extent of team culture was found to have a significant influence on the extent of knowledge sharing and performance in police investigations.  相似文献   
"满洲建设勤劳奉仕队"由日"满"共同推出,有青年队、女子队、学生队之分,是一项独立的移民侵略政策。从组织形式看,可分"长期勤劳奉仕队"和"短期勤劳奉仕队"。"长期勤劳奉仕队"包括"报国农场"、特设农场、米谷增产班等。此类人数较多,与一般农业移民无异。女子队属"长期勤劳奉仕队",但原则上是作为青年男子移民的配偶出现的。"短期勤劳奉仕队"时间较短,主要以学生为主,如医疗特技队、畜产指导队等。1942年后,"短期勤劳奉仕队"基本停止,伪满"勤劳奉公"运动则取而代之。"长期勤劳奉仕队"制度则坚定地向农业定居方向发展。  相似文献   
江泽民同志“三个代表”的思想是我们立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是加强农村干部队伍建设的行动指南。用“三个代表”的思想统揽农村工作,全面落实、身体力行“三个代表”思想,是我们面向新世纪,增强农村干部素质的坚定不移的指导思想。  相似文献   
This article briefly examines bureaucratic elitism in Bangladesh, which basically inherited a transformed version of the British colonial administrative legacy. With its distinctiveness as a special social group, the bureaucracy maintains itself as a subsystem with pronounced autonomy. The Administrative Cadre of the civil service preserves the elitist tradition in supportive political conditions. It virtually shields itself from other functional groups and its members occupy key positions in the governmental structure and wield tremendous power and authority over policy making. Indoctrination and training is its own preserve and highly politicised groups within it regulate civil service recruitment and placements. Within the Administrative Cadre, elite integration is strong, while there is wide differentiation between this group and other cadres. Reform attempts failed to make inroads into changing bureaucratic behaviour mainly due to resistance from the elitist cadre, which remains the dominant instrument of the political executive.  相似文献   
政府在医疗广告监管中的角色及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国医疗市场的开放,医疗行业竞争加剧,虚假违法医疗广告屡禁不止,对社会造成了很大的危害和不良影响。本文拟对政府部门在医疗广告监管中承担何种角色以及当前医疗广告政府监管体系存在的问题进行分析讨论,并提出相应的对策建议,以供商讨。  相似文献   
蔡天星 《政法学刊》2011,28(5):67-70
高罗佩"狄公案"系列小说是古与今、中和外碰撞交织的文化奇观,为我们提供了理想化传统式的很多典型案例,蕴藏着许多值得当代侦查学总结和借鉴的真知灼见。狄公将洪亮的忠、马荣乔泰的武、陶甘的才融为一体,注重团队智慧的通力合作;狄公团队注重现场、捕捉物证,深入民间、搜集信息,合理分析、证据串链,独具慧眼地处理客观证据;狄公经常设身处地、贴近当时情境、符合个性人心地主观推测和合理推理,剖析犯罪动机,揣摩犯罪心理。  相似文献   
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