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全面与永远的危机管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
第二次世界大战后 ,危机管理应运而生 ,成为一门新兴学科。危机的来源多种多样。危机、时机、契机、转机四者的关系 ,构成了现代危机管理的全套程序。世界各主要国家的危机管理机制都具有小核心、大范围的特征。中国自古以来就重视对危机的预防和管理 ,但与西方现代危机管理理论相比 ,尚未形成较完整的理论体系。总结中外危机管理的经验教训 ,对建立适合我国国情的危机应对机制是大有稗益的  相似文献   
突发公共卫生事件期间,谣言的蔓延既容易引发社会性恐慌,又有损于政府公信力,极大地影响了疫情的整体性治理。阻遏谣言不能简单依靠多元主体参与辟谣,而需要洞察谣言作为群体性无意识活动背后的社会心理诉求和意识形态表达。整理汇集2020新冠肺炎2003非典型肺炎1910东北鼠疫和1894粤港澳鼠疫期间流行的谣言,通过建立一个历史比较的框架,分析和解释重大疫情谣言规律性重现的原因,即谣言的产生是公众世界观秩序被扰乱后的慌忙重构、公众意识形态的集体具象化和公众渴望深度介入公共事务的表达。鉴于此,谣言的治理必须建立在对谣言随疫情变化规律的掌握上,设置预防性前置性的工作机制,综合运用多渠道多机制进行防治。  相似文献   
<中国-东盟自由贸易区服务贸易协议>实施后,中国与东盟的服务贸易发展迅速,并呈现出多元化的势头,随之而来的服务贸易领域中的争端也会增多并复杂化.为促进双方服务贸易的顺利开展,有必要对中国-东盟服务贸易争端解决机制做进一步的探讨.  相似文献   
新加坡政府创造性的建立了储蓄型医疗保险制度,取得了较好的效果。本文通过对新加坡保健储蓄计划、健保双全计划、乐龄保健计划和保健基金运行机制分析,发现新加坡医疗保障体系具有以个人负责作为制度设计总理念,精细化管理,体现公平正义理念,具有服务型社会治理内涵,进行积极调节,具有激励约束机制的特点。  相似文献   
论征收中“公共利益”界定的程序机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公益征收中公共利益的界定需要一种程序机制。程序论公共利益理论具有悠久的历史传统。公共利益界定的程序设计,首先要解决的是界定的主体问题,其次才涉及到具体程序机制的设计。公共利益之界定主体的选择是一个宪法分权问题,须由立法、行政、司法机关通力协作。我国公益征收法上公共利益界定的具体程序机制设计,必须解决好三个问题:一是把公共利益调查与审查作为征收决定做出前的一个独立程序阶段;二是把民主商谈确立为公益界定必须遵守的实质性程序原则;三是把公共利益听证确立为公益界定中必须遵循的一个程序环节。  相似文献   
本文从社会结构、建设主体、建设资源、乡村文化四个维度,提出了一个乡村建设的尝试性分析框架。通过梳理我国百年乡村建设的历史沿革及其主要特征,进而从乡村社会秩序的稳定性、基本公共服务供需平衡性、行政管理事项强度、乡村经济社会发展程度四个方面,对比分析了不同历史时期乡村建设的有效性。研究发现,新中国的成立是百年乡村建设的分水岭,乡村建设取得历史性成就的关键在于中国共产党的领导;改革开放和农业税费改革是新中国成立70多年乡村建设的两次转折点,为乡村建设带来的机遇与挑战并存;在新发展阶段,乡村振兴更需要在国家资源、权力下沉与乡村社会的自主治理之间寻求适当平衡。  相似文献   
中国共产党走过的100年光辉历程,是不断追求人民至上的价值理念和推进实干为要的奋斗本色双向互嵌的伟大历程。人民至上是中国共产党的核心价值理念,坚持人民至上是中国共产党的性质宗旨和初心使命的集中体现;实干为要是中国共产党始终不渝的奋斗本色,是践行人民至上价值理念的生动写照和品质凝练。作为使命型政党,中国共产党通过有效机制联结,基于人民至上的价值追求,通过理论武装与学习机制、推进工作运行机制、干部担当作为机制、共商共治共享机制,把依靠人民和服务人民有机结合,以实现全体人民美好生活需要为目标,不断推进革命、建设、改革取得辉煌成就;中国共产党人以实干为要为行动准则,坚持调查研究,坚持顶层设计与摸着石头过河相结合,坚持问题导向、目标导向与结果导向相结合,推进和保证人民至上的价值理念落到实处,并不断丰富和发展人民至上的时代内涵,赢得了人民的忠心拥护和爱戴。  相似文献   
This paper offers lessons from a three-year Test-bed project that tested systematic review practices developed by the Campbell Collaboration and the Cochrane Collaboration. Under the Test-bed project 14 systematic reviews were completed of interventions in crime prevention, social welfare, and education. (References to the products of these test-bed reviews are included in the reference list, preceded by an asterisk). Building on this experience, the authors recommend structuring future reviews around well-defined review topics more explicitly focused on particular interventions, and constraining literature search to evaluations of relevant interventions. Reviewers should analyze and report findings from RCTs separately from non-RCT studies and report on impact estimates in natural units, instead of relying solely on effect size metrics. Further, reviewers should report intent-to-treat estimates as the causally valid outcomes from RCTs. Analyses of impacts for treated sub-groups should be reported as non-experimental findings. More attention should be given to the minimum detectable effect a study can support, as well as any information on the possible costs and benefits of the intervention. Pooling results from studies of disparate interventions, populations, and contexts is not recommended. Meta-analysis should be reserved for homogeneous clusters of interventions studies. Forest plots are helpful for presenting study findings and confidence limits. However, simple bar charts preserve important information on the base levels for the outcomes. Finally reviewers should define a priori the minimum data set or required elements that allow study inclusion, and use this information systematically in making decisions about what evidence to admit into the review.  相似文献   
“孟中印缅”地区合作机制:推动因素与制约因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"孟中印缅论坛"已走过五年的探索历程,现已开始步入实质性阶段.随着相关国家经贸合作水平的提高和对区域机制建设的共识日益增强,该机制已逐渐由学术主导的"二轨"层面向政府决策和可行性操作的"一轨"层面靠拢.中国云南在其中发挥着重要的作用,中国与孟加拉国的经贸和通道建设合作为该机制提供了动力,印度的该地区跨国经济合作的认知也在发生积极的转变,并且该机制业已同其它地区、次区域经济合作产生互动关联.尽管如此,该机制的运作和深化仍面对某些不可忽视的挑战.  相似文献   
The international treaties for the protection of the ozone layer and the global climate are closely related. Not only has the Montreal Protocol for the protection of the ozone layer served as a useful example in developing the international climate regime, but policies pursued in both issue areas influence each other. This paper gives an overview of the many ways in which both treaty systems are linked functionally and politically. It investigates, in particular, the tension that has arisen with respect to the use of fluorinated greenhouse gases and the potential for drawing on the experience under the Montreal Protocol regarding data reporting and policy design on fluorinated greenhouse gases under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The potentials for enhancing synergy in these areas are explored, and related options discussed. Some initiatives for exploiting these potentials are already underway, aiming in particular at enhancing learning and exchanging of information. However, political choices concerning some of the issues willeventually need to be made, if action at the international level is to contribute to their solution.  相似文献   
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