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This paper presents a systematic review of the impact of police strategies to reduce illegal possession and carrying of firearms on gun crime, including directed patrols, monitoring of probationers and parolees, weapon reporting hotlines, and others. Four studies met the inclusion criteria, reporting a total of seven nonrandomized tests of directed patrols focused on gun carrying in three American cities (five tests) and two Colombian cities (two tests). Six of the seven tests (not all of which were independent) suggest that directed patrols reduced gun crime in high-crime places at high-risk times. However, conclusions and generalizations must be qualified based on the small number of studies, variability in study design and analytic strategy across the studies, preintervention differences between intervention and comparison areas, and limited data regarding factors such as implementation, crime displacement, and long-term impact.Although the protocol for this review was registered and approved by the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group (), this paper represents an independent effort of the authors and has not been reviewed by the Campbell Collaboration. Evan Mayo-Wilson conducted research for this project while he was Coordinator of the Campbell Crime and Justice Group at the University of Pennsylvania's Jerry Lee Center of Criminology and a student at the Fels Institute of Government.  相似文献   
Grave concerns with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) have increasingly surfaced in the international climate policy arena. The sectoral approaches described in this paper may be a way to address some of the shortcomings of this Kyoto mechanism. The paper outlines the criticisms that have been raised against the CDM as well as the conflicting interpretations of a sectoral approach and examines in how far it might resolve the mechanism’s perceived shortcomings. Furthermore, it outlines issues that need to be resolved when implementing a sectoral approach: distributing costs and benefits, defining the sector and its baseline, ensuring additionality and tackling procedural issues. A sectoral approach can enable countries to guide their structural development but it also opens up a gap between public and private investment that needs to be addressed before conflicts arise. Sectoral CDM activities may be able to lower transaction costs for projects that otherwise cannot compete in the CDM market and might even pave the way to sectoral greenhouse gas limitation targets in developing countries by establishing the necessary infrastructure for data collection. However, a sectoral CDM cannot be mistaken for a panacea. Some of the mechanism’s problems remain, which highlights the need to establish additional instruments to support Southern countries in furthering sustainable development and embarking on a low-emission trajectory.
Bettina WittnebenEmail:
The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, one of the key concepts of sustainable development, has dual grounding; the pressures developed countries place on the global environment; and the technologies and financial resources they command. Though the developed countries are reluctant to admit the first grounding, the developing countries have a strong leverage to induce the former to accept differentiated treatment in their favor.Thus, this principle has become to be reflected in some conventions in the field of environment and development. The reflection of this principle takes two forms: one is "double standards" in environmental protection standards as well as their implementation in favor of developing countries; and the other is assistance by developed countries for sustainable development of developing countries. At present, "double standards" seem to be inevitable, but, they must be temporary measures in view of the integral and interdependent nature of global environment. And, in order to overcome these "double standards", the attainment by developing countries of their sustainable development seems to be indispensable. In a substantial number of environmental conventions, developed country parties assume obligations to assist development country parties. However, these obligations are confirmed to "incremental costs" necessary for implementation of the convention concerned, and do not extent to assistance for sustainable development in general. Changing consumption and production patterns seems to be one of the most important aspects of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, since this concept takes issue, for the first time, with the pattern of development pursued by developed countries. However, this concept has much difficulties in translating into international legal terms.Though it may be difficult at present to characterize the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities to be a customary norm of international law, it is surely a basic principle of international law, and as such, may operate as a guiding principle for law-making, as well as for the interpretation and application of conventions in the field of environment and development.  相似文献   
网络的发展使我国政治安全机制的各个层面面临巨大冲击,主要表现是网络成员身份数字化、电子化,安全工作对象变得难以识别和掌握;网络使政府对信息的控制力下降,统一舆论难以再续;网络催生全球化理念的张扬,国家和民族意识趋于淡化;网络成为少数西方国家对我国进行"和平演变"的工具,防腐反侵难度加大;网络开辟了信息窃取和破坏的新途径,政治安全防范面临全新挑战.面对上述冲击,我们必须居安思危,未雨绸缪,在实践中不断探索和完善我国的政治安全机制.  相似文献   
错案追究制实际运行状况探析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我国法院系统推行错案追究制以来 ,虽然发挥了一定的积极作用 ,但它在实际运行中产生了种种迷误 ,并给审判工作带来了一系列负面影响 ,使得这项制度获得的总体评价是弊大于利 ,而且它也不具备完善的价值。因此 ,应当将错案追究制并入法官惩戒制 ,从而完善法官惩戒制度。  相似文献   
中国加入WTO与公务员制度的创新   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
WTO体系下的各国政府为了适应新的生存条件,先后对传统的公务员制度进行了创新。中国加入WTO后,中国的公务员制度也必然要面临着管理方式、制度化的发展方向、运行机制等诸多方面的严峻挑战。中国的公务员制度惟有在管理理念上实现由“权力导向型”向“市场导向型”的转型;从管理方式上完成由指令性管理转向“结果为本”的管理;在管理机制上大力推行竞争机制,才能将挑战的压力转化为制度创新的机遇。  相似文献   
建立健全教师激励机制,对提高教育质量和办学水平有重要作用,应根据市场经济的外界条件,现代化的工作目标和教师的心理需要、个人目标,建立与之相适应的激励机制。  相似文献   
依法执政与党内民主机制建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依法执政是新的历史条件下我党执政的一个基本方式。从本质上看,依法执政的内涵与党内民主建设是相契合的,因此,发展党内民主机制建设成为当前依法执政的一个重要、可行的途径。在新的历史条件下党内民主建设还存在若干问题,应通过保障落实和实施党内民主法规、制度的程序和具体措施,加强党内民主机制建设,实现依法执政。  相似文献   
美国风险投资业的发展及其借鉴   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
美国是风险投资的起源地,风险投资在美国经济发展中起了不可忽视的作用,美国风险投资之所以成功,主要在于美国有适宜风险投资的"生态环境"。我国风险投资起步晚且发展相对缓慢,笔者认为,我们必须借鉴美国风险投资发展进程中成功的经验,结合我国实际设计促进风险投资健康发展的制度体系。  相似文献   
党的历史方位的变化,要求拒腐防变工作必须进行制度创新。在推进依法治国基本方略的进程中开展反腐败斗争,应该把体制创新作为一项战略性任务来抓。法律监督机制能够在反腐斗争中发挥显著的功能,但由于诸多原因,我国当前的法律监督机制还存在着明显的缺陷和不足。针对这些缺陷和不足,在借鉴西方国家成功经验的基础上,本文提出,当前主要应该从两个环节来创新和完善我国拒腐防变的法律监督机制。  相似文献   
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