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The potential to use oral fluid as a drug-testing specimen has been the subject of considerable scientific interest. The ease with which specimens can be collected and the potential for oral fluid (OF) drug concentrations to reflect blood–drug concentrations make it a potentially valuable specimen in clinical as well as forensic settings. However, the possible effects of the OF collection process on drug detection and quantification has often been over looked. Several studies have documented that drug-contamination of the oral cavity may skew oral fluid/blood drug ratios and confound interpretation when drugs are smoked, insufflated or ingested orally. OF pH is predicted to have an effect on the concentration of drugs in OF. However, in a controlled clinical study, the effect of pH was less than that of collection technique. Mean codeine OF concentrations in specimens collected a non-stimulating control method were 3.6 times higher than those in OF collected after acidic stimulation. Mean codeine concentrations were 50% lower than control using mechanical stimulation and 77% of control using commercial collection devices.Several factors should be considered if a commercial OF collection device is used. In vitro collection experiments demonstrated that the mean collection volume varied between devices from 0.82 to 1.86 mL. The percentage of the collected volume that could be recovered from the device varied from 18% to 83%. In vitro experiments demonstrated considerable variation in the recovery of amphetamines (16–59%), opiates (33–50%), cocaine and benzoylecgonine (61–97%), carboxy-THC (0–53%) and PCP (9–56%). Less variation in collection volume, volume recovered and drug recovery was observed intra-device. The THC stability was evaluated in a common commercial collection protocol. Samples in the collection buffer were relatively stable for 6 weeks when stored frozen. However, stability was marginal under refrigerated conditions and poor at room temperature. Very little has been published on the efficacy of using IgG concentration, or any other endogenous marker, as a measure of OF specimen validity. Preliminary rinsing experiments with moderate (50 mL and 2 × 50 mL) volumes of water did not reduce the OF IgG concentration below proposed specimen validity criteria. In summary, obvious and more subtle variables in the OF collection may have pronounced effects on OF–drug concentrations. This has rarely been acknowledged in the literature, but should to be considered in OF drug testing, interpretation of OF–drug results and future research studies.  相似文献   
计算机信息网络环境给图书馆信息资源结构、馆藏资源获取方式及质量评价标准、信息资源的保障方式、馆藏文献购置经费等方面带来了深刻的影响。适应网络环境的变化,图书馆在馆藏发展中应该更新传统藏书观念,合理配置馆藏资源和网络资源,加强馆藏资源的特色化建设和分工协调,建立起信息资源的社会保障体系,加大对信息资源建设的投入,并努力提高图书馆工作人员的素质。  相似文献   
在混合交通条件下,人车碰撞事故极其容易发生,车速鉴定逐渐成为关注的焦点。现阶段,车速鉴定中存在许多难点。在借鉴前人相关研究成果的基础上,总结人车碰撞中车速鉴定的一般思路以及常用的计算公式,可以对人车碰撞交通事故现场勘查取证中的测量事项与相关参数的取值进行探讨。  相似文献   
黄维 《行政与法》2008,(1):90-92
在我国,行政公产仍然是一个学术意义上的概念,但行政公产作为行政的物的手段的意义正日益显现。文章在对大陆法系国家公产制度比较分析的基础上,指出:行政公产的理论内涵应当是指行政主体基于直接公共使用的目的而所有或管理的财产。行政公产的融通、公用征收等都严格受到一定目的和条件的限制。  相似文献   
公安民警英烈基金会的成立是公安工作和公安队伍建设史上的一件大事。要做好基金会的重要工作需要注意两个方面:一是以人为本,立足服务,科学把握抚恤工作的三个尺度;二是明确职责,拓展思路,充分发挥基金会发展的三种动力。  相似文献   
随着我国法制的健全和人权保障意识的增强,鉴定资料收集过程的控制问题已经引起理论界的关注。总体来看,我国比较注重鉴定的结果价值,即获取鉴定结论,这就使得制度设计上偏重于如何有效地运用鉴定结论,而忽视了对于鉴定资料收集过程的法律控制。与此相对的是,各国立法都对鉴定资料的收集过程作出法律规制。对鉴定资料收集过程予以完善的法律规制,有助于司法鉴定质量的提高,同时也是正确认定案件事实的保障。  相似文献   
档案作为一种信息的开发和利用日益受到当今社会的关注,收集是基础,服务是目的。  相似文献   
Estimating age at death is one of the most important aspects of creating a biological profile. Most adult age estimation methods were developed on North American skeletal collections from the early to mid‐20th century, and their applicability to modern populations has been questioned. In 2010, Hartnett used a modern skeletal collection from the Maricopia County Forensic Science Centre to revise the Suchey‐Brooks pubic symphysis method and the ??can et al. fourth rib methods. The current study tests Hartnett's revised methods as well as the original Suchey‐Brooks and ??can et al. methods on a modern sample from the William Bass Skeletal Collection (N = 313, mean age = 58.5, range 19–92). Results show that the Suchey‐Brooks and ??can et al. methods assign individuals to the correct phase 70.8% and 57.5% of the time compared with Hartnett's revised methods at 58.1% and 29.7%, respectively, with correctness scores based on one standard deviation of the mean rather than the entire age range. Accuracy and bias scores are significantly improved for Hartnett's revised pubic symphysis method and marginally better for Hartnett's revised fourth rib method, suggesting that the revised mean ages at death of Hartnett's phases better reflect this modern population. Overall, both Hartnett's revised methods are reliable age estimation methods. For the pubic symphysis, there are significant improvements in accuracy and bias scores, especially for older individuals; however, for the fourth rib, the results are comparable to the original ??can et al. methods, with some improvement for older individuals.  相似文献   
科技的进步和经济的发展,使得视频监控的应用领域越来越广泛,视频监控系统在防范和打击刑事犯罪活动方面的成效日益凸显,研究和掌握实践中行之有效的发现犯罪线索、收集犯罪证据和快速处置违法犯罪事件的途径和方法,可以大幅提高公安机关快速打击刑事犯罪的效率和提升社会治安综合治理的能力。  相似文献   
网上有关的犯罪信息可以帮助侦查部门破获相关的刑事案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人。可以通过搜集犯罪嫌疑人和被害人的上网行为、网络聊天记录、收发的电子邮件、网络游戏记录等九种方法进行网上犯罪信息的调查和搜集。  相似文献   
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