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Estimating age at death is one of the most important aspects of creating a biological profile. Most adult age estimation methods were developed on North American skeletal collections from the early to mid‐20th century, and their applicability to modern populations has been questioned. In 2010, Hartnett used a modern skeletal collection from the Maricopia County Forensic Science Centre to revise the Suchey‐Brooks pubic symphysis method and the ??can et al. fourth rib methods. The current study tests Hartnett's revised methods as well as the original Suchey‐Brooks and ??can et al. methods on a modern sample from the William Bass Skeletal Collection (N = 313, mean age = 58.5, range 19–92). Results show that the Suchey‐Brooks and ??can et al. methods assign individuals to the correct phase 70.8% and 57.5% of the time compared with Hartnett's revised methods at 58.1% and 29.7%, respectively, with correctness scores based on one standard deviation of the mean rather than the entire age range. Accuracy and bias scores are significantly improved for Hartnett's revised pubic symphysis method and marginally better for Hartnett's revised fourth rib method, suggesting that the revised mean ages at death of Hartnett's phases better reflect this modern population. Overall, both Hartnett's revised methods are reliable age estimation methods. For the pubic symphysis, there are significant improvements in accuracy and bias scores, especially for older individuals; however, for the fourth rib, the results are comparable to the original ??can et al. methods, with some improvement for older individuals.  相似文献   
科技的进步和经济的发展,使得视频监控的应用领域越来越广泛,视频监控系统在防范和打击刑事犯罪活动方面的成效日益凸显,研究和掌握实践中行之有效的发现犯罪线索、收集犯罪证据和快速处置违法犯罪事件的途径和方法,可以大幅提高公安机关快速打击刑事犯罪的效率和提升社会治安综合治理的能力。  相似文献   
网上有关的犯罪信息可以帮助侦查部门破获相关的刑事案件,抓获犯罪嫌疑人。可以通过搜集犯罪嫌疑人和被害人的上网行为、网络聊天记录、收发的电子邮件、网络游戏记录等九种方法进行网上犯罪信息的调查和搜集。  相似文献   
以历代中医药古籍中相关记载为依据,对红花名称、来源、产地、用途、采收炮制等内容进行系统考证,以期为红花资源的开发利用提供参考。红花以“红蓝花”之名首载于《金匮要略》,红花一名首见于《开宝本草》,历史上红花还有“黄蓝”之称。红花主流品种为菊科红花属植物红花Carthamus tinctorius L.,其栽培历史悠久,种植范围广泛,目前中国的主要产区有新疆、四川、云南等地。红花的花在中国古代主要用作染料,或入药用于治疗妇科疾病,红花的苗、种子或加工成的胭脂在历史上也曾有药用记载。历史上酒制红花曾为主流炮制方法,现在红花多以生品入药。  相似文献   
信访问题中维稳情报信息已经成为驾驭复杂严峻的社会治安环境、推进社会管理创新、维护社会稳定的有力保障。信访涉稳情报涉及的方面比较广泛,应该把握一定的原则,拓宽和畅通情报采集渠道,建立情报信息网络,并建立信访人员信息数据库,才能全面收集和掌握各类情报信息。  相似文献   
发展产业集群,应坚持产业集中、特色突出、产品优秀、信息化程度高、创新能力强的原则,充分发挥人力资源、中间产品、市场共享等低成本优势,更要协调好政府与企业、政府部门与部门、企业与企业之间的关系。  相似文献   
The Australian Child Support Agency is recognized as a world leader in the delivery of child support services. But the rapid growth in debt between 1998 and 2003 signaled a need to develop strategies to counter the growth in owed child support. A Debt Study was undertaken in late 2002 to establish the collectibility of debt by category of cases with debt, search for the most cost-effective methods of debt collection, and determine if other client and debt segmentation methods were warranted. The success of the Debt Study led to the implementation of the Intensive Debt Collection strategy in 2003–04.  相似文献   
本文对《妇女研究论丛》创刊20年来的栏目变化、刊文情况以及主题与内容进行分析,探讨中国妇女/性别研究进展。结论认为,中国妇女/性别研究经历了由浅入深、不断走向成熟的过程,学术性和实践价值都在不断增强。但仍需进一步加强妇女/性别研究的理论创新,加强有关妇女发展和性别平等的重大现实问题研究,加强妇女发展与性别平等法律与政策研究,促进中国妇女/性别学科建设。  相似文献   
本文结合《妇女研究论丛》“读书与思考”、“图书推介”栏目2000—2011年的统计数据,对该杂志的图书评介栏目进行了梳理和探析,多年来,该杂志在图书评介栏目方面进行了积极的探索,但还存在一些不足,如自然来稿比例低,所评图书的典型性有待提高、结构有待优化,编辑部与读者、潜在作者之间的良性互动有待加强,系统化、多层次的合作办刊机制需进一步完善等。建议进一步提高所评图书的典型性,优化图书评介的结构,增强与读者、潜在作者之间的沟通与互动,完善多层次、立体化的保障机制使包括图书评介在内的栏目进一步发挥活力。  相似文献   
刑事案件的现场一般会遗留有受害人及嫌疑人的DNA生物检材,要成功检验这些DNA检材并将其转化为证据,如何发现、提取DNA检材就显得至关重要.刑事案件中适合DNA检验的生物检材包括血液(痕)、精液(斑)、唾液(斑)、脱落上皮细胞、毛发、组织、骨骼等.  相似文献   
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