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目的研制一种人体工程全手掌纹捺印盒。方法根据人手骨骼解剖学特点 ,借鉴传统掌纹捺印盒构造原理 ,通过改变捺印盒的捺印面结构 ,使之成为符合人手生理结构的弧面结构 ,从而达到完整捺印的效果。结果捺印出完整清晰符合检验或存档要求的全手掌印。结论适用于手印样本的收集。  相似文献   
本文对《妇女研究论丛》创刊20年来的栏目变化、刊文情况以及主题与内容进行分析,探讨中国妇女/性别研究进展。结论认为,中国妇女/性别研究经历了由浅入深、不断走向成熟的过程,学术性和实践价值都在不断增强。但仍需进一步加强妇女/性别研究的理论创新,加强有关妇女发展和性别平等的重大现实问题研究,加强妇女发展与性别平等法律与政策研究,促进中国妇女/性别学科建设。  相似文献   
The most popular handgun in Brazil is the single round-barrel caliber 0.38 revolver. In recent years, however, owing to the modernization of police arms and their availability on the legal and illicit markets, pistols have become increasingly popular and currently represent about 20% of police seizures. In a previous paper we presented a novel collection method for gunshot residues (GSR) using a sampling procedure based on ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution as a complexing agent on moistened swabs with subsequent detection using sector field-high resolution-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (SF-HR-ICP-MS). In the present paper, we discuss the capability of this methodology to identify antimony (Sb), barium (Ba) and lead (Pb) on the hands of volunteers after shot tests with 9 mm and 0.40 in. caliber pistols. Two types of munitions were tested: 9 mm Taurus and clean range. The use of a technique with high sensitivity, such as SF-HR-ICP-MS, permits the identification of low concentrations (less than 1 microg/L) of metals in firearm residue and constitutes a powerful tool in forensic science. We also discuss the importance of the sampling procedure, including collection from a different body part than the gun hand of the suspect. Comparison of the analytical data obtained allows clear discrimination between samples from the hands of shooters and non-shooters.  相似文献   
新修订的《刑事诉讼法》对证据制度作了较大幅度的修订,对于进一步促进取证规范化具有重要的指导意义。《刑事诉讼法》修订对取证规范化的新要求,重新划分了证据种类,取证客体更趋合理化;规定了新的取证机关,取证主体更趋科技化;严格了非法证据排除,取证程序更趋严密化。取证规范化的发展趋势是突出取证过程中的人权保障,加强取证专业人才队伍建设,注重取证技术的标准化建设。  相似文献   
清人黄道泰所著《不自弃亭集》,目前海内外藏家已极稀罕。中国人民大学图书馆所藏该集,其诗文内容包括衣食住行、民俗民风、山川景色、花鸟禽鱼、思乡离愁、亲朋赠答、仕途经历、人生感悟等,并有涉及清前期台湾事务,同时留有前人墨笔校改和朱笔圈点,殊为难得,对研究清康熙、雍正年间福建、广东的地方民俗、文化等,均有其文学和历史价值。  相似文献   
包冰锋 《证据科学》2014,(5):578-587
在日本民事诉讼中,当事人为了准备主张或证明所必要的事项,可以向对方当事人提出书面照会,要求其在指定的适当期限内以书面作出回答,除非存在例外事由。当事人照会制度打破了德国、日本等大陆法系国家民事诉讼中当事人之间不经过法院不能直接向对方收集和了解与案件有关信息的传统做法,而是直接在当事人之间就诉讼上重要的事项交换信息成为可能。对于违反当事人照会法律效果的问题,日本法并未设置制裁措施,这也导致日本多数学者对于当事人照会制度的实效性提出质疑与批判。  相似文献   
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