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高菲 《政法学刊》2021,(1):123-129
经营者开展营业活动须经商事登记,取得商主体资格。但现实中,大量未登记的网络个体经营者却在从事营业活动,对现有强制登记主义和商主体资格认定标准提出了挑战。"证照分离"改革后,商事登记确认的是经营者的主体资格和一般经营资格,其目的在于获得公示公信效力,是商主体成立的对抗要件,而非成立要件,其实质是行政确认,而非行政许可。为适应网络交易的新趋势,我国应当完善商主体资格的认定标准,除商事登记外,还应当引入营业能力标准,将平台登记的作为商事登记的有益补充,进一步细化豁免登记的要求,承认未登记网络个体经营者的商主体资格。  相似文献   
商事习惯作为制定法之后的补充法源,既是商人的行为准则,也是重要的司法裁判依据。分析既有裁判文书可以发现,在民商合一路径引导下,我国司法实践并未将民商事习惯的适用约束机制同质化,商事习惯表现出独立于我国《民法典》第10条的适用路径。然而,商事习惯识别标准的模糊、填补商法漏洞的不足以及与民法规范适用顺位的分歧,影响了商事习惯司法功能的发挥。从我国审判实践出发,应将“习惯”理解为事实上的习惯;在此基础上,商事习惯的识别标准应坚持外观性标准和合理性标准。在适用顺位上,商事习惯应优先于民法任意性规范和旨在保护法律关系中弱者的民法强制性规范,以满足商法体系法源的自足性。与此同时,应借助商事习惯填补因商业创新和矫正我国《民法典》对商事活动特殊性关照缺失而产生的商法漏洞,以此助推良好营商环境的塑造。  相似文献   
商业贿赂是国际商业交易活动中普遍存在的现象,其破坏了良好的社会管理与经济发展秩序,扭曲了国际竞争条件,具有很强的危害性。根据我国企业跨国经营的具体特点,借鉴美国《海外反腐败法》和国际组织制定的反腐败国际公约的相关内容,制定我国的《海外反商业贿赂法》,以遏制商业贿赂行为的滋生蔓延。  相似文献   
As part of a growing focus on the effectiveness of development assistance from the World Bank and other agencies, new efforts are being made to relate development finance more closely to outcomes achieved rather than to inputs used, through the results‐based financing approach. We provide a framework for analyzing the operational dimensions of results‐based financing, including the conditions that suit this approach, and how best to define, measure, and report results. We review some of the early World Bank experience with this approach. Noting that this approach is as yet not fully tested, we suggest evaluative issues for future research while highlighting strengths and challenges in the range of techniques adopted so far. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using the 2005 unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza as a case study, this article exposes an apparent paradox: circumstances may exist in which an outcome that serves the interests of parties to a conflict cannot be achieved through bilateral negotiation but can be achieved by unilateral action. Although the withdrawal was seen at the time as serving the interests of both the Israeli government and the Palestinians, we argue that the same result could not have been achieved through bilateral negotiations. “Behind‐the‐table” internal conflicts on each side would have made it impossible for the leaders to agree on the scope of these negotiations. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's success in implementing his Gaza withdrawal was attributable in significant measure to his ability to maintain ambiguity about his long‐run plans for the West Bank. Only by focusing attention on Gaza was he able to build the necessary coalition to implement the controversial move. The Palestinian leaders, on the other hand, could never have agreed to come to the table to negotiate about Gaza alone — they would have insisted that the scope of any negotiations address a broad range of final status issues. In this article, we identify some of the lessons that the Gaza example teaches regarding the utility and limits of unilateralism as well as the benefits and potential costs of employing ambiguity as a strategy to help accomplish a controversial move. Finally, we also explore the aftermath of the withdrawal and its many missed opportunities for improving the outcome. We suggest that, even when acting unilaterally, leaders should carefully consider the probable impact of their actions on the internal conflicts of their adversaries.  相似文献   

The 10 options offered so far to resolve the Palestinian conundrum have proved vain. New thinking that combines Palestinian self‐determination rights with Israel's security needs is necessary. The proposed solution rests on the following: (1) mutal acceptance of self‐determination for the Palestinians and the Jewish people, (2) mutual recognition of PLO and Zionism, (3) partition of Greater Palestine between Israelis and Palestinians, and (4) separation between sovereignty over territory and personal status of inhabitants.  相似文献   
为促进亚洲地区互联互通建设和经济一体化进程,中国政府倡议筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行,得到东盟的赞赏和支持。筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行已经提上重要议事日程。本文拟阐述筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行的重大意义,分析筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行面临的困难和挑战,研究提出筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行的基本思路,建议筹建亚洲基础设施投资银行率先在中国—东盟区域实现突破,取得好的成效、积累一定经验后再逐步扩大到整个亚洲地区。本文设计了亚洲基础设施投资银行的性质宗旨与职能定位、机构设置与总部选址、资金来源与合作方式等,尤其对在中国—东盟区域起步的亚洲基础设施投资银行的合作方式、期初的股本资金、各国出资金额及所占比重进行较为深入的研究,提出可行性初步操作方案,抛砖以引玉,供决策参考。需要说明的是,本文提出的观点仅是我们个人学术观点,不代表任何组织和机构。  相似文献   
亚洲开发银行的成立是在特定的时代背景下,各方国际力量追逐利益博弈的结果。经过40多年的运营,亚洲开发银行在资金来源、职能定位、组织结构、主要业务及未来重点发展领域等方面日趋成熟与完善。通过对亚洲开发银行运行现状进行分析,可归纳出四个方面的成功经验,但也存在五个方面的问题,这些经验与问题给亚洲基础设施投资银行的创建和未来的运营带来了诸多的启示。  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to assess the creation of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank within the scope of China’s smart power strategy, which will help not only to analyze China’s strategic use of its coercive and co-optive capacity, but also to understand better the concept of smart power. Given that the wisdom of statecraft can only be situationally determined, through this study I will propose the ability to achieve targeted objectives, the skill to use hard and soft power instruments in such a way that they reinforce each other, good interpretation of the existing regional and global contexts, time planning, and compatibility with long-term interests as criteria for judging the effectiveness of a smart power implementation.  相似文献   
国际民商新秩序的提出对于国际私法的发展具有重大意义。国际民商新秩序要求国际民商事关系中的当事人处于平等的法律地位,如果国家在国际民商事交往中享有豁免权,则不利于国际民商新秩序的构建。关于国家豁免的范围,存在着绝对豁免主义与相对豁免主义的分歧。绝对豁免与国际民商新秩序的构建背道而驰,相对豁免与国际民商新秩序的构建相契合。《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》第一次在全球性国际公约中规定了国家及其财产管辖豁免原则,标志着限制豁免说彻底战胜了绝对豁免说,是国际民商新秩序构建进程中的里程碑。  相似文献   
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