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从我国行政强制执行的实践来看,现行体制还存在大量问题,通过对各国行政强制执行模式的对比、分析,寻求既符合行政法理念又适合我国国情的新模式,提供了保障新模式运行的相关配套措施和制度。  相似文献   
关于破产管理人在破产程序中的法律地位问题,历来争议颇多,众说纷纭,由于英美法上的破产管理人的信托人地位鲜有内部争议,因此很多学者认为我国可以借鉴英美破产立法观点,以信托关系为基础为破产管理人定位。  相似文献   
我国国民经济和城市化的加速发展,对城市基础设施提出了更高的要求,传统的政府资金和银行贷款已远远不能满足基础设施建设的资金需求。信托投资基础设施作为一种新型的基础设施融资方式,有其发展的可行性,实践中可以采取贷款、股票、债券等运作模式。大力发展基础设施信托,还必须解决有关担保、法律等方面的问题。  相似文献   
大学英语教学过程中,师生之间增进双方理解、相互信任、和谐相处,缩短彼此心理距离,有利于培养学生的自信心,提高他们学习的自觉性,增强他们的自主感、成就感,为学生创造更多的成功机会。  相似文献   
现代商事信托的组织法基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从民事信托到商事信托,信托关系的本质完成了从财产无偿移转的手段到企业组织架构的变革。商事信托作为组织法,其具有商事组织的典型共性,而且在制度设计和受托人信义义务的标准上,商事信托也与商事公司制度近年来出现了明显的趋同。我国现行信托立法无论是在受托人承担有限责任的规定上,还是在信托投资的规模上以及在受托人的资格取得上,都离成熟的组织法的要求还都相距甚远。  相似文献   
农民工已然成为我国城市建设和经济发展的中坚力量,但由于户籍制度和城乡二元体制的影响,他们无法得到城市、农村两地政府的有效服务和管理,导致他们对政府的信任感偏低。本文利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2008年12月在陕西省X市LH区对农民工进行实地调查所获得的数据,以政府信任理论和社会资本理论作为理论基础,对西部农民工信任流入地政府现状及影响因素进行研究。研究结果发现,高素质、年轻一代的农民工对流入地政府的信任感低;社会资本越丰富的农民工越信任流入地政府;政治活动参与意愿越强、社会经济地位越高的农民工则越不信任流入地政府。  相似文献   
农村垃圾已经成为农村环境污染的主要来源,但是我国关于农村垃圾的回收、处理和污染防治的现行法律制度存在着诸多缺陷:法律体系上不健全、基础设施建设严重滞后、垃圾回收与处理机制不完善、监督机制基本空白,美国、日本、中国台湾等环境公益信托的经验表明,我国可以在《信托法》的基础上,结合农村垃圾回收与处理的实际需要,围绕设立、信托财产、委托人、受托人、受益人、监察人、管理机构、税收优惠等方面,构建农村垃圾回收与处理的公益信托制度,以解决农村环境保护的燃眉之急。  相似文献   
This article offers a conceptual exploration of the changing notion of trust and distrust in today's news media ecology. Central is the question whether the relationship between the traditional media actors, media organisations, journalists and news users, can be increasingly characterised by distrust. Do we really notice a decline in trust in the news media? And moreover, are these feelings of distrust grounded? In order to answer these questions, we look at the changing economic, technological and societal context and how this might explain the strained relationship between these actors. We find that to a large extent the goals of the media actors diverge or even conflict. Mutually bridging these goals is difficult as they boil down to ideological and normative choices. This requires us to reconsider our ways of looking at trust. Therefore, this article's central argument is that a trusted relationship between the media actors is unlikely to result from a definitive settlement between the actor's conflicting goals. Rather, maintaining a trusted relationship is likely to become a matter of constant renegotiation. For this renegotiation to succeed, transparency and integrity are key. We find inspiration in the recent work of Solove (2001), Nissenbaum (2004) and Mansell (2008, forthcoming) to take a different, more contextual approach towards the notion of trust. As regards the relationship between news organisations and users, we suggest these norms should be negotiated in a balanced and transparent way, giving users an equal say in the process. The relationship between journalists and news users should be guided by a mutual interest in truth telling, whereby users are not only merely seen as consumers, but also as potential contributors to news stories. Policy makers in turn should act as facilitators of such spaces of renegotiation.  相似文献   
Trust is an important feature for all users of the Internet who rely on the safety and security of network technologies and systems for their daily lives. Trust, or the lack of it, has also been identified by the European Commission’s Digital Agenda as a major barrier to further development of the information society in Europe. One of the areas in which concerns have been raised is in relation to children’s safety online. As a result, substantial efforts have been made by policymakers and by the industry to build greater trust and confidence in online digital safety. This paper examines what trust means in the context of children’s use of the Internet. Should policy on trust enhancement, for instance, include children’s own trust in the technologies or services they use or is it sufficient to seek to reinforce parental and adult confidence that children can be adequately protected? What is required to build that trust from either perspective? Does it need, or should it include a relationship of trust between parents and children? To tease out these questions further, the paper examines current European Union policy frameworks on digital safety, particularly industry responses to the call for a more trusted Internet environment for children, and argues that technical solutions to be effective need to carefully balance a number of competing objectives and to be sufficiently grounded in evidence of parental and child experience of the Internet.  相似文献   
The “cloud” is not new, and its roots go back to the original plans for computing from the 1950s. Now that computing is moving back to the original cloud-based models that were envisioned more than 60 years ago, with it, consumers are realizing the increases in security and safety that accompany the move to centralized servers. Yet the perception of “trust” in this context is often still formed by views that people have from their use of computers over the past two decades, which is localized in nature (“if I can see it, I can control it”). This view is based on perception more than fact. Our paper discusses different views of trust in other contexts (such as banking and travel) and concludes that users of cloud computing should recast their view of trust in a similar way that consumers of banking and travel have changed their perceptions of trust in the last 100 years.  相似文献   
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