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Corporatism has been an influential doctrine in the Slovenian polity since its beginning. After the onset of democratization in the early 1990s, its influence remains strong. Forms of corporatism are embodied in the National Council as the second chamber of parliament, in the chamber system, the system of social partnership and the RTVS (Public Television of Slovenia) Council. It is also present in certain socio-political priorities such as a higher value being placed on partnership over competition, on fairness over human rights, on community over individualism. Social pluralism has always been a part of Slovenian public life. Political pluralism emerged at the end of the 19th century and was never fully developed. There has always been a strong inclination in the political life of Slovenia to organize around interest groups and editorial boards of various publications, a tendency that reveals a plurality of voices but a general unwillingness to fight for political power. It could also be concluded that the development of pluralism in Slovenia relies heavily on corporatism because of the general lack of liberal foundations.  相似文献   
民主选举是社会主义民主的重要体现和保障,现实中破坏选举的行为层出不穷。而破坏选举罪适用范围上过于狭窄,致使不少严重危害行为置于刑法的射程之外。因此,应将破坏选举罪适用范围扩展到相当范围的政治性选举活动,具体到我国,应包涵基层群众自治组织选举、中国共产党党内选举、人民政治协商会议选举、各级人大代表法律议案表决活动等国家政治生活中重要的选举。  相似文献   
Switzerland is a laggard in terms of digital campaigning. Direct democratic votes, more particularly, are centered around issues and little personalized. Combined with the specificities of voters’ information behaviour in direct democratic campaigns, these features are likely to disincentivize political actors from extensively campaigning online. Instead, we expect political actors to continue relying on traditional media. These propositions are tested on a large data base of social media posts and newspaper advertisements published before direct democratic votes held in Switzerland from 1981 to 2020 and 2010 to 2020, respectively. Counterintuitively, this research note finds a strong discontinuity in campaign communication practices. Over the past decades, and between 2010 and 2020 in particular, newspaper ads have become less central to direct democratic campaign communication. At the same time, political actors are increasingly shifting their communication to the digital sphere.  相似文献   
邓小平理论的原创性突出地表现在突破传统理论的羁绊束缚,摆脱本本教条框框,克服旧思想、旧观念、旧体制、旧做法的种种阻力而进行的大胆探索。邓小平理论原创性引发了一场思想革命和社会革命,推动了中国的改革开放,促进了中国特色社会主义的发展,带来了社会的全面进步。  相似文献   
村级治理对于乡村政治文明建设具有积极意义 ,主要表现为 :村级治理推动了乡村政治制度化的进程 ,提升了乡村社会的政治民主化水平 ,维护了乡村社会的政治稳定  相似文献   
本文结合学术界关于马克思哲学本质的讨论 ,致力于探讨在哲学意识与科学意识的关系问题上 ,马克思所具有的与西方现代哲学家不同的出场路径。马克思尽管没有像胡塞尔和海德格尔那样转向现象学和存在论 ,但他依然很好地发挥了哲学的意识 ,并且恰恰就是在现代西方哲学家所要克服的认识论的维度上来发挥这种哲学意识的 ,这就是马克思科学认识论的丰富内涵之所在。  相似文献   
要做好新形势下的公安工作,无论在公安工作的理论方面还是实践方面,都应有所创新、有所突破,如关于如何解放思想推动公安理论创新,关于如何从总体上把握公安工作客观规律,关于正确把握公安机关的性质、职能以及公安工作的标准,关于公安机关的体制、编制和机制创新以及公安政治工作创新。  相似文献   
Many observers suggest that white evangelical Protestant churches serve to mobilize their members into politics, while others argue that they encourage withdrawal from political life. This paper reconciles these two claims. I hypothesize that the time members of evangelical Protestant denominations spend in service to their church comes at the expense of participation in the wider community, contrary to the way mainline Protestant and Catholic churches foster civic activity among their members. However, I further hypothesize that the tight social networks formed through this intensive church activity can at times facilitate rapid and intense political mobilization. Data from the Citizen Participation Study supports the first hypothesis, while applying King's method of ecological inference to two elections in Alabama supports the second.  相似文献   
文章从邓小平小康社会思想的传统文化渊源、形成过程与内涵、特色与指导意义三方面加以论述,认为该思想体现了我国社会主义现代化建设与传统小康文化的契合,是科学社会主义理论在中国的新发展,具有鲜明的时代精神。  相似文献   
政治文化是某个国家或民族文化与历史传统长期积淀而成的政治观念方面的综合体系,表现出一个政治系统的基本政治倾向。美欧的政治文化既表现在双方对国内政治和国际政治的认知上,也贯穿于各自的历史进程中。美欧在伊拉克战争问题上表现出来的针锋相对的态势,显示出双方迥然不同的政治文化传统。美国的霸权倾向与欧洲的制衡传统产生剧烈的摩擦和碰撞。伊拉克战争既为双方政治文化冲突提供了导火索,也为两者弘扬各自外交理念提供了平台。  相似文献   
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