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在改革开放深入发展的新形势下,要使高校学生的思想政治工作跟上时代前进的步伐,政治辅导员的思想观念、思维方式要进一步更新,思想教育内容与思想教育方法也要与时俱进,以变应变。  相似文献   
2004年3月14日第十届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过了宪法修正案,这是1982年宪法制定以来的第四次修改,具有极其重大的现实意义。修改内容包括:“三个代表”和“政治文明”入宪;增加“国家尊重和保障人权”;明确和保护公民的私有财产权;提高非公有制经济地位;扩大爱国统一战线的阶级基础等。修宪内容从头至尾包含着“以人为本”的思想。  相似文献   
侦讯对策效益要通过对话来实现,研究侦讯对话就是研究其言语。侦讯言语活动应从普通交际言语“合作”“礼貌”原则中吸取营养,在侦讯对话的现实背景与它们之间寻找调和。侦讯言语具有依法对话的强制性、侦讯语境的可操作性和策略对话的多样性等特点。侦讯言语涉及言语主体、语境、内容和形式等要素。侦讯应答和用语的表达方式、发问技巧,也是侦讯言语研究中值得深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   
This paper evaluates a recently developed method for extracting policy positions from political texts, known as Wordscores. This computerized content analysis technique is a potentially powerful tool for scholars interested in the study of political elites, since it promises an easy and efficient way of inferring policy position from texts and speeches. In this article, we provide a systematic evaluation of this promising method. Using Danish manifestos and government speeches from 1945 to 2005, we compare the policy positions extracted using Wordscores with measures of positions from the well-known Comparative Manifesto Project and cross-validate these with party expert surveys. Our analysis shows that the word scoring technique arrives at largely similar estimates to independently derived position measures and produces time series of government positions with high face validity.  相似文献   
In this article we set out to bridge a surprising methodological gap between two time-honored research traditions – news media content analysis and the policy sciences analytic framework. Lasswell, a recognized pioneer of both the method and the framework, discussed the mutual benefits of each decades ago. But few researchers, if any, have formally linked the two. To that end, in this article we (1) make the case for using news media content analysis to inform research studies using the policy sciences analytic framework; (2) introduce an original content analysis categorical system for that purpose; (3) demonstrate that system with a study of 90 national news articles about the stratospheric ozone hole; and (4) compare our system to others used to examine news content. We report that our system, used by human coders, is well geared to describing and mapping trends in the social process surrounding the development of the Montreal Protocol ozone treaty during the intelligence gathering and promotion phases encompassed by our data sample. We argue that other content analysis systems fall short – in structure and purpose – of meeting the promise ours holds to the policy scientist.  相似文献   
This paper presents an analysis of Russian data retention regulations. The most controversial point of the Russian data retention requirements is an obligation to keep the content of communications that is untypical for legislation of European and other countries. These regulations that oblige telecom operators and Internet communication services to store the content of communications should come into force on July 1, 2018.The article describes in detail the main components of the data retention mechanism: the triggers for its application, its scope, exemptions and barriers to its enforcement. Attention is paid to specific principles for implementation of content retention requirements based on the concepts of proportionality, reasonableness and effectiveness.Particular consideration is given to the comparative aspects of the Russian data retention legislation and those applying in different countries (mainly EU member states). The article focuses on the differences between the Russian and EU approaches to the question of how to strike a balance between public security interests and privacy. While the EU model of data retention is developing in the context of profound disputes on human rights protection, the Russian model is mostly concentrated on security interests and addresses mainly economic, technological aspects of its implementation.The paper stresses that a range of factors (legal, economic and technological) needs to be taken into account for developing an optimal data retention system. Human rights guarantees play the key role in legitimization of such intrusive measures as data retention. Great attention should be paid to the procedures, precise definitions, specification of entitled authorities and the grounds for access to data, providing legal immunities and privileges, etc. Only this extensive range of legal guarantees can balance intervention effect of state surveillance and justify data retention practices.  相似文献   
韩国与东盟的自由贸易协议(FTA)起步较晚,直到2005年12月才达成《全面经济合作框架协议》,排在中国、日本与印度之后。但韩国积极推进FTA战略,在中、日、印3国之前与东盟完成了FTA所需协议文本的签署,使得韩国—东盟FTA与中国—东盟FTA同时于2010年1月1日建成。本文对韩国与东盟签订FTA的背景及内容进行了较为详细的解析。  相似文献   
高效的党内法规制度实施体系是党中央提出到建党100周年时党内法规制度建设的重要目标。党内法规实施体系是党内法规制度体系的重要组成部分,是法治实施体系不可或缺的一环,体系化是党内法规实施走向成熟的重要标志,高效是党内法规实施体系的核心价值追求。党内法规实施体系构建的核心内容包括党内法规的遵守、党内法规的执行以及党内法规的监督。推进党内法规实施体系的构建,应该遵循科学的路径,要逐步确立强有力的利益导向、进行全方位的机制设计以及探索高效率的效果反馈。  相似文献   
目的 测定不同产地知母须根中新芒果苷、芒果苷和异芒果苷的含量。方法 采用高效液相二极管陈列检测法,Shim-pack色谱柱(4.6 mm ×250 mm,5 μm);乙腈-0.4%冰醋酸水溶液梯度洗脱,流速1. 0 mL/min;柱温25 ℃;检测波长为258 nm。结果 所收集的知母须根样品中新芒果苷的含量为1.2%~1.9%,芒果苷的含量为1.0%~1.6%,异芒果苷的含量为0.4%~0.6%。结论 知母须根中(口山)酮成分含量较高,在知母须根的综合开发利用中可考虑此类成分。  相似文献   
现代欧洲暨法国美学情趣在音乐、诗、绘画、戏剧、小说、电影等方面的流变,即所谓唯美主义倾向,是启蒙时代微妙精神的延伸.现代欧洲艺术放弃了柏拉图-亚里士多德关于艺术形式与内容关系的传统理论一方面放弃了作为理念的形式,而把艺术活动必需的物质材料本身当作形式和艺术欣赏的对象;另一方面,也放弃了西方艺术传统根深蒂固的偏见,即所谓艺术的不同物质手段只是为了表达或表现感情、观念、外部世界的模特.现代西方不同艺术门类不约而同地放弃了古典艺术中的形而上学追求,从而把艺术活动中的所谓"内容"只作为一种"形式"化的活动,甚至取消了内容与形式的界限.  相似文献   
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