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Many Western-style democracies have witnessed a general shift in the distribution of crime prevention responsibility, away from the state and increasingly to citizens themselves. Civil society is today more and more often called upon as an additional policing resource. This article explores the phenomenon of voluntary citizen participation in policing in Sweden, based on an analysis of 9280 news-media articles. One state-sanctioned (the Volunteers of the Police) and one autonomous civic (Missing People Sweden) initiative were examined, from their respective start until 2017, to understand the role played by police–citizen partnerships in the establishment and legitimation of voluntary policing forms in Sweden. A high degree of integration between police and volunteer work was found, enabling not only effective citizen participation, but also having an influence on police operations. The more effective and publicly visible the voluntary policing bodies were, the more pressure there was on the police to defend its legitimacy, ally itself with the volunteers and regulate the latter’s activities while holding them responsible for their actions. Arguably, however, with the police–citizen relationship being one of integration and mutual dependence, the division of labour and the accountability of both parties risk becoming blurred or even confused.  相似文献   
民事没收是一种对物不对人的制裁措施,它所针对的是一类特殊的财物,即犯罪收益。民事没收可以在没有刑事案件的情况下没收财产,即便被告人已经死亡或者在逃,甚至即便还不知晓谁实施了违法行为。民事没收适用民事诉讼的"谁主张谁举证"原则,要求那些声称对财物享有合法权利的人员承担相应的证明责任,并且只要求法官"根据优势证据"的标准证明裁断有关财产是否应被没收。我国应当借鉴外国的民事没收制度以及相关的成功经验,尽快建立针对犯罪所得或者违法行为收益的、独立的财产没收制度。  相似文献   
儿童网络色情信息犯罪侵害的法益是"直接层法益"与"间接层法益"双重法益。"直接层法益"为儿童的身心健康权利与以"免受性剥削和性虐待"为核心的被动性的性权利,"直接层法益"为个人法益;"间接层法益"为性道德等社会法益。而成年人网络色情信息犯罪侵害的主要是基于"性的隐秘性"善良性风尚和性道德的社会法益。法益具有立法检视功能和区分功能,客观上需要将儿童网络色情犯罪与成年人网络色情犯罪分离,进而设置独立的刑事规范,并对儿童网络色情信息范围、犯罪行为类型及网络服务提供商的责任重新进行建构。  相似文献   
我国刑法理论和司法实践对侵占罪犯罪对象的概念和范围有不同认识 ,文章通过对各种观点进行评析后认为 ,代为保管他人财物是基于信任关系而委托他人保管的财物及因无因管理、不当得利而保管他人之物 ;遗忘物和遗失物在法律上是同一的 ,只要在追诉时效之内知道或经他人帮助有证据证实为何人拾得占有的财物均可视为遗忘物 ;埋藏物是指埋藏于地下或他物之中 ,暂时脱离物主控制的物品  相似文献   
出入境边检民警的职务性犯罪不仅危害国家主权、安全和口岸秩序,而且影响了国家的整体形象和国际声誉。边检民警职务性犯罪的原因有外因和内因两个方面,采取的对策也因犯罪的三个阶段而有所不同。  相似文献   
单位犯罪是市场经济的必然产物。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立 ,单位犯罪问题逐渐增多。但是在当前的司法实践中 ,对单位犯罪的认识仍存在许多误区 ,影响了打击力度。  相似文献   
随着改革开放的进一步深入,城市居民的生活条件逐步得到改善。然而,由于城市外来人口逐年增加,各类犯罪分子夹杂其中,使入室犯罪案件增多,犯罪活动猖獗,给防范工作带来了困难。应通过分析城市入室犯罪的特点和原因,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
关于什么是非法持有毒品罪 ,在刑法理论界颇有争议。笔者比较赞成李文全先生的观点 :非法持有毒品罪 ,是指违反国家毒品管理法律、法规 ,未经主管部门批准或许可 ,私藏或保存数量较大的毒品 ,经查证尚不能认定为其他犯罪的行为。对于吸食、注射毒品者非法持有毒品该如何确定其性质 ,刑法理论界存在几种看法。最根本的还是要解决吸毒罪与非罪问题 ,如果设立了吸毒罪 ,也就不存在这个争论了  相似文献   
近几年来 ,恶势力团伙犯罪出现于城乡各地 ,对社会治安的危害面广 ,后果严重 ,其特点表现 :1、最初的表现形式均为传统的刑事犯罪 ;2、团伙组织结构多元化 ,活动隐蔽化 ;3、犯罪行为暴力化 ,手段现代化 ;4、恶“丑”合流 ,社会丑恶现象屡禁不绝 ;5、以“商”养恶 ,不断扩充团伙实力。对策及措施 :1、争取党委、政府和上级公安机关的支持 ;2、强化证据意识 ,办成铁案 ;3、从一般的“治安案件”中挖出恶势力团伙 ;4、与新闻媒介密切合作打击恶势力 ;5、重在治本和预防 ,层层落实 ,责任到人。  相似文献   
Most criminal acts are committed in very small groups or alone, and are repeated sporadically. But that is not always the case. Co-offending can include larger groups, cooperating sequentially or simultaneously, knowing each other or at least knowing about one another. We may use the term “extended co-offending” to subsume varieties of crime organization, crime networks, gangs, and criminal clusters. Extended co-offending also includes vaguely organized crime repetitions, and is a matter of degree. Criminal cooperation can be extended in time, space, numbers of persons involved, and types of criminal action. The extension process has a very wide span of possibilities. Drawing ideas from Max Weber and others, this paper suggests that the natural history of criminal cooperation progresses in four stages, with steeply decreasing prevalence: (1) primordial clusters of offenders, (2) small-scale charismatic leadership of offenders, (3) a medium-scale patrimonial system of offenders, and (4) and an extended patrimonial system of criminal cooperation. Primordial co-offending occurs on a very local level, with little or no hierarchy or systematic repetition. Extended criminal cooperation usually requires personal trust among offenders, favoring patrimony over formal organization.  相似文献   
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