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意大利是较早建立企业合规体系,法治经验相对成熟的国家。第231号法令跨越意大利《宪法》第27条的障碍,规定了判断企业责任的主客观标准,将企业责任建立在组织性罪过基础之上。企业免责的唯一途径是构建有效合规计划。如果企业能够证明在犯罪发生之前已采用并有效地实施了组织、管理和控制模式,则可以免除责任。该法令实施20年来,通过持续性革新,将反腐败合规计划由公共机构扩展至私营企业,规定合规计划中辩诉交易的适用条件,引入配额制的经济制裁手段,实现了自我完善。我国的企业合规改革刚刚起步,应当重视企业刑事合规的法治化,明确单位犯罪的归责基础,单位犯罪治理应当由事后惩治模式向事先预防的企业合规模式转变,立法上应当增设配额罚金制和褫夺资格处罚,以建立相对完善的、符合我国国情的企业合规制度。  相似文献   
"放过企业、严惩个人"是欧美国家企业合规不起诉的理念,但在我国企业合规改革试点的典型案例中,既放过企业又放过个人的"双不起诉"现象出现了,这引发了对企业合规不起诉公正性和正当性的质疑。"双不起诉"出现的主要原因在于,我国未严格区分企业刑事责任和个人刑事责任,未厘清企业合规不起诉制度与认罪认罚从宽制度的关系。随着企业合规改革试点的持续推进,有必要对"双不起诉"引发的质疑作出回应,区分企业和个人的刑事责任,对小微企业的合规不起诉给予足够的本土关怀,厘清企业合规不起诉制度与认罪认罚从宽制度的关系,推动我国企业合规本土化深入发展。  相似文献   
本文从犯罪现场为基础,并以环境犯罪学观点,自国外实证研究结果就个人层级(理性选择理论)、社会互动层级(犯罪型态理论)、社会层级(日常活动理论)三种不同层次探讨性侵害加害者的决策模式(decision-making model)、犯罪空间型态(spatial patterns)、作案手法(modus operandi)与犯罪现场迹证(crimescene evidence)彼此关联性。并针对个案刘菖菖进行生命叙说之访谈,透过犯罪现场迹证及生命故事脉络交叉验证和修正对于心理迹证之假设,期盼形成有助于侦查实务的实践知识(practical knowledge)。  相似文献   
古今中外,无数思想家对法律与道德之关系这一问题进行过研究,却均没有给出令人信服的答案。笔者认为,分属于不同法律部门的法律规则与道德间有着不同程度的关联,从整体法角度来探寻法律与道德之间的关系几乎是不可能的。想要更为清晰地认识这一问题,须从各个部分法的角度分别进行解读,而刑事法视角无疑是一个很好的选择。借此视角,我们会发现,道德与刑事法律之间的联系较一般法律更为紧密,法律与道德间联系的紧密程度则取决于法律反映终极规范的实际需要。  相似文献   
招标、投标作为一项新的经济制度引入我国后,产生了一定的积极作用,但也暴露出一些问题。在此类犯罪案件的侦查过程中,嫌疑人的认定是一个难点。公安机关应认真调查投标价格、标底、标价制定的过程,准确认定犯罪嫌疑人,并采取有针对性的侦查对策,遏制此类案件的发生和发展。  相似文献   
In crime-obsessed cultures, the rudimentary trajectories of criminalizing processes are often overlooked. Specifically, processes of accusation that arrest everyday life, and enable possible enunciations of a criminal identity, seldom attract sustained attention. In efforts at redress, this paper considers discursive reference points through which contextually credible accusations of ‘crime’ are mounted. Focusing particularly on the ethical dimensions of what might be considered a ‘lore’ (rather than law) of criminal accusation, it examines several ways that exemplary cases reflect paradigms of accusatorial practice, accuser identity formation and accused response. With such assumptive grids in mind, the paper signals the potential value of rescuing accusation from fundamental attachments to (a criminally defined) order and disorder, as well as images of a distinct accuser and accused offender. It then alludes to the prospect of pursuing justice through less exclusive forms of accusation
George PavlichEmail: Phone: +1-780-4925343Fax: +1-780-4927196
《刑事诉讼法修正案(草案)》试图通过举证责任倒置、非法证据排除规则、录音录像规则、侦查人员出庭说明情况等制度遏制刑讯逼供。就刑讯逼供的遏制而言,需要明确的是,同一刑讯逼供行为,既可以是实体法中的证明对象,也可以是程序法中的证明对象;在作为不同性质的证明对象时,在证明责任、证明标准方面均有所不同。  相似文献   
The authors predicted that the cognitive appraisal tendencies associated with sadness and anger would exert different influences on investigators' crime-related judgments. Supporting evidence was found in an experiment with 61 experienced criminal investigators. First, when judging the reliability of a witness statement, sad participants relied on their perception of both witness and situational variables, whereas angry participants relied only on their perception of witness variables. This corresponds to the emphasis placed on situational and individual control in the appraisals associated with sadness and anger, respectively. Second, when making judgments of the case, sad participants were sensitive to the consistency of a witness statement with the central hypothesis of the investigation, indicating substantive processing, whereas angry participants were unaffected by statement-hypothesis consistency, indicating heuristic processing. The findings suggest that the process of reliability assessment can be better understood by consulting theories of attribution and information processing.  相似文献   
The Supreme Court determined that a ‘fresh approach’ was needed in an attempt to bring some clarity to the issue of the eligibility for compensation of those who have had their convictions quashed by the Court of Appeal. The definition that the majority agreed upon was that ‘a new fact will show that a miscarriage of justice has occurred when it so undermines the evidence against the defendant that no conviction could possibly be based upon it’. This article argues that the judgment suffers from a failure to consider the purpose of the legislation; that it is unclear whether the test is normative or historical and that this presents a particular problem in cases relating to the Northern Ireland conflict. The Court focuses on the guilt of the appellant and excludes from its consideration any notion of culpability by the state, which is a cause for concern.  相似文献   
监视居住属于非羁押性强制措施,对于被监视居住的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人只能限制人身自由,而不能剥夺人身自由。监视居住有其独特的功能和价值,但必须严格遵守适用的条件和程序。违法采用监视居住措施,可能使监视居住成为变相的羁押措施,并为刑讯逼供的实施提供便利。为此,检察机关应当强化对于监视居住决定与执行的法律监督。  相似文献   
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