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在目前我国经济发展相对落后,自主研发较弱、国外知识产权技术竞争优势明显,但却又不得不融入世界经济一体化潮流的情势下,惟有大力加强知识产权反垄断立法才能抵御国外知识产权对我国经济的钳制。  相似文献   
<物权法>是确认、利用和保护公民财产权的基本法律,同时对行政机关的行政权具有积极的规制作用,它的颁布和实施是我国法治发展成熟的体现,具有里程碑式的意义.虽然其实施已快三年了,然而交通管理部门在现实执法过程中却没有足够地重视这部法律,往往出于执法的便利对公民合法的财产利益于不顾.因此,交通管理过程中应当贯彻物权法精神,避免侵犯合法物权现象的发生.  相似文献   
当前云南省公安民警违法违纪和职务犯罪案件呈现增长趋势,严重损害了公安机关形象,造成了许多社会负面影响.公安民警违法违纪和职务犯罪的原因是多方面的,预防和治理民警违法违纪和职务犯罪是一项长期的社会综合工程,不仅需要公安机关外部的监督、制约和提供法律保障,也需要公安机关内部加强自身建设,自觉抵制违法违纪和职务犯罪行为.  相似文献   
《刑法修正案(八)》在法律上正式确立了社区矫正制度。但是,《刑法修正案(八)》中关于社区矫正制度的规定仍存在诸多缺憾。随着社区矫正工作的深入发展与推进,作为司法体制和工作机制改革的重要内容,对我国刑法加以进一步完善已成为必然的选择。对于《刑法修正案(八)》中确立的社区矫正制度有必要从立法上作进一步的完善:一是应当在刑法中明确社区矫正的执行主体为司法行政机关;二是应当在刑法中明确社区矫正的适用范围为目前试行中的"五种人",即被判处管制、被宣告缓刑、被暂予监外执行、被裁定假释以及被剥夺政治权利并在社会上服刑的五种罪犯;三是应当在刑法中确立社区矫正前的社会调查制度,明确调查评估主体和社会调查报告的内容及在刑事司法中的作用。  相似文献   
Dieser Beitrag soll zeigen, dass die Rechtswissenschaft ihren Gegenstand sinnvoll erweitern kann bzw eine bereits vollzogene Erweiterung anerkennen sollte. Die Rechtsökonomie bietet einerseits ein analytisches Instrumentarium für rechtspolitische Erwägungen, andererseits lässt sich mit ihrer Hilfe untersuchen, ob eine Auslegung überhaupt geeignet ist, einen bestimmten Zweck zu erreichen. Dabei wird in Erinnerung gerufen, dass eine Unterscheidung zwischen Rechtspolitik und Rechtsdogmatik nicht eindeutig möglich ist. Die rechtsökonomische Methode erzwingt die Offenlegung solcher "nicht-juristischer" Entscheidungsgründe und fördert damit Transparenz in der Diskussion. Durch eine länderübergreifende Sprache kann sie auch einen Beitrag dazu leisten, Missverständnisse zwischen verschiedenen europäischen Rechtsordnungen zu entschärfen, die auf national geprägten Vorverständnissen beruhen und eine Harmonisierung erheblich erschweren.  相似文献   
By questionnaire, 631 police investigators reported on their interrogation beliefs and practices-the first such survey ever conducted. Overall, participants estimated that they were 77% accurate at truth and lie detection, that 81% of suspects waive Miranda rights, that the mean length of interrogation is 1.6 hours, and that they elicit self-incriminating statements from 68% of suspects, 4.78% from innocents. Overall, 81% felt that interrogations should be recorded. As for self-reported usage of various interrogation tactics, the most common were to physically isolate suspects, identify contradictions in suspects' accounts, establish rapport, confront suspects with evidence of their guilt, and appeal to self-interests. Results were discussed for their consistency with prior research, policy implications, and methodological shortcomings.  相似文献   
Rape shield laws, which limit the introduction of sexual history evidence in rape trials, challenge the view that women with extensive sexual histories more frequently fabricate charges of rape than other women. The present study examined the relationship between women's actual sexual history and their reporting rape in hypothetical scenarios. Female participants (college students and a community sample, which included women working as prostitutes and topless dancers, and women living in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center) imagined themselves in dating scenarios that described either a legally definable act of rape or consensual sexual intercourse. Additionally, within the rape scenarios, level of consensual intimate contact (i.e., foreplay) preceding rape was examined to determine its influence on rape reporting. Women were less likely to say that they would take legal action in response to the rape scenarios if they had extensive sexual histories, or if they had consented to an extensive amount of intimate contact before the rape. In response to the consensual sexual intercourse scenarios, women with more extensive sexual histories were not more likely to say that they would report rape, even when the scenario provided them with a motive for seeking revenge against their dating partner.  相似文献   
《劳动合同法》的立法背景与立法趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
劳动合同立法是一次民主立法、科学立法的生动实践,制定《劳动合同法》,是我国调整劳动关系的必然,是建立和发展和谐社会的必然,同样也是中国政治、经济发展的必然。《劳动合同法》适当地提高了劳动标准,结合我国现实问题,解决了劳动领域的诸多问题。  相似文献   
No one would disagree that the purposes and aims of child pornography laws are legitimate and necessary. Recently, however, these laws, which have the ostensible aim of protecting children, are instead being used to punish children and dissuade the new phenomenon of “sexting” in the United States. “Sexting” refers to the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras to produce and distribute images of oneself in a sexually provocative or revealing position. The potential danger that this trend poses to minors is huge. Photographs produced by the use of “sexting” can be distributed to unintended third parties, often leading to embarrassment and harassment. Moreover, senders are also in danger of being charged with possession and distribution of child pornography, regardless of the fact that they are minors and the pictures are often of themselves. Not only is charging minors with child pornography a rather new phenomenon, it also appears to be a strategy that several states are adopting. This paper will look at the growing trend of charging minors who engage in “sexting” with child pornography charges by a case study of an actual prosecution, what the consequences of such a conviction entails in the United States, legislative responses, and an analysis of the appropriateness of using the legal system as a way of dealing with this problem.  相似文献   
The shift in socio-economic transactions from realspace to cyberspace through the emergence of electronic communications and digital formats has led to a disjuncture between the law and practices relating to electronic transactions. The speed at which information technology has developed require a faster, more reactive and automatic response from the law that is not currently met by the existing law-making framework. This paper suggests the development of special rules to enable Internet custom to form legal norms to fulfill this objective.  相似文献   
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