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This article examines the debate on whether to analyse ‘honour crimes’ as gender-based violence, or as cultural tradition, and the effects of either stance on protection from and prevention of these crimes. In particular, the article argues that the categorisation of honour-related violence as primarily cultural ignores its position within the wider spectrum of gender violence, and may result in a number of unfortunate side-effects, including lesser protection of the rights of women within minority communities, and the stigmatisation of those communities. At the same time it is problematic to completely dismiss any cultural aspects of violence against women, and a nuanced approach is required which carefully balances the benefits and detriments of taking cultural factors into account. The article examines the issues within the context of the legal response to cases involving honour-related violence, arguing that although the judiciary has in a number of cases inclined towards viewing ‘honour’ as primarily cultural rather than patriarchal, in some cases they have begun to take a more gender-based or ‘mature multiculturalism’ approach.
Rupa ReddyEmail:
我国 1 997刑法典仍存在重刑化倾向 ,表现在 :控制死刑适用未有重大突破 ,死刑罪种没有大幅度削减 ,绝对确定的死刑规定有增无减 ,死刑量刑幅度过大。我国刑法中死刑过多 ,与国际轻刑化趋势不相符合 ,不利于我国刑罚目的的实现 ,死刑不仅有较大的副作用还可能在刑事诉讼上造成难以弥补的损失。我国死刑居高不下的主观原因有封建重刑思想、传统价值观和刑罚观的影响 ,现阶段我国经济不发达、社会治安状况严峻和刑事立法体制的制约是其客观原因。  相似文献   
实践的核心就是发挥个体的主观能动性 ,主动去认识世界和改造世界。这是对课堂教学观进行实践构造的基础。树立以学生为中心的教育主体观 ,并以此为基础来确定实践性教学原则。课堂教学要从传统的只重视认知性学习转变到以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点的目标上来 ,教学内容的变革要从重视学科体系为主的书本知识转到对学生的全面影响上来 ,教学模式要从传统的单一讲授向多元化转变 ,教学手段要从传统的权威控制转变到以教学目标为导向上来  相似文献   
从历史和现实斗争角度来看,刑嫌调控具有积极作用和重要的现实意义.但当前形势下刑嫌调控存在不少问题,必须完善、夯实刑嫌调控的理论基础,改革刑侦基础、手段、工作模式、工作机制,使刑嫌调控发挥更大效益.  相似文献   
Examining the urban arts in the UK, in their paint and fibre-based alternatives, this article aims to account for the differences in contemporary dealings with graffiti and yarn-bombing (kniffiti). The intersectional complications of gender, race, age and class, as they have come to bear on the visual arts, as well as the historical power structures that have determined the classification of crime, and of art, are offered as possible rationales for present-day handling of ‘deviance’ in the form of urban art. It seems that urban knitting has blind-sighted both social conventions and legal principles in a way that exposes the arbitrary nature of both.  相似文献   
刑事强制措施的价值在于它既是保障刑事诉讼顺利进行的必要手段,也是保护公民人身自由权免受国家权力任意侵害的有力武器。作为刑事强制措施的重要组成部分,非羁押性强制措施比羁押性强制措施更符合这一价值体系的要求。  相似文献   
我国律师刑事辩护豁免权的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
律师刑事辩护豁免权,是指律师在法庭上的辩护言论不受法律追究的权利。世界上许多国家均对此项权利作出了具体的立法规定。律师刑事辩护豁免权关系到刑事诉讼所追求的实体公正和程序公正价值目标的实现。令人遗憾的是,我国律师缺乏刑事辩护豁免权,致使刑事辩护事业受到严重影响。鉴于此,在立法中赋予律师刑事辩护豁免权是现实之需、明智之举。  相似文献   
死刑权理论的历史回溯对于我们准确地把握死刑的本质,以及促进国家理性地选择在死刑存废问题上的基本立场都有所裨益。无论贝卡里亚、卢梭还是马克思都认识到了死刑的权力法则同战争准则具有相似性。这启示我们死刑制度有必要从战争准则的角度来反思。  相似文献   
侦查工作的成败,很大程度上取决于案件信息占有量和信息利用程度。系列杀人案件的社会危害性大,侦查难度大,必须正确地串并案件,充分利用已掌握的信息,结合对犯罪嫌疑人进行的犯罪心理画像,通过适当的案件信息披露方式来发动群众协助破案,并警示群众自我防护。  相似文献   
网络犯罪愈演愈烈,对社会的危害日益严重。加快网络安全刑事立法步骤,打击网络犯罪,维护网络安全和信息社会的正常秩序越显必要。  相似文献   
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