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无限防卫权是刑法学上颇具争议的问题,文章分析了无限防卫权存在的诸多缺陷以及其产生的不良影响,同时对张教授的二难悖论作出回应。认为取消无限防卫权、完善正当防卫制度是我国刑法规范所应选择的立法模式。  相似文献   
刑事辩护制度是被追诉人辩护权的重要保障。我国刑事诉讼法虽然确立了辩护律师保守职业秘密的权利,但对其从被追诉人处获知的事项能否成为刑事扣押的对象,立法的规定存在不足。应借鉴域外法治国家的有益经验,对辩护律师从被追诉人处获知的事项进行区分,以决定其是否可以成为刑事扣押的对象,从而在保障被追诉人的辩护权和惩罚犯罪之间实现价值平衡。  相似文献   
诉权是当事人请求法院运用审判权解决民事纠纷或保护民事权益的权利。回溯民事诉权理论的历史源流,有助于分析我国民事诉权内涵的发展并提出新的认识。考察我国民事诉权立法缺陷和司法运行的偏离现状,有助于提出有针对性的制度建设途径。在诉权保障体系构建之后。应着眼当事人滥用诉权的社会现实,探讨对民事诉权滥用的制约机制。  相似文献   
The article focuses on the reappearance of the extreme right in Cyprus, with the aim of understanding the wider trends and local structural determinants that favoured its return. The research examines both the structure of opportunity favouring the reappearance of the extreme right—i.e. the current economic crisis and unemployment, the legitimacy crisis of the political and party systems, and the political and institutional context—and the way the extreme-right party (National Popular Front – ELAM) responded to these opportunities, capitalising on its special relationship with the Greek Golden Dawn. This paper will argue that the extreme right is the outgrowth of a systemic (economic and political) crisis, as well as a reflection of how Cypriot political actors regard and react to the extreme right's signatory issues.  相似文献   
欲实现行政复议解决纠纷、监督行政和权利救济的复合功能,《行政复议法》的修改和完善必须相对集中行政复议权,并引入行政复议委员会,将抽象行政行为和内部行为一并纳入行政复议范围,改书面审理方式为言词审理方式,确立复议期间停止(暂缓)执行制度,实现复议程序多元化,取消复议终局制度,确立司法最终裁判原则,以充分发挥行政复议制度专业性、便捷性等优势。  相似文献   
分析229份涉走私未遂案件的裁判文书发现,走私犯罪既未遂的认定标准很不统一,判决难点问题集中,相互矛盾明显。犯罪的本质在于侵害法益,大多数故意犯罪都存在一定的行为过程,犯罪的本质也应贯彻于犯罪认定的整个过程之中。作为犯罪过程中的停止形态,既未遂的判断,也可通过法益侵害程度来考察。走私类犯罪侵犯的主要法益是国家外贸管制和海关监管制度,根据走私的形式不同,法益侵害程度的标准可以区分和细化,进而区别认定它们的既未遂形态。  相似文献   
民法典为民事纠纷的解决提供了更加充实和完善的实体法根据。基于民事审判方式在民事审判程序运行中的特殊地位,民事审判方式也应为民法典的实施作出相应调整。我国传统的民事审判方式是在较长时期实体法缺失或很不完善的法制环境下的产物,由此也就形成了虽追求纠纷解决结果,但却不在意深究请求权基础和法律推理逻辑的"散点式审判方式"。民法典作为体系化的、自洽的实体权利义务根据,为法律审判的"三段论"推理提供了最基本的前提条件。民法典实施的强大社会"气场"也必将有利地驱动民事审判方式再次进行调整,转向以明确原告实体请求权有无为中心的"聚焦式审判方式"。这种转向使得整个民事审判过程将始终围绕着实体请求权基础、请求权要件事实展开审判活动,从而实现了程序法与实体法的有效贯通和对接。使得以实体请求权及要件事实为中心的聚焦式审判能够更精确、细致地进行事实认定和法律适用,并催生更具技术操作规范的"要件审判法",从而能够更有效率地解决纠纷,让人们真切地感知到个案解决的实体正义和程序正义。  相似文献   
论紧急救治权与医疗欠费的矛盾及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧急救治权是我国卫生法规定的公民在患病急危时,有得到医师紧急抢救的权利。而在当前却存在日益增多的急诊欠费与紧急救治权之间发生矛盾的案例,严重妨害了患者的紧急救治权。如果仅依靠追究医师的法律责任来解决该矛盾,只是治表之策,而建立急诊欠费的补偿机制才是根本对策。因此,应当通过社会建立急诊“绿色通道”会员制度,医院共同参与建立“医疗欠费共担基金”,政府建立紧急救治欠费补偿基金,聘请律师对恶意欠费依法追缴等对策保障患者紧急救治权。  相似文献   
量化分级管理制度作为卫生部监督管理餐饮服务行业和公共场所的一项重要举措已取得显著的成效,也成为我国建设法治国家、践行社会主义法治理念的一个具体着眼点。量化分级管理的信息公示作为一个重要的行政管理监管方法,有着其坚实的法理基础。本文从量化分级管理的信息公示与政府信息公开的关系入手,从主权在民和公民知情权这两个重要理论方面分析量化分级信息公示的法理内涵,为加快建立诚信社会,落实我国依法治国、执法为民、公平正义的法治理念做贡献。  相似文献   
Julien Freund (1921–93) was a French sociologist and political theorist who taught at the University of Strasbourg in the 1960s and 1970s. Although he is the author of over two dozen books, Freund remained throughout his lifetime something of a marginal figure in his own country. Yet, strangely, Freund is now receiving more scholarly attention in France than ever before. The question is why? This paper attempts to provide an answer by looking at Freund's attempt to establish an alternative intellectual canon in France that was heavily indebted to the German tradition of political realism. The story begins with Freund's early relationship with Raymond Aron, and suggests, perhaps provocatively, that Freund is responsible for luring Aron back into his studies on Max Weber dating from the 1930s. It then moves on to explore Freund's relationship with Carl Schmitt. Freund became Schmitt's closest French friend and, for forty years, exhibited a veritable obsession with disseminating Schmitt's work in France. Finally, it suggests that recent attempts by those who wish to place Freund within a current tradition of French liberalism are mistaken. Instead Freund must be placed within a German Neue Rechte context, and specifically his desire to introduce the German tradition of political realism into France. In the end the article argues that the French Nouvelle Droite—with its stress on the cultural and ethnic foundations of the nation-state—pushed Freund's political thought in a decidedly anti-liberal and seemingly pseudo-fascist direction.  相似文献   
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