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清代的鉴定文书不仅应包括通说中的尸格、尸图、骨格、骨图,而且还应该包括通详类上行文书、仵作甘结,它们各有侧重,相互验证。通详类文书中有介绍现场勘查、分析说明的作用,仵作甘结则体现了验证图格,防止作弊的用处。三者共同构成了一套精巧的表达体系。同时,清朝还在损伤描述要素上作了规范化的努力。  相似文献   
公安行政文书作为一门基础性的警务课程,是在完成公安任务的具体过程中来体现其实用价值的。公安行政文书的“警务课程”性质,决定了它的课程教学应当定位于“行动导向课程模式”。这种教学模式要求教师创设一种仿真的学习环境和气氛,以学员为中心,以任务为载体,组织并指导学员在完成具体任务的行动中,手脑并用,做学结合,身体力行地荻取专业能力、方法能力和社会能力。  相似文献   
公文行文中问题不少,本文仅就几个教材中的行政公文失当之处释例如下。这些问题分别是:1.概念不一;2.搭配不当和举例不当;3.顺序不当;4.递进不当;5.并列不当。  相似文献   
传统的应用写作教学模式弊端日益显露,计算机辅助教学有助于克服传统应用写作教学中的短处。但是目前在应用写作的CAI软件设计中也存在一些问题,必须引起重视。教育观念的更新以及对教育观念的辩证认识为应用写作计算机辅助教学软件的开发打下了坚实的理论基础,计算机和网络技术的发展为应用写作计算机辅助教学软件的设计展现了良好的发展前景。  相似文献   
从文书标题、开篇首段总结性套语、文书结尾分析公安机关事务文书的话语特征,着重阐述当前公安机关事务文书网络信息化的话语特征,提倡建立网络信息在公安工作中的话语权威性。  相似文献   
法医学伤情鉴定多需借助医疗单位出具的医疗文书来确定伤情程度,如诊断证明书、病历、检查报告单等。医疗文书往往因为医生的技术水平、责任心及其他人为原因而发生偏差,所以法医在将医疗文书用作鉴定依据时,要审查医疗文书的真实性、关联性和合法性。审查医疗文书一般采用判断证据的方法,即对医疗文书来源的合法性、客观性,诊断依据的真实性、可靠性,诊断结论的科学性、全面性进行审查;以及将医疗文书与同案其他证据加以对照、比较和验证;甚至收集新的证据,以消除医疗文书中的矛盾,确保其准确无误,为法医鉴定提供真实、可靠的医学依据。  相似文献   
二十世纪末中国文坛出现的诸如卫慧、棉棉、安妮宝贝等人的“另类”女性写作现象,引起广大读者的热忱关注,从而盛行一时,形成一股“另类热”。从传播与接受的角度看,另类热出现的原因,是现代传媒的影响与读者的猎奇逆反心理、全球化的语境与消费主义观念的盛行,“另类”作品中浓厚的殖民文化色彩与“另类”生活的展示等方面环环相扣、因因相袭、共同促生了卫慧、棉棉等的“另类热”。  相似文献   
李雪梅 《政法论坛》2020,(1):120-131
中华法系"重实体、轻程序"的特色,几成为人们的共识,但中国古代公文碑所呈现的繁复行政过程及"程序化"特色,对这一共识形成挑战。历时长久、适用广泛、形式多样、存量可观的公文碑是研究中国古代行政权、行政程序、行政监管等法律制度的珍贵史料。碑石上的"行政授权""行政许可"以及"反向行政"等内容,揭示了中国古代行政权在制度建构、秩序维护和社会运行中的关键机制。对包括碑刻在内的传统史料的系统整理和重新发现,对于构建中国传统法律话语体系,具有不可忽视的意义。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(4):433-447
The forensic scenario, on which the round robin study was based, simulated a suspected intentional manipulation of a real estate rental agreement consisting of a total of three pages. The aims of this study were to (i) establish the amount and reliability of information extractable from a single type of evidence and to (ii) provide suggestions on the most suitable combination of compatible techniques for a multi-modal imaging approach to forgery detection. To address these aims, seventeen laboratories from sixteen countries were invited to answer the following tasks questions: (i) which printing technique was used? (ii) were the three pages printed with the same printer? (iii) were the three pages made from the same paper? (iv) were the three pages originally stapled? (v) were the headings and signatures written with the same ink? and (vi) were headings and signatures of the same age on all pages? The methods used were classified into the following categories: Optical spectroscopy, including multispectral imaging, smartphone mapping, UV-luminescence and LIBS; Infrared spectroscopy, including Raman and FTIR (micro-)spectroscopy; X-ray spectroscopy, including SEM-EDX, PIXE and XPS; Mass spectrometry, including ICPMS, SIMS, MALDI and LDIMS; Electrostatic imaging, as well as non-imaging methods, such as non-multimodal visual inspection, (micro-)spectroscopy, physical testing and thin layer chromatography. The performance of the techniques was evaluated as the proportion of discriminated sample pairs to all possible sample pairs. For the undiscriminated sample pairs, a distinction was made between undecidability and false positive claims. It was found that none of the methods used were able to solve all tasks completely and/or correctly and that certain methods were a priori judged unsuitable by the laboratories for some tasks. Correct results were generally achieved for the discrimination of printer toners, whereas incorrect results in the discrimination of inks. For the discrimination of paper, solid state analytical methods proved to be superior to mass spectrometric methods. None of the participating laboratories deemed addressing ink age feasible. It was concluded that correct forensic statements can only be achieved by the complementary application of different methods and that the classical approach of round robin studies to send standardised subsamples to the participants is not feasible for a true multimodal approach if the techniques are not available at one location.  相似文献   
笔迹的多样性形成的原因有二:一方面是书写技能和书写习惯具有多样性;另一方面是书写反映的方式变化具有多样性。签名笔迹多样性的判定及其鉴定方法,涉及签名笔迹书写习惯多样性的判定和签名笔迹多样性与伪装、变异、变化特征的区别等两个方面的问题。在笔迹检验的综合评断阶段,检材与样本的差异点常常包含了因笔迹多样性所致的差异。鉴定结论性意见因不同的差异情况而有不同的规范要求.  相似文献   
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