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目的:探讨针灸督脉对维甲酸所造成的骨质疏松的影响。方法:通过给大鼠灌服维甲酸14 d后,复制骨质疏松大鼠模型,并进行针灸及药物干预,采用放射免疫分析法和双能X线骨密度测定法等,检测实验大鼠血清骨代谢相关细胞因子以及骨密度。结果:针灸督脉可明显提高实验大鼠血清转化生长因子-β(TGFβ)水平,降低白细胞介素-6(IL-6)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNFα)水平,升高骨密度(BMD)。结论:针灸督脉可通过调节机体相关细胞因子网络平衡,改善骨代谢负平衡状态,降低骨的转换率,增加骨密度,有效治疗维甲酸导致的骨质疏松症。  相似文献   
“以文为诗”始自杜甫,韩愈继承并发展了这一诗歌创作手法,而晚唐杜牧学习杜甫、韩愈,其诗中的“以文为诗”现象很明显,有句式参差;改变句律,打破诗歌句式的常规节奏,使其如散文那样流动自如;化偶句为单句,故避属对;以虚词入句;不顾声律;诗长如散文;诗题长如散曳序长如散文等八种表现形态。杜牧的“以文为诗”直接影响了宋人,成为宋诗的一个重要资源。  相似文献   
杜诗对三苏的影响各具特点。苏洵的诗古质朴拙,木讷少文,受杜诗的诗歌影响很小。苏轼推崇杜诗,并继承了杜甫的写实传统,他的一些诗歌在风格上接近杜诗,其出蜀纪行诗和《荆州十首》等诗歌都直接模仿杜诗。苏轼学习杜诗,而又自成一格。苏辙对杜诗有较高评价,杜诗对其诗歌的影响主要表现在化用杜诗方面。  相似文献   
<建康实录>是一部重要的六朝史料集,关于其作者与成书时代,旧说纷纭,迄今未有定论.其中有前人所谓的"穆宗长庆中材料",一直是个谜.事实上,"长庆"纪年有误,这段材料的主人公"李千里"是揭开谜底的关键.确定"长庆"为讹文,则旧说不攻自破,而<建康实录>为许嵩一人所纂且成书于肃宗之世,亦从此再无疑议.  相似文献   
对《汉书.地理志》中“都元国”的考释,学界人言人殊,没有定论。本文在认同韩振华先生“都元”即“黑都”的基础上,根据俄厄的考古发现和史料记载,推定俄厄即为汉代都元所在,因为俄厄在汉代已是一个连接中西的繁荣港口城市,其居民肤色黝黑并位于汉使南行的必经之路上。  相似文献   
“仁爱”是杜诗的灵魂,也是杜甫为人的本色,杜甫首先是仁者,杜诗的仁爱主要是继承了儒家传统并有所发展;将仁爱精神放在现代人类社会的大背景下与博爱相比较,仁爱最符合中国国情,当前我们所提倡的“以人为本”首先需要仁爱;人类社会要实现和平共处、和谐发展同样也离不开仁爱。  相似文献   
<醒风流>和<二度梅>这两部才子佳人小说,在情节、语言、人物及其活动场景等方面有着诸多雷同之处,因袭关系明显.通过书中的仪征地名沿革、清代官制变化等线索,考定<二度梅>的成书当在乾隆十三年之后,远晚于成书在康熙十一年的<醒风流>,而且<二度梅>中有三条材料呈现出因袭<醒风流>的明显痕迹.因此可以论定:<二度梅>确实承袭了<醒风流>.  相似文献   
与既往对晚清公益的研讨多限于男性组织的研究不同,本文选择广州“ 公益女学堂”作为个案,发现当时投身公益的晚清女性,绝大多数出自绅商阶层。正是基于地缘、学缘和阶层等交往形成的关系型社会资本和基于同道中人的理解、欣赏和信任而产生的认知型社会资本,在同一群亲友型志士群体中深度交融,为当时不被主流社会所容的有志女性生产出一个相对自由包容的“平行世界” ———既是女性公益事业生发之初最现成的组织依托,又是其存续和发展最关键的抗风险系统。本文遂提出多维社会资本交融的观点,来解释中国女性近代公益组织的生发机制。事实上,这样一种集多层次社会资本为一体的亲友型志士网络广泛存在于近代中国变革的肌理之中,尚有待于未来更多深化和拓展。  相似文献   

During the May Fourth Culture Movement, Chen Duxiu from New Youth and Du Yaquan of Eastern Miscellany engaged in a series of heated exchanges in their common search for a solution to the Republican crisis and an understanding of World War I. Du argued that nation-states are founded on the cultural and civilizational orientation of its people, therefore the essence of war and the source of political conflict are functions of the thoughts of the people. This insight shifted the debate from the political to the cultural arena, and allowed the May Fourth intellectuals to examine the attributes of Eastern and Western civilizations as a way to counter the threats of Hongxian monarchism, China’s political and social fragmentation, as well as the inadequacies of Western nation-statehood. Du predicted that the future master of the twentieth century would be a scientific laborer with a cultural outlook derived from the mediation of the traditional Chinese and twentieth-century European civilizations.1  相似文献   
Former South African Prime Minister Jan Smuts’s 1930 European and North American tour included a series of interactions with diasporic African and African American activists and intelligentsia. Among Smuts’s many remarks stands a particular speech he delivered in New York City, when he called Africans “the most patient of all animals, next to the ass.” Naturally, this and other comments touched off a firestorm of controversy surrounding Smuts, his visit, and segregationist South Africa’s laws. Utilizing news coverage, correspondence, and recollections of the trip, this article uses his visit as a lens into both African American relations with Africa and white American foundation work toward the continent and, especially, South Africa. It argues that the 1930 visit represents an early example of black internationalism and solidarity, reflecting a shift from sociocultural connections between Africa and the diaspora to creating political movements on behalf of African people. To contextualize this visit, we assess events surrounding a meeting that the Phelps-Stokes Fund organized for Smuts at Howard University, using this as a lens into the two disparate, yet interlocked, communities.  相似文献   
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