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张尧 《法学家》2022,(1):98-113
虽然《担保法》《物权法》以及《民法典》明确规定不得以依法被查封的财产设定抵押,但不能据此认定其属于禁止性规定,从而将违反该规定而设定抵押权的行为一律归为无效。查封虽在公法上具有绝对效力,但就其对债务人的效力而言,尤其是在最高人民法院于2004年制定《查封规定》之后,已经由绝对效力转为相对效力。结合《民法典担保制度解释》第37条第2款规定来看,若查封已经充分公示,债务人以查封物设定的抵押权仅是相对无效,不得对抗申请执行人(包括轮候查封的申请执行人)以及其后参与到执行程序中的债权人,但对于其他债权人而言仍是有效的。如果查封的公示效应不达,则允许成立善意取得,就查封物取得抵押权的债权人有权对抗前述主体。  相似文献   
随着微博的快速发展和社会价值观的多元化,给公安院校应对媒体和舆论引导工作带来了新的挑战和机遇.公安院校微博具有特殊性与广泛性、个性化与多元性、同质性与放大性、难控性与非理性等特征.微博时代公安院校在应对媒体和舆论引导方面还存在一些不容忽视的问题.微博时代公安院校开展应对媒体和舆论引导主要策略有:树立教育平等观和微博教育功能的理念;鼓励公安院校和有关教育者开通微博,建立微博分类平台;建立公安院校微博管理专门机构和队伍;建立完善公安院校微博舆情危机预案启动和快速处置机制;加强公安院校微博道德伦理建设、法制建设等.  相似文献   
近年来,国际社会越来越重视共同应对重特大自然灾害突发事件问题。《东盟灾害管理与紧急应对协议》作为东南亚地区有关应对自然灾害的一个具有法律效力的协议,是世界上同种类灾害联合应对协议的开篇之作,这个协议约束东盟国家团结应对、共同减少灾害风险,并加强了他们防灾和应对灾害的能力,并加强了同联合国及其他合作组织的伙伴关系。这是国际社会自然灾害应急法制化的一个范本,其积极意义和不足具有借鉴价值。  相似文献   
A mass fatality DNA identification effort is a complex process in which direct matching and kinship analysis is used for identifying human remains. Kinship DNA identification is an important tool in the identification process in which victim's DNA profiles are compared to the profiles of “known” biologically related reference samples. Experience from the 9/11 World Trade Center DNA identification efforts showed that forms used to record biological relationships are important and that inaccurately documented information may hamper the kinship analysis and DNA identification process. In the identification efforts following Hurricane Katrina, a Family and/or Donor Reference Collection (FDRC) form was used as a means to document the reported relationship between the reference DNA donor and the purported missing individual. This FDRC form was developed based upon lessons learned from 9/11 and the Tsunami identification efforts. This paper analyses the effectiveness of the FDRC form used in the Hurricane Katrina kinship DNA identification efforts and proposes an improved sample collection form for kinship and other donor reference samples. The data presented can be used to enhance the accuracy of the data collection process through an improved sample collection form, streamlining the DNA kinship identification process and decreasing the burden on valuable resources.  相似文献   
Research Summary: Our paper explores the impact of implementing a nonemergency 3‐1‐1 call system in Baltimore, Maryland. We found a large (34.2%) reduction in 9‐1‐1 calls following the introduction of the 3‐1‐1 nonemergency call system. Many, but not all, of these calls simply migrated over to the 3‐1‐1 call system. Overall, we identified a 7.7% reduction in recorded citizen calls to the police post 3‐1‐1 intervention. This recorded reduction in citizen calls was confounded by an increase in high priority calls to the 9‐1‐1 system (27.5%), a large overall reduction in low priority calls (54.3%), and an estimated increase (perhaps 8%) in unrecorded calls to the police. We also note a small increase in response times to high priority 9‐1‐1 calls following the implementation of the 3‐1‐1 call system and virtually no change in the amount of officer time available for community policing or problem‐oriented policing activities. Policy Implications: Our findings suggest that nonemergency call systems, such as 3‐1‐1, can greatly facilitate police efforts to better handle citizen calls for police service. However, the intrinsic value of nonemergency call systems is tightly woven with a police department's willingness to change dispatch policies (especially for those calls received via the 3‐1‐1 system), reallocate patrol resources, and adopt organizational reforms to support alternative methods (apart from dispatch) for handling nonemergency calls for service.  相似文献   
突发公共卫生事件的舆情治理,事关重大舆情和突发事件舆论引导机制的健全、公共安全体制机制和国家安全体系的完善以及国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的实现。当下的突发公共卫生事件舆情呈现出新特征:舆情信息供给稳定,官方发布和移动端成为舆情走势主推力量与渠道;舆情演化模型与事件发展阶段、事物认识过程一致,舆情热点在多元主体之间互动以及网络与现实交互下有所分散;社会整体关注之余凸显“不对称”特征,以往同类事件被再度热议。相应的舆情治理要略包括:官方发布积极引导,正确处置化解危机;媒体报道保量增质,新媒体运用加强规制;秉持协同治理理念,掌握重点处置策略。  相似文献   
“急事”呼唤“急法”,国务院《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》的紧急出台是因非典危机而起。本文通过研究这部非常时期的非常立法的背景、目的、指导思想和主要内容,论述了我国建立应急法律制度的现实价值与深远意义。特别强调,非典既是一种呼吸综合症,它所引发的更是一种社会综合症,法律正是通过对社会病的疗治而对付自然病;有了急事,就要有急的意识、急的行为、急的规范,就要依法应急。  相似文献   
我国突发事件应急预案的缺陷及其完善   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应急预案是应对突发事件的基础。通过对个案以及对我国现有各级各类应急预案的分析。发现我国应急预案存在诸多缺陷。预案体系尚不完整,缺乏必要的预案;预案内容简单、缺乏可操作性;缺乏部门之间的合作协调;预案的制定和修订程序欠缺。建议借鉴英国、美国和加拿大等国的经验,改进我国应急预案的内容,完善应急预案的制定程序,重视应急预案的修订。  相似文献   
公安道口工作是大城市治安防控体系的重要一环,在控制犯罪、打击犯罪及反恐斗争中的地位日益突出。但在日趋严峻的治安现实条件下,公安道口工作还存在着许多困难和不足。因此,加强和改进公安道口工作,增强驾驭动态社会治安的能力,是当前社会治安形势的迫切需要。  相似文献   
社区是预防和应对突发事件的前沿阵地。加强社区应急能力建设,对于"平安重庆"建设、"和谐重庆"构建、确保重庆市经济社会又好又快发展、率先在西部全面实现小康具有重大意义。有必要对"紧急事件"、"危机"、"突发事件","危机管理"与"应急管理","应急管理能力"与"应急能力"概念进行辨析,界定"社区应急能力"概念的内涵,辨识社区应急能力构成要素,分析重庆市社区应急能力建设的现状和存在问题,并提出加强重庆市社区应急能力建设的现实路径。  相似文献   
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