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魏丽丽 《政法论丛》2020,(1):113-124
商标恶意抢注有违诚实信用原则,应予规制。适用我国现行《商标法》规制恶意抢注在注册确权、侵权救济和法律责任承担方面存在局限性;基于《侵权责任法》保护民事权益的范围所限,商标恶意抢注并非均为民事侵权行为,适用《侵权责任法》难以对恶意抢注实施全面规制;以《反不正当竞争法》规制恶意抢注,可对其启用行政调查措施,并通过法律责任承担规定使得恶意抢注人为此承担民事责任和行政责任,但须以竞争关系的存在和构成不正当竞争行为为适用要件,因此存在边界限制。为有效规制恶意抢注,应当结合前述立法的功能定位选择多元化法律规制路径,并从明确恶意抢注商标不予注册、规定未经实际使用的注册商标不得转让、限制恶意抢注商标的请求权方面对我国商标立法以制度完善。  相似文献   
企业数据在既有法律框架下无法获得充分保护,作为一种财产性利益,企业数据与一般条款具有耦合性。但是,一般条款的裁判思路依赖于传统侵权模式,最高人民法院在"海带配额案"中创设的三个构成要件,使一般条款陷入困境,无法应对行为规制法的本质要求,无法与《民法典》相衔接。企业数据涉及个体经济利益、行业利益及公共利益,"全有全无"构成要件式的侵权判断,不能应对复杂多变的涉企业数据竞争行为的法律规制。动态系统论以"或多或少"的思路考量各要素的数量和强度的协作,按照价值位阶和顺序,考虑企业数据本身的合法性、行为人主观过错、行为影响,根据具体场景综合权衡损害与收益,可以为涉企业数据竞争行为的正当性判断提供正确的裁判思路和理论支持。  相似文献   
The conventional wisdom on Western European politics leads us to believe that all the “action” lies with parties, because the unified parliamentary delegations in Western Europe draw voters' attention to parties' policies and images. Though British elections take place under a single member district plurality system, British parties, like their continental counterparts, are highly centralised and feature disciplined parliamentary delegations. Despite the strong ties between British candidates and their parties, we demonstrate that perceptions of candidates' personal attributes can be used to predict general election outcomes. Using a computer-based survey where subjects are asked to evaluate real British candidates using only rapidly determined first impressions of facial images, we successfully predict outcomes from the 2010 general election. Moreover, we find that perceptions of candidates' relative attractiveness are particularly useful for predicting outcomes in marginal constituencies.  相似文献   
正MUTUAL suspicions concerning security among major countries and increasing economic competition among them are further complicating the situation in the Asia-Pacific region.The U.S.is proactively advancing talks towards the TransPacific Partnership(TPP)Agreement in hopes of forging higher-level free trade agreements in the region,while China supports and is participating in the negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP).These  相似文献   
2004年7月8日,德国新的《反不正当竞争法》开始实施。对中德两部《反不正当竞争法》立法保护目的、不正当行为的定义、不正当行为的具体规定以及法律责任四个方面进行比较,从而反思我国《反不正当竞争法》存在的缺陷与不足,进一步探析德国这部新法对完善我国《不正当竞争法》的启示。  相似文献   
张志峰 《学理论》2011,(4):52-53
人类社会的发展过程中,竞争是一直伴随其左右并不断使其向前发展的源泉与动力。在现代社会中,尤其是从20世纪90年代以来,我国国内很多企业、集团纷纷采取了产销一体化的经营模式。这种模式的采用,究其原因,就是行业内的竞争所致。在现代工业化社会分工越来越细致,商业资本从产业资本中分离出来,在商品经济不发达的社会,由于生产规模有限,单个商品生产者生产的商品不多,那时,产销统一由生产者自己完成。商品经济发展到一定阶段后,随着生产规模的扩大,单个产业资本家生产的商品越来越多,他便不能同时兼顾生产与销售。因此,产销一体化的经营模式应运而生。  相似文献   
Developing countries increasingly participate in transgovernmental networks of global regulatory governance, but they do so in different ways. This article aims to provide an explanation for this variation for two of the major emerging powers in the world economy, Brazil and China, in their transition toward more active players in the global competition regime. Distinguishing between bilateral and multilateral transgovernmental networks and examining the domestic factors conditioning the transition of their national competition agencies from rule-takers to rule-promoters or rule-makers through these networks, the article makes theoretical contributions to the linkage between transgovernmentalism and the regulatory state. I argue that differing political needs and the incomplete process of regulatory state formation push domestic agencies to join transgovernmental networks, with a need for greater legitimacy steering the Brazilian regulators to multilateral networks and facilitating their transition from rule-takers to rule-promoters. The Chinese agencies' primary need for expertise rather than legitimacy, by contrast, led them to pursue technical assistance and cooperation via bilateral relationships. The Chinese approach has slowed its transition from rule-taker to rule-promoter where its norms and practices are aligned with the established powers. Such approach will further impede its transition into a global rule-maker in areas of competition law and policy where China's preferences diverge.  相似文献   
龚红兵 《行政与法》2004,(11):91-92
竞争法律制度在一个国家经济发展中起着极为重要的作用,素有“经济宪法”之称。入世后,在知识经济和经济全球化的背景下,各种各样的不正当竞争行为、限制竞争行为以及垄断行为对我国经济的健康发展带来了愈来愈严峻的挑战,完善与发展我国竞争法律制度已经成为全社会共同关注的课题。本文立足我国具体国情,从立法层面和具体法律制度层面上提出了我国竞争法律制度的“适世”和发展策略。  相似文献   
Debates concerning the taxation of prostitution have occurred in taxation law and in feminist literature. This article will integrate the case of Polok v. C.E.C. [2002] E.W.H.C, 156; [2002] S.T.C. 361, within the feminist legal canon. The case is discussed in the context of the argument of the European doctrine of fiscal neutrality, which dictates that, regardless of legality as amongst member states, if an activity is levied to V.A.T. in one member state, V.A.T. should be levied on it in all member states. The doctrine of sovereignty accepts the possibility that the integrity of the V.A.T. system may be compromised by the levying of tax on illegal activities, in terms of the cooperation between tax and other aspects of the U.K.’s legal system. European law, feminist law, commodification and the marketplace are all considered within the context of these principles. The article also considers the place of Polok within standard feminist texts on prostitution. Different paradigms of prostitution define different aspects of prostitution as ‘problems’, and the article considers the implications within a feminist reconstruction of Polok of this. The article suggests that the challenge for a feminist analysis of Polok is to remain within the realm of European tax and competition law, and to render the perspective of the employees of the Polok taxpayers part of the substance of the deliberations of the case.  相似文献   
我国新近通过的《物权法》确立了对公私物权予以平等保护的重要原则,该原则及其贯彻对我国现行行政救济制度提出了挑战,它要求行政救济制度必须从实体、程序等方面更新一些现有规定,并重视行政救济制度对物权相关权益的平等保护,来实现对公民、法人和其他组织物权较彻底的平等保护。  相似文献   
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