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2002年《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》规定了民事诉讼中的专家辅助人。2013年修订的《民事诉讼法》中也明确了民事诉讼中的专家辅助人制度。在司法实践中,医疗损害的案件专业性强,并且案件通常都会涉及到医疗损害技术鉴定,这就使得医疗损害案件是民事案件中经常需要专家辅助人的一类案件。本文在剖析了专家辅助人的诉讼地位后,认为我国医疗损害案件中的专家辅助人不同于英美法系中医疗诉讼中的专家证人,也不同于证人、鉴定人和诉讼代理人。在此基础上,探讨了医学专家辅助人在医疗损害案件诉讼的实际应用,并针对现有相关规定中不明确的地方提出了完善医疗损害诉讼中专家辅助人制度的建议。  相似文献   
赵西巨 《证据科学》2010,18(1):29-38
在专家证言的可采性判断标准上,Daubert标准替代"普遍接受"标准成为发展方向。Daubert标准在赋予法官很大的自由裁量的同时,也赋予其艰巨的"守门人"角色。Daubert标准将决定权中心从专业界移至法官。Daubert标准对多种因素的弹性考量给新科学证据的可采性提供了机遇和可能,但是一切要取决于法官的自由裁量和"守门人"职责的履行。  相似文献   
医学专家意见在医疗纠纷诉讼中占有重要地位,在不同法系国家分别以鉴定和专家证言的形式出现在法庭诉讼中。目前,我国已形成了以医疗事故技术鉴定和医疗过错鉴定为主体的医疗专业技术鉴定体制,但当前面临着诸多困境。从专家证据制度改革和医学专家意见形成特点等层面分析,专家辅助人制度与普通法系国家专家证人制度类似,其和鉴定制度的有机结合可以在医疗纠纷诉讼领域构建更为理想的专家证据制度;有助于最大限度地使法律真实靠近客观真实。但过于强大的医疗专业技术鉴定制度对专家辅助人制度具有明显的压制作用,因此需适当限制鉴定制度,大力推行专家辅助人制度,同时应总结相关国家经验教训,防止专家辅助人制度产生不应有的负面效应。  相似文献   
A multicentre retrospective analysis of 4450 autopsies carried out due to suspicion of medical malpractice in 17 German institutes of forensic medicine from 1990 to 2000 was performed for the German Federal Ministry of Health. During the time period analysed an increase of cases could be mentioned. The main results of the study are: in the cooperating institutes the total number of autopsies due to suspected medical malpractice ranged from 1.4 to 20%. In more than 40% of the cases preliminary proceedings were started because the manner of death was certified as non-natural or not clarified. Hospital doctors were more affected by medical malpractice claims than doctors in private practice. However, the number of confirmed cases of medical malpractice was higher for doctors in private practice than for hospital doctors. Although surgery is still at the top of the disciplines involved in medical malpractice claims the number of confirmed surgical cases was below the average. Mistakes in care were confirmed to be above the average. Medico-legal autopsies are still a very sufficient method to evaluate cases of medical malpractice: 2863 cases could already be clarified by autopsy. Up to now there is no systematic registration of medical malpractice charges in Germany. A systematic registration should be initiated to build up and/or improve error reporting systems and, thus, to improve patient safety. Compared to other sources of medical malpractice claims (arbitration committees of the medical chambers, reference material of health and insurance companies, files of civil courts) the data of the present multicentre study are in so far unique as only lethal cases were evaluated and a complete autopsy report was available as basis of an expert opinion in alleged medical malpractice cases.  相似文献   
The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling concerning suggestive eyewitness identification procedures (Manson v. Braithwaite, 1977, 432 U.S. 98) has not been revisited by the Court in the intervening 30+ years. Meanwhile, scientific studies of eyewitnesses have progressed and DNA exonerations show that mistaken identification is the primary cause of convictions of the innocent. We analyzed the two-inquiry logic in Manson in light of eyewitness science. Several problems are discussed. Ironically, we note that suggestive identification procedures (determined in the first inquiry) boost the eyewitnesses’ standing on three of the five criteria (used in the second inquiry) that are used to decide whether the suggestive procedures were a problem. The net effect undermines safeguards intended by the Court and destroys incentives to avoid suggestive procedures.
Gary L. WellsEmail:
司法鉴定过程中专家证人制度是其灵魂。就国外来说,大陆法系和英美法系对专家证人制度的规定大相径庭。本文从概念定位、选任和出庭制度等方面比较大陆法系和英美法系在专家证人方面的规定,进而提出完善我国专家证人制度的若干建议。  相似文献   
法医学鉴定意见是重要的诉讼证据,鉴定标准尤其是强制性标准直接影响鉴定意见的科学性、公正性和权威性。当前我国法医学鉴定的强制性国家标准仅有3项,推荐性国家标准及行业标准489项。法医学标准数量有限,尤其强制性标准奇缺,已经影响到我国法医学鉴定实践和学科发展。《强制性国家标准管理办法》旨在加强和推进我国强制性国家标准的管理和发展。笔者建议,以该办法的实施为契机,相关行政管理部门应当发挥更多作用,采取有力措施推进法医学鉴定强制性国家标准的制定,进一步补充、修改、完善法医学鉴定行业标准,强化法医学鉴定强制性国家标准的执行。  相似文献   
我国刑事诉讼法明确规定,证据材料只有经过当庭质证才能成为定案的证据。鉴定结论是定案的重要证据,因此其在法庭上的质证显得尤为重要。然而,无论是被告人、被害人,或者是辩护人,往往都不具有鉴定结论的相关知识,鉴定结论的质证往往流于形式,因此有必要建立刑事诉讼专家辅助人制度。  相似文献   
论医疗事故及医疗事故技术鉴定结论的性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医疗事故纠纷成为近年来的热点问题。要很好的处理医疗纠纷 ,制订出切实、可行的法规 ,必须明确医疗事故的法律性质和医疗事故技术鉴定委员会做出的鉴定结论的性质。笔者认为 ,造成医疗事故的不当医疗行为符合侵权行为的构成要件 ,因此 ,应是侵权行为。相应的 ,医疗机构对病员应予赔偿 ,而非补偿。目前的医疗事故鉴定体制存在着很多弊端。对于鉴定结论的性质 ,笔者认为 ,从证据规则的原理和民事诉讼法、行政诉讼法的规定看 ,它应是卫生行政机关和法院处理医疗纠纷的证据 ,而非依据。卫生行政机关和法院可审查其证明力 ,决定是否适用。这样才有利于做出正确裁判。此外 ,还应采取有力措施保障病员及其家属的知情权。  相似文献   
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