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决策在现代化管理中占有很重要的地位,决策已由过去的经验决策转变为信息化决策。决策存在着风险,风险的产生很重要的因素是决策者没有全面、准确掌握信息,没有能很好分析、提炼、综合信息。以项目风险管理为例,阐述在信息化时代应该充分应用专家系统、决策支持系统等信息系统,为决策、风险管理等现代化管理提供支持。  相似文献   
在“公众参与、专家论证和政府决策相结合”的公共决策体制下,各种形式的专家论证实践如火如荼地展开,关于专家论证的各类规范性文件也相继出台。然而繁华场景的背后却隐藏着危机。所谓的“专家失灵”问题日益突出,一种新型的垄断性结构产生并得到巩固——“知识和权力”的垄断。  相似文献   
Participants in two experiments acted as jurors for a personal-injury case containing different types of expert testimony. In both experiments, the defendant was more likely to obtain a verdict in his favor when his expert presented anecdotal case histories than when the expert presented experimental data. Participants’ liability judgments were correlated with their perceptions of the experts’ credibility (experiments 1 and 2) and were moderated somewhat by their need for cognition and preference for numerical information (experiment 2). The results are discussed in terms of reasoning heuristics such as the base-rate fallacy.  相似文献   
刑事诉讼专家辅助人出庭的观点争议及其解决思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭华 《证据科学》2013,(4):428-436
我国2012年修改的《刑事诉讼法》和《民事诉讼法》对“有专门知识的人”的规定相当简略,尤其是其出庭“适用鉴定人的有关规定”表述.不仅存在“有专门知识的人”是作为专家证人还是专家辅助人之争论.而且还引发是否有必要界定为中立的鉴定人诉讼地位之分歧。基于此.“有专门知识的人”参与法庭是否需要准入限制、法庭如何行使审查权限以及是否适用回避制度、其权利义务如何确定、如何在法庭上进行质证、其质证的效力如何以及在法庭上应安排何种位置等问题需要理论予以澄清.而理论需要结合我国司法制度与诉讼制度的要求及其功能作出具有规范意义的诠释.  相似文献   
Legal concerns with regard to the adverse impact of a negative toxicological screening for date-rape drugs in a case of drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) were the focus of a recent Canadian case (R. v. Alouache, 2003). To assess the impact of a negative forensic report, as well as the impact of expert testimony explaining the many factors that may contribute to a negative outcome, participants (N=171) received a written trial stimulus in which the forensic evidence (negative report, negative report plus expert testimony, no negative report and no expert testimony control) and the complainant's beverage consumption (alcohol, cola) were systematically varied. Results indicate that a negative finding in the absence of expert testimony produced greater verdict leniency and more favourable evaluations of the defendant's case. In contrast, no differences were found between the case in which the expert testified and a case in which the negative report and expert testimony were omitted.
由于缺乏相应的科学技术和专门性知识,诉讼当事人和司法人员不能对刑事诉讼鉴定意见进行科学评判。专家辅助人制度能够很好地解决鉴定意见在司法实践中存在的问题。但目前法律对专家辅助人制度规定得过于原则和粗糙,缺乏具体程序规范,这必然会给司法实践带来诸多困难。本文以专家辅助人制度的功能为逻辑出发点。探析了该制度的基础理论、运行规则以及相关的配套制度。  相似文献   
鉴定是鉴定结论的基础。意欲鉴定结论发挥应有的证明作用,除了对鉴定活动施以必要的程序规范外,还必需对鉴定的实质运作加以干预——即对鉴定佐以质量控制。但是,我国目前有关鉴定制度的改革及完善,忽略了鉴定的质量控制及鉴定方法的标准化问题。此外,本文还分析了现行诉讼制度下,鉴定结论的质证得以落实并最终发挥证明作用的三大要素:鉴定结论的质证主体要素、质证的程序性保障及质证的内容选择。  相似文献   
完善我国的物证鉴定制度是司法公正的必然。由于基本理念的不同,导致大陆法系和英美法系的物证鉴定制度有诸多不同。我们应在对其进行科学分析的基础上,取长补短,以构建更加合理的物证鉴定制度。  相似文献   
充分发挥天津市哲学社会科学高级人才库管理系统的作用,为天津人力资源的有序利用和开发奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   
The automation of DNA profile analysis of reference and crime samples continues to gain pace driven in part by a realisation by the criminal justice system of the positive impact DNA technology can have in aiding in the solution of crime and the apprehension of suspects. Expert systems to automate the profile analysis component of the process are beginning to be developed. In this paper, we report the validation of a new expert system FaSTR DNA, an expert system suitable for the analysis of DNA profiles from single source reference samples and from crime samples. We compare the performance of FaSTR DNA with that of other equivalent systems, GeneMapper™ ID v3.2 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and FSS-i3 v4 (The Forensic Science Service® DNA expert System Suite FSS-i3, Forensic Science Service, Birmingham, UK) with GeneScan® Analysis v3.7/Genotyper® v3.7 software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) with manual review. We have shown that FaSTR DNA provides an alternative solution to automating DNA profile analysis and is appropriate for implementation into forensic laboratories. The FaSTR DNA system was demonstrated to be comparable in performance to that of GeneMapper™ ID v3.2 and superior to that of FSS-i3 v4 for the analysis of DNA profiles from crime samples.  相似文献   
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