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《潘佩珠自判》呈现出了东游运动前后潘佩珠对日认识的变化。赴日前,潘佩珠认为日本是同文同种的新兴强国,期望日本军事援助越南。东游运动失败后,潘佩珠认为日本背弃了黄种人和亚洲,是个重强权、轻道义的国家。他对日本国民素质则始终赞赏,以之为越南人的学习对象。  相似文献   
Guillermo O’Donnell’s influential work ‘Delegative Democracy’ set the discourse on a peculiar type of democracy. Lying between representative democracy and authoritarianism, the uniqueness of delegative democracy lies in its features, including an absence of horizontal accountability, strong centralised rule, individual leadership with unchecked powers, a cult figure embodying the nation and clientelist practices. While delegative democracies seem to arise out of presidential systems, Turkey, though a parliamentary system, has also displayed the distinctive features of delegative democracies. This paper identifies three characteristics of delegative democracy, which are responsible for the lack of democratic consolidation, if not the erosion of democracy itself: anti-institutionalism, an anti-political agenda and clientelism. Arguing that delegative democracy is the best concept with which to examine contemporary Turkey, the paper lays out how, post-2011, Turkey has demonstrated the three elements of delegative democracy. The final section discusses the implications of the Turkish case for scrutinising the very possibility of delegative democracy in parliamentary regimes.  相似文献   
中国共产党成立后即在产业工人中建立党的组织,以领导产业工人运动。毛泽东、李立三、刘少奇等人在安源路矿创建了全国产业工人中的第一个党组织。安源党组织在领导和开展整个安源工运的历史进程中,发挥了党对工人阶级和工会组织的领导核心作用,卓有成效地开展了产业工人党组织的各项建设,引领安源路矿工人俱乐部的各项事业全面发展,最终率领数以万计的安源工人走上了中国革命的正确道路。通过近十年的探索和实践,党在产业工人中积累了较为丰富的、宝贵的建设发展的历史经验,至今仍具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
中国沿海外商直接投资外移趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
受外商投资区位优势加速变迁,国际经济环境剧烈变动,尤其是全球金融危机冲击实体经济,各国对国际直接投资(FDI)的争夺日趋激烈等因素影响,中国沿海地区劳动密集型制造业的FDI大量外移。减少FDI向国外转移,促进其向内地转移,既有利于沿海发达地区经济结构升级,又有利于推动内地经济发展和对外开放,加快中国工业化进程,增加国内就业机会。促进沿海劳动密集型制造业的FDI内移,必须正视中国二元经济结构的现实,避免工业化进程中好高骛远,选择内地区域中心,形成产业集群效应,拓展产业链条,降低外商投资内地的综合成本。  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(5):541-565

The Comintern’s Third Period, 1928–1934, based on Stalin’s ‘second revolution’ in Russia, capitalist crisis and the claim that social democracy and fascism were twins, generated sectarian, ultra-left politics which proved inimical to Communist activity in trade unions. This article sheds new light on that issue by exploring three connected episodes: the British party’s (CPGB) renewed turn to the unions, heralded in the January resolution of 1932; the roles the Comintern and CPGB leader Harry Pollitt played in this initiative; and the subsequent attempt by Pollitt to revise the politics of union work. This triptych reviews both primary sources and recent historiography. It argues that some accounts have overestimated the novelty of the January resolution, blurred its meaning and exaggerated Pollitt’s part in it. The resolution did not attempt to change the line but its application. Its impact was limited. Bids to go beyond it were muddled and unsuccessful. The 1933 move towards the united front, and subsequently the popular front, was of greater significance in creating an effective Communist presence in trade unions than the events of 1931–1932.  相似文献   
菲律宾穆斯林具有特殊的部族集团属性,这是群体在形成过程中与外界各种势力互动的结果,也是其内部文化演化的产物.菲律宾穆斯林的这一属性决定了部族认同与伊斯兰认同交替主导群体意识,极大地影响了其与北方天主教徒的交往与互动模式,进而决定了连延多年的南部穆斯林反抗运动必将在分与合、离散与统一间徘徊.  相似文献   
经过10多年的建设发展,中国-东盟自由贸易区取得了显著成效。本文介绍中国-东盟自由贸易区发展现状,指出深化中国-东盟自由贸易区合作的总体方向,提出深化中国-东盟自由贸易区合作的对策措施。  相似文献   
我国《刑法修正案(八)》将单纯的醉驾行为作为犯罪化处理,司法实践只关注案件实体的处理,忽略了法理的探究。单纯醉驾之所以能够作为犯罪化处理,其理论依据在于:从客观上看,醉驾行为制造了法所不允许的风险,增加了该行为发生交通事故的盖然性;从主观上看,行为人设定的醉酒行为是在故意状态下为之,并能预见和认识到自己在责任能力低下的状态下实施驾车行为;作为抽象危险犯中的该种行为,从一般生活的经验来看,也具有现实的引起对法益的侵害或威胁的可能,在结果无价值理论看来也给予否定评价。  相似文献   
近代以来,面对洋货在中国的泛滥,有识之士提出了振兴民族经济、进行商战的应对之策,民间抵制洋货的群众性运动此起彼伏,振兴国货与实业救国逐渐成为国人共识,民国政府通过经济立法以抵制外货倾销,但未能取得实质性成效。近代中国反倾销的历史说明,国家的独立统一是解决反倾销问题的根本前提,提高国货产品的竞争力是解决反倾销问题的根本途径。  相似文献   
本文以相关研究文献为基础,利用统计数据从实证角度分析中国——东盟自由贸易区建设中面临的发展机遇与比较优势问题。本文认为:随着中国与东盟各国双边和对比贸易投资关系的发展以及中国——东盟自由贸易区建设的不断推进,为中国外向型经济发展创造了新的市场机会和国际化环境,北京在中国——东盟自由贸易区建设中面临着新的发展的机遇;北京在参与中国——东盟自由贸易区建设中不仅具有优越的区位条件,还具有综合比较优势;如何抓住机遇,充分发挥北京在地理区位、研究开发与人才培养、经济辐射与金融服务、外向型经济发展经验等方面的比较优势,值得决策层和学术界思考。  相似文献   
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