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There have been a number of initiatives in Africa to rid the Continent of political instability, conflict, poverty and disease. Many have argued that aid from the West has helped Africa in many ways—from stopping wars, to food relief and rescuing the African environment. Yet others have slated Western involvement which they contend, frequently leaves Africans dependant rather than capable of solving their own problems. In line with the pan-Africanist and the African Union (AU) ideals, there is now a realisation by Africans that there is a need to find African solutions to African challenges and problems. This review article explores the University of South Africa’s (Unisa’s) Management of Democratic Elections in Africa (MDEA) programme, by looking at its objectives and the reason why it must be labelled a Programme, its mandate, which is in line with the brief of the AU and pan-Africanist ideals. The article focuses on how Unisa’s programme responds to the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG); and how it has attempted to facilitate knowledge for peace in Africa, through empowering electoral officials from various African states. The article concludes by looking at the successes and limitations of the Programme over a five-year period, from its inception in 2011.  相似文献   
This study examines the Nigerian attempts to implement the New Public Management (NPM) reform. The paper aims at identifying the strand, the extent of progress made and the reason(s) for success/failure recorded. The author finds that the poor success story of the reform is as a result of the preference of the more attractive cost-saving neoliberal economic aspect to the more involving and demanding bureaucratic aspect, the inconsistencies in program implementation, and lack of strong political will common to adopting reform in developing countries. The article recommends that reforms require dealing with the critical challenges of institutionalization, inconsistency and legitimization.  相似文献   
Since 2000, Kazakhstan has followed the New Public Management reform trajectory in modernizing its public sector and public service delivery. This article employs an actor-centered perspective to examine the effects of the public administration reform and its implications for foreign petroleum companies in Kazakhstan. The study builds on primary sources in the form of 81 semi-structured interviews with public servants, representatives of foreign petroleum companies and experts. The main conclusion is that the reform effects are ambiguous. Despite some success in greater efficiency of public services, many weaknesses remain, with highly varying implications for foreign petroleum companies.  相似文献   
For several years, local governments have been tackling new challenges related to the regeneration of their cities within the physical sphere, as well as in their economic and social aspects. This task is developed in accordance with what has been called the Integrated Urban Development Model, understanding the integrated nature of this approach not only in terms of the spheres of public policy involved, but also in relation to their management. In this paper, this management is analysed in terms of the development of mechanisms for New Local Governance and New Public Management (NPM). Using Spanish municipalities as a case study, this paper develops an analytical tool for the analysis of this model of urban intervention within the European context, paying close attention to the development of mechanisms for New Local Governance from a multilevel perspective, as well as the development of mechanisms for NPM.  相似文献   
近几年,各地公安机关陆续推出许多“累死”在平凡而繁忙的工作岗位上的普通基层民警作为宣传典型,并把这些典型当作公安队伍建设的“成绩”。但是宣传这些典型的同时也暴露出公安基层队伍管理的诸多弊端和漏洞。  相似文献   
金融合作是“上海合作组织”各国经济合作的重要领域,也是实现区域经济一体化的前提条件。在金融合作尚处于初级阶段的情况下,确定合理科学的金融合作目标,探索切实可行的金融合作途径,对于推动“上海合作组织”的金融合作进程具有十分重要的意义。根据《上海合作组织成员国多边经贸合作纲要》的原则,“上海合作组织”框架下的金融合作应分阶段进行,目标规划也应该划分为近期、中期和远期三个阶段。当前的工作重点是,积极推动成员国之间双边或多边的功能性金融合作。合作的具体进程要采取“双轮驱动”策略:既要开展以银行业务和功能完善为特征的金融合作;又要开展以金融组织和机制创新为特征的金融合作。  相似文献   
“三权分置”是中央农村土地制度改革的重大决策部署。《民法典(草案)》近日公开征求意见,将于2020年3月提交全国人大审议通过。其在“物权编”简单移植了《农村土地承包法》土地经营权的个别条文,解决了土地经营权定性不明的问题,但使《农村土地承包法》的逻辑紊乱、利益失衡、无法放活经营权等问题进一步固化、显化,亟待作出实质性修改。其进一步修改应以实现“放活经营权”改革目标为基本遵循,坚守“物债二分”基本理论,充分尊重中国实际,切实维护农民利益。  相似文献   
本文基于上海市五个大型居住社区(以下简称"大居")的问卷调查与实地走访,梳理了上海"大居"现有就业机会、服务资源的配置情况以及居民需求状况。调查显示,上海"大居"在社区商业设施配套、公共交通设施、文体娱乐活动、物业管理服务以及教育资源等公共服务配套方面仍存在供需失衡问题,尚不能满足居民更高层次的需求。因而,要通过加快优质公共服务资源的导入,扭转"大居"弱势群体集聚的薄弱态势,推动人口结构优化,带动市场化资源的注入,培育"大居"社区内生增长动力,将"大居"建成多阶层、多群体共荣共享的高品质社区。  相似文献   
20世纪70年代以来,政府绩效管理日益成为公共管理学科的研究热点.以SSCI收录期刊的620篇政府绩效管理文献为分析样本,采用文献计量分析方法,得出国际上政府绩效管理研究的一般状况,包括文献量增长、核心作者、主要研究机构等.通过知识图谱分析,得出国际上政府绩效管理研究形成了四个核心知识区域或研究范畴,即完善电子政府提高政府绩效、政府绩效的测量、公共组织绩效以及社会文化和政府绩效.国际政府绩效管理研究具体有10个热点主题:绩效测量、政府公共服务质量、绩效管理的价值取向、绩效预算、绩效评估体系与机制、公共组织的绩效评估、政府绩效管理的多元参与、电子政府与绩效改进、政府人力资源管理与绩效改进、绩效管理的立法研究.国际政府绩效管理研究呈现出跨学科研究视角、核心知识范畴基本形成、高校是核心研究力量等特点.  相似文献   
政策网络管理应重点研究七个基本问题和应注意十个重大问题,政策网络管理存在工具、互动和制度三种观点和个人权威控制、专制控制、结果控制、文化或集团控制、声誉控制五种控制机制,具体管理模式可以从行动者、认知和制度三个维度和政策管理、过程管理和网络宪政三个层面进行架构,并可根据不同的网络环境选择不同的网络管理行为.网络行动者的数量、管理能力与技巧、网络的开放性、利益冲突、网络管理成本是影响政策网络管理有效性的重要因素,网络管理的绩效也可根据不同的网络结构选择不同的评价指标进行定量到定性的评价.  相似文献   
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