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British constitutional legal discourse is structurally limited in its capacity to capture the complexity of the Good Friday Agreement. Rather than assessing the Agreement in narrow devolutionary terms, it should be seen as a hybrid domestic and international law instrument, making an important contribution to accepted international law norms in relation to self-determination. The Agreement transforms and partly transcends the Northern Ireland conflict by substituting political contestation for violent conflict, and by defining the modalities of conducting that contestation. This analysis complements classical international law perspectives, and opens up the application of legal discourses associated with 'transitional justice' to the legal and political transformation in Northern Ireland. These discourses focus on the problem of reconciling the demands of peace with the imperatives of justice. The Agreement sits squarely in this terrain with its provisions on 'dealing with the past' and 'institutional legacies'. The insights gained here challenge orthodox thinking about conflict-management and the ongoing political process.  相似文献   
法人越权是指法人的行为超出了章程规定的目的范围。其中如何平衡投资者、法人及交易相对人的利益是关键问题。研究英美法系的主要国家对法人越权问题的研究发展状况 ,可以对我国应采取的措施有些启示  相似文献   
格式条款的大量使用在给人们带来方便、快捷的同时,也带来了潜在的不公平的可能性。现代司法实践的发展使得司法规制成为对格式条款进行规制的主要方式。对格式条款司法规制需要依据诚实信用原则,通过判断格式条款是否订入合同、解释格式条款之疑义、认定格式条款之效力来进行。  相似文献   
人性论视角下的中西方传统行政文化差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
性善论与性恶论分别是中西方历史上的主流人性思想。总的说来,性善论思想对中国传统行政文化的主导影响是消极的,性恶论思想对西方传统行政文化的主导影响则是积极的。不同的主导影响造成了中西方传统行政文化之间的深刻差异。实现我国行政文化的现代化,需要吸取我国传统行政文化的精华,借鉴西方行政文化的优秀成分,避开两者的不足并积极进行创新。  相似文献   
证据法的理性主义传统,既要求通过理性证明的方式去查明事实真相,而非诉诸神明和暴力;又不以追求真相为最高目的,而是将其视为实现正义的手段.这种理性传统,决定了法治国家证据制度具有求真、求善的双重功能,并将公正奉为首要价值,从而奠定了基本权利保障的价值取向.我国证据法学研究和证据制度建设正在经历从义务本位向权利本位转型,权...  相似文献   
This article compares strategic public sector HRM practices between 10 small countries that have consistently shown extraordinary economic, social, and governance performance. The fact that these small countries, which are traditionally considered to be disadvantaged, have become benchmarks of good government suggests they have uniquely maximized and leveraged their key resource: people. In search of novel lessons, we assess through secondary data how their public sectors have organized and institutionalized four key HRM activities: 1) selection, 2) appraisal, 3) training, and 4) compensation, and whether they engage in strategic, centralized efforts to architect and “bundle” these activities. Our exploratory case study findings show that these high performing countries employ various integrated efforts to attract the best and brightest into their public sectors, and train and reward them well, although they differ in terms of their centralization dynamics. We conclude our article with seven propositions for future research and implications for emerging small countries.  相似文献   
高校辅导员的职业信仰是他们破解职业倦怠,提升职业幸福感与归属感的重要基础。高校辅导员树立职业信仰,需要他们由衷地信任辅导员工作的职业价值,并真诚投入职业情感,认真恪守职业规范。但是当前部分高校辅导员出现了职业价值认知错位、职业情感投入失位、职业规范遵守缺位等现象。要有效塑造高校辅导员的职业信仰,应该从深化他们对职业价值的认识,为他们畅通职业发展的渠道,增强师生之间的有效互动以及健全相关规章制度等方面着手。  相似文献   
洋尾弄,位于周宁县与政和县交界处,一个因为地处古道之交通要冲而形成的商业村落。在这个村落中有一处庙堂,其中的九尊神灵排序看似极不符合中国传统文化之"礼"序。通过对村落周围左近的调研,本文对此颇耐人寻味之排序作出尝试性解释,力求立论公允,言之有据。  相似文献   
法律信仰的困境及克服   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律信仰对一个致力于建设现代法治国家的重要性是毋庸置疑的。但是当今中国法律信仰却面临困境:社会成员面对实现法治之治的迫切愿望和诉求,与大量普遍发生的"有法不依"、"违法不究"等现象之间存在巨大的反差,并由此导致诸如焦虑、困惑、质疑等问题。  相似文献   
以往刑法学、犯罪学理论由于将"国家权益"或"被告人权益"等诸多权益凌驾于"被害人权益"之上产生的悖论在现实表明:被害人权益保护的地位未得到合理的重视。或者说,在诸多权益权衡之间,被害人权益总是不得不让位于其他权益,然而只有被害人权益保护才是刑事法治中具有终极意义的根本正义。因此,在出现被害人权益与其他权益出现冲突的情况下,必须坚持被害人权益保护的实质优先性,实现最初的人本关怀。  相似文献   
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