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高标准筹建云南警官学院 ,其前提就是要保持与时俱进的精神状态 ,保持只争朝夕的工作热情 ,进一步解放思想、更新观念 ,用党的十六大精神全面指导公安教育工作 ,不断开创公安教育工作新局面  相似文献   
加强公安机关建设是近年来一项重要而迫切的任务,要正确处理公安机关领导干部编与配的关系,要处理好机关干部配备与素质结构的关系,还要处理好选人与育人的关系及选用机关干部与选用基层干部的关系。  相似文献   
俄罗斯警察法共分8章40条。选译总则、警察组织、警察的职责和权利。  相似文献   
派出所是直接服务于民的公安基层组织,派出所的执法为民是公安机关执法为民的重要组成部分,也是实践“三个代表”重要思想的直接体现。在新形势下,我们要顺应时代要求,全力推进派出所执法为民工作。  相似文献   
公安机关在构建和谐社会过程中担负着特殊的重要任务,和谐的警民关系是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分.因此,从构建和谐社会的高度论述警察公共关系在构建和谐社会中的责任以及和谐社会中警察公共关系建设面临的问题,并针对问题提出深化警察公共关系的相应对策,就成为当前一项十分重要的课题.  相似文献   
与罗马 -日耳曼法系相比 ,普通法系更注重程序公正。马菩诉俄亥俄州、米兰达诉亚利桑那州、泰瑞诉俄亥俄州是 1 960年代美国最高法院有关警察执法的三大案例 ,它们分别确立的排除规则、米兰达警告、滞留与搜拍的权限对美国警察执法产生了重大影响 ,促进了美国警察制度的改革 ,有力地保障了公民的人权。  相似文献   
清醒认识职务性违法犯罪的危害,准确分析职务性违法犯罪的成因,是做好预防职务性违法犯罪工作的前提。建立健全并认真落实以思想教育、管理监督和从严惩处为重点的职务性违法犯罪预防工作机制,是做好预防职务性违法犯罪工作的保障。坚持以人为本的队伍建设理念,不断优化从优待警的工作措施,对预防职务性违法犯罪工作将起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
公安机关要切实做到合理、合法运用盘问、留置措施,关键要准确把握好特定性、限定性、广泛性、两重性、特殊性、规范性六个特性。  相似文献   
This paper begins by examining the arguments that led to the change of emphasis from residential training and detention to community-based measures in Hong Kong. Police cautioning and community support services are introduced. An evaluation of the services provided found that the majority of respondents reported high levels of satisfaction with them. It is likely that the services exerted positive influences on the respondents’ deviant behaviour, family values and sense of social responsibility, but one-fifth of them continued to commit deviant acts. Parents’ participation was not high. Young offenders rarely took responsibility for the offence they committed or understood the harm they had done to victims, and victims were not involved in deciding the intervention plan. The conclusions raise issues about the future for Hong Kong. They consider new diversionary strategies for responding to young people and debate the values that should underpin them.
T. Wing LoEmail: Phone: +852-2-7888986Fax: +852-2-7888960
Over a period of 4 years (1997–2000), British Columbia (BC) experienced tremendous growth in the illicit production and distribution of domestically grown marijuana. By the close of 2000, each policing jurisdiction in BC had adopted a particular policy in response to grow operation proliferation. In summary, four policy responses were noted. First, some maintained the status quo wherein enforcement of police initiated investigations and citizens’ tips continued, but with no additional resources specifically dedicated to grow operations. Second, some jurisdictions suspended the majority of investigation and enforcement of grow operations. Third, some agencies implemented or reinforced existing resource intensive drug squads, which focused on trafficking, sales and production of all types of drugs. Finally, some of the jurisdictions formed specialized tactical units known as “green teams” that focused solely on the enforcement of marijuana production. In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of green teams using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and difference-in-difference estimates. The results indicate that green teams decrease grow operations within their target area without significant displacement to surrounding areas.
George E. TitaEmail:
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