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《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(3-4):59-79

After an accidental shooting at a police training academy, outcomes of the class involved (n = 45) were compared with those of several comparison classes (n = 154) immediately and one year later. Results revealed a modest impact, but an increase in PTSD symptomology was observed from academy training to the one-year follow-up. Recruits in the affected class demonstrated more prejudicial attitudes toward women in law enforcement, perhaps because the shooter was a woman. The findings suggest that mistakes made by women within law enforcement may be generalized as stereotypes, and that further research is needed on the psychological impact of becoming a police officer.  相似文献   

The Australian Federal Police has in recent years become an important actor in both the implementation and design of Australian-led state building interventions in Australia's near region of Southeast Asia and the South Pacific. The article focuses on the recent expansion of the Australian Federal Police as a way of understanding the emergence of a new partly (and strategically) deterritorialized, ‘regional’ frontier of the Australian state. Within this new frontier, whose fluctuating outlines the Australian Federal Police not only polices but also to a considerable extent shapes and reshapes, as one of the primary expert agencies on identifying and managing transnational security risks, Australian security is portrayed as contingent on the quality of the domestic governance of neighbouring states, thereby creating linkages between the hitherto domestic governing apparatus of the Australian state and those of other countries. This allows for the rearticulation of the problems affecting intervened states and societies – indeed, their very social and political structures – in the depoliticized terms of the breakdown of ‘law and order’ and the absence of ‘good governance’, which not only rationalizes emergency interventions to stabilize volatile situations, but also delegitimizes and potentially criminalizes oppositional politics. The Australian Federal Police, however, does more than merely provide justification for intrusive state transformation projects. Its transnational policing activities open up a field of governance within the apparatus of intervened states that exists in separation from international and domestic law. The constitution of such interventions ‘within’ the state leaves intact the legal distinction between the domestic and international spheres and therefore circumvents the difficult issue of sovereignty. As a result, police and other executive-administrative actors obtain discretionary ordering powers, without dislodging the sovereign governments of intervened countries.  相似文献   
提升公安民警警务驾驶技能有助于提升公安民警的执法效率,增强民警驾车执法的安全性,有助于维护特定情况下的社会公共安全等。因此,应当加强公安民警警务驾驶技能的培训工作,提高公安队伍警务驾驶技能的整体水平,以满足新形势下开展警务工作的需求。  相似文献   
英国警察自由裁量权力运行受制于不同历史时期警察文化与法治意识的影响.如何限制警察自由裁量权问题,英国同样面临着诸多困局.20世纪中期以来,英国逐步开始了一系列改革与探索.  相似文献   
在目前的政法院校招录培养体制改革中,随着学历教育与职业培训之间的“剑拔弩张”,理论与实践的关系问题再次凸显.综观世界警察教育发展潮流,理论与实践的融合是当代警察教育的要义.在警察教育训练体系方面,它体现为横向上的警察教育训练的分类分级,以及纵向上教育与训练的前后衔接、同步并行.在警察教育训练内容方面,它体现为理论维的强调通识教育、素质提升、全面发展,以及实践维的强调面向实战、贴近实战、服务实战.  相似文献   
自2012年以来,“大数据”(Big Data)一词越来越多地被提及,人们用它来描述和定义信息爆炸时代产生的海量数据,并命名与之相关的技术发展与创新.对公安工作而言,“大数据”时代的来临,既是挑战,又是机遇.公安机关必须顺应形势发展,从工作思维、顶层设计、信息整合、共享应用、人才保障等方面入手,助推公安工作新发展、新进步.  相似文献   
以四川警察学院为例运用问卷法调查公安院校大学生的警察职业认同感现状,结果表明:(1)公安院校大学生职业认同感程度相对偏高,其中职业意志平均分最低;(2)公安院校大学生的警察职业认同感存在非常显著的性别差异,男生高于女生;(3)是否是独生子女不影响公安院校大学生对警察职业认同感的程度,但会影响警察职业认同感的某些维度;(4)公安院校专科大学生的警察职业认同感程度显著高于本科大学生;(5)体改生和学历生的警察职业认同感程度不存在显著的差异,但在警察职业价值因子上学历生显著高于体改生;(6)公安院校大学生的亲戚中是否有警察对警校生的职业认同感程度有一定的影响作用。(7)来自不同生源地的大学生对警察职业认同感程度没有影响作用。  相似文献   
采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)和警察工作压力调查问卷,对青羊区公安分局183名巡警进行测试,结果显示巡警SAS和SDS评分均高于常模,且差异具有统计学意义。调查得出巡警心理压力源自:①工作时间长、勤务压力大;②职业期待高、福利待遇低;③执法环境差、警例约束多。应从合理配置警力、加强心理能力和职业素养训练、完善警察生涯规划、从优待警等方面寻求缓解巡警心理压力的对策。  相似文献   
对若干警察院校的调查发现,警体第二课堂的开展,除个别院校常设有与警体内容有直接联系的专业训练外,绝大部分院校是以学生“自主锻炼”为主要形式.针对其成因,应从深化认识,重新定位警体第二课堂的价值取向;健全制度,为学生积极主动参与提供动力支持;正确引导,树立警察终身职业锻炼意识;科学设置,不断丰富和完善具有专业特色的警体第二课堂结构;完善保障,为警体第二课堂的长效运转提供坚实基础等方面促进,推动以学生为主体的警体教育模式改革.  相似文献   
《人民警察法》第二十一条规定:"人民警察遇到公民人身、财产安全受到侵犯或者处于其他危难情形,应当立即救助"。但由于救助制度缺陷,致使人民警察履行救助义务时常陷入困境。在履行救助是警察提供社会公共服务的重要途径的背景下,应当从规范人民警察救助范围、程序、法律救济等方面,对救助制度的规范化进行了探讨,以期对人民警察更好履行救助义务提供规范性指导,加强人民警察执法规范化建设,促进和谐警民关系的构建。  相似文献   
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