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《Labor History》2012,53(4):325-326

While much recent literature has focused on the environmental cost of carbon fuels, these sources of energy generated large human costs in the work environment as well. Work in coal mines was famously dangerous. And while petroleum, gas extraction and refining were also risky, this paper demonstrates that they were far less dangerous than was coal, while energy productivity per worker was also higher in oil than coal. Relying in part on previously unexploited data, the paper also shows that on the eve of World War II, the human costs of energy – measured by fatalities per btu of output – were sharply less in oil and gas production than in coal mining. Thus the great twentieth century energy transition from coal to liquid and gaseous fuels reduced both the environmental and the workplace costs per unit of energy.  相似文献   
试图以上海医疗卫生改革政策制定和重构城市新型医疗服务体系为案例,对政策过程中利益相关者行为模式变化与政策规则调整的渐进主义特征做出解释.通过案例研究和制度分析的方法,本研究发现如何控制利益相关者的阻力行为以及强化决策者的预期信念,对于推动政策变迁的进程至关重要.上海市医疗卫生政策决策者是否能够进一步推进改革政策的进程在很大程度上不仅依赖于其对已有政策的效果(即相关者行为模式的变化与预期的方向相吻合或一致的限度),而且还取决于其对进一步改革政策下利益相关者行为模式变化的预期能力及其一致性的信念.  相似文献   
Utilisation of public inquiries and royal commissions in Westminster systems of government is a source of continuing interest. That royal commissions continue to be appointed when there is an increasing array of other institutions governments can now employ and given that royal commission reports often have very adverse impacts on the appointing governments, remains a key issue. So the appointment by the Queensland government of not one, but two royal commissions in 2005 into the same topic – the recruitment and performance of doctors recruited abroad working in Queensland public hospitals – provides a special opportunity to analyse the circumstances in which a royal commission mechanism is activated. That one of these royal commissions had to be disbanded because of legal action taken by several of those being investigated is another reason to assess these royal commissions. This is almost without precedent in Australia and has implications for the future conduct of such bodies. Lastly, how the Queensland government was able to minimise the blame from the subsequent royal commission's highly critical report, is also instructive and worthy of assessment .  相似文献   
Juvenile Justice‐Translational Research on Interventions for Adolescents in the Legal System (JJ‐TRIALS) National Survey was funded in part to describe the current status of screening, assessment, prevention and treatment for substance use, mental health, and HIV for youth on community supervision within the US juvenile justice system. Surveys were administered to community supervision agencies and their primary behavioral healthcare providers, as well as the juvenile or family court judge with the largest caseload of youth on community supervision. This article presents the findings from the judges’ survey. Survey results indicated juvenile and family court judges were open to innovations for improving the court's performance, rated their relationships with collaborators highly, and appreciated the impact of screening, assessment, prevention, and treatment on judicial practices.  相似文献   
目的 观察助眠健身气功治疗失眠的临床疗效。方法 将60例失眠患者随机分为对照组和治疗组,每组30例。对照组、治疗组分别实际完成27、29例,对照组采用渐进式肌肉放松训练,治疗组习练助眠健身气功。两组疗程均为4周,每日1次,每次30 min。比较治疗前后两组患者的临床疗效以及匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh sleep quality index, PSQI)和Spiegel睡眠量表(Spiegel sleep inventory,SSI)评分。结果 治疗4周后,两组患者的PSQI、SSI各因子分及总分与治疗前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗组PSQI量表入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率因子分、总分与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组基于PSQI评分和SSI评分的疗效比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),治疗组的疗效显著优于对照组。结论 助眠健身气功治疗失眠临床疗效显著。  相似文献   
目的 探究肝豆状核变性(Wilsons disease,WD)患者生命质量的主要影响因素及其与中医证型的关系。方法 运用SF-36量表、抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale,SDS)调查186例WD患者的生命质量和情绪状况,并比较不同证型WD患者及参照人群SF-36量表各维度评分的差异;运用Pearson和Spearman相关分析及多元线性逐步回归研究SF-36量表各维度评分与各影响因素(包括患者性别、文化程度、居住地、病程等)的关系。结果 除精神健康维度外,男性WD患者其余7个维度评分显著低于男性参照人群(P<0.01);女性WD患者所有维度评分均显著低于女性参照人群(P<0.01)。影响患者生命质量的因素较多,其中病程、费用支出方式、SDS评分对患者SF-36量表多个维度评分都呈负面影响。不同中医证型WD患者的生理功能、生理职能、社会功能、情感职能评分均显著低于参照人群(P<0.05,或P<0.01);痰瘀互结型和肝肾阴虚型患者躯体疼痛评分显著低于痰湿中阻型(P<0.01),脾肾阳虚型患者的活力评分显著低于肝气郁结型(P<0.05),肝气郁结型患者的情感职能评分显著低于痰瘀互结型(P<0.05)。结论 WD患者生命质量较正常人明显降低,不同证型患者的生命质量存在差异,对WD患者应早诊断、早治疗,加强农村患者的医疗保障。  相似文献   
李彦 《中国卫生法制》2020,(3):75-77,110
目的:为更好地推进卫生健康行政执法法治化建设,探索"良法善治"思想指引下的全新卫生健康行政处罚思维模式,以适应新时代依法治国精神的需要。方法:通过对党的十八届四中全会以来提出的"良法善治"治国理念进行研究,结合卫生健康执法实践中发现的问题,探索建立该思想指导下的卫生健康行政处罚思维模式。结论:提出以行政法基本原理和基本原则为基础,在法律规定范畴内,结合行政管理实际,多角度权衡,对拟做出的处罚决定进行价值预判的多元卫生健康行政处罚思维模式。  相似文献   
医疗机构、医务人员和患者是医疗卫生法律明确规定的利益共同体,但从部分法院近期裁判情况看,各地在认定患者是否具备行政诉讼原告资格方面存在明显差异。结合新《行政诉讼法》调整原告资格的双重背景和最高人民法院裁判精神,在医患关系有待改善和卫生执法水平尚待提高的情况下,应充分肯定患者与医疗投诉处理结果的利害关系,以发挥司法审判和复议审查在推动提升卫生执法水平与保障群众健康权益方面的双轮驱动作用。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎于2019年底在我国爆发并迅速扩散,引发了全国性的重大突发公共卫生危机。为实现特效专利药品的充分供给,实施药品专利强制许可是最为高效的选择,不仅可以消解药品专利市场运营中所固有的“反公有地”悲剧,同时也可以有效规避药品专利国际合作中技术劫持与贸易倾轧。对于以人为本的主体性原则和与人为善的有益性原则两项伦理准则的遵循,保证了药品专利强制许可实施的伦理正义;而对于药品专利强制许可申请主体扩展和药品专利强制许可补偿标准细化两项法律完善举措的采取,则使我国药品专利强制许可机制克服了自身缺陷,能够在实践中有序运行,为重大突发公共卫生危机的化解提供制度支撑。  相似文献   

While progress has been made in creating conversations between the secular and faith actors involved in developmental issues, a distinct binary still exists. This could potentially be limiting a holistic response to gender-based violence, a global public health, development, humanitarian, and human rights issue. This article explores how perceptions of this binary – faith versus secular – are understood to impact GBV prevention and response efforts. Drawing on interviews conducted during a scoping study, the opinions and experiences of actors from faith-based organisations and academic institutions are used to shed light on how the faith-secular binary is being upheld and challenged, and how it is perceived to be impacting holistic GBV prevention and response.  相似文献   
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