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都市现代农业作为一种新型农业形态,是农村与城市、农业与非农业等进一步融合过程中的形成一种发达的现代农业。要多方面筹集资金,采用现代技术,实施长远规划,促进其可持续发展。  相似文献   
以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展的科学发展观,是以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央从党和国家事业发展全局出发提出的重大战略思想。在全面理解和正确把握科学发展观的丰富内涵和精神实质方面,有些同志还存在一些认识上、思想上或观念上的误区。认真分析并摒弃这些误区,对于深入学习实践科学发展观具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
禁止对未成年人判处死刑是联合国《儿童权利公约》、《少年司法最低限度标准规则》、《公民权利与政治权利国际公约》等所确立的一项基本原则。自20世纪初以来,中国即开始了确立这一原则的努力,但直到1997年刑法典才实现了与这一原则的"无缝衔接"。考察未成年人不判死刑原则在中国确立的历程,至少有三点启示:第一,尽管艰难,但彻底废除死刑在中国仍具有实现的可能性;第二,从犯罪主体(强调其社会弱势群体特征)的角度废除死刑要比从罪行性质的角度入手,更具可行性,也更为平等和较少带来负面影响;第三,青年,尤其是年轻青年与未成年人有着诸多类似之处,可以而且应当首先将未成年人不判死刑规则延伸于这一群体,这也是避免误判不满18岁未成年人死刑的需要。  相似文献   
Human blood is the body fluid most commonly encountered at crime scenes, and blood detection may aid investigators in reconstructing what occurred during a crime. In addition, blood detection can help determine which items of evidence should be processed for DNA-STR testing. Unfortunately, many common substances can cause red-brown stains that resemble blood. Furthermore, many current human blood detection methods are presumptive and prone to false positive results. Here, the developmental validation of a new blood identification test, Rapid Stain Identification™-Blood (RSID™-Blood), is described. RSID™-Blood utilizes two anti-glycophorin A (red blood cell membrane specific protein) monoclonal antibodies in a lateral flow strip test format to detect human blood. We present evidence demonstrating that this test is accurate, reproducible, easy to use, and highly specific for human blood. Importantly, RSID™-Blood does not cross-react with ferret, skunk, or primate blood and exhibits no high-dose hook effect. Also, we describe studies on the sensitivity, body fluid specificity, and species specificity of RSID™-Blood. In addition, we show that the test can detect blood from a variety of forensic exhibits prior to processing for DNA-STR analysis. In conclusion, we suggest that RSID™-Blood is effective and useful for the detection of human blood on forensic exhibits, and offers improved blood detection when compared to other currently used methods.  相似文献   
邱永辉 《东南亚》2009,(2):47-52
本文重点研讨两个方面的问题,其一是“反恐文化”阴影下的印度穆斯林,二是“桑奇报告”及印度穆斯林的发展问题。前者所关注的是“9·11事件”后国际上和印度国内形成的“反恐文化”,及这种阴影下的印度穆斯林在思想意识和行为方式上的变化;后者则关注印度政府对于穆斯林团体存在的困难和问题的关心、认识和政策。  相似文献   
技术进步已经成为国际关系研究的重要议题.本项研究试图通过二战后美国技术进步的个案展示:在美国面临苏联挑战的时期,美国技术进步的政府规模在极大地扩展.美国政府加大了对研发的投入和采购.而伴随着大规模、集中化的研发资金注入和政府采购,美国技术得以克服技术瓶颈,实现了重大的技术进步.因此,国家安全往往是推动技术进步的强大动力.而世界重大技术呈现周期性变动的背后可能是由国际政治权力转移的周期所牵引.  相似文献   
科学发展观的第一要义是发展,而发展的关键在于人的全面发展;坚持以人为本,就是要实现人的全面发展;坚持全面协调可持续发展,就是要促进人的全面发展。因此,要牢固树立和全面落实科学发展观就必须不断促进人的全面发展,这是社会主义的本质要求,也是科学发展观的必然要求。  相似文献   
论法律保留原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从我国行政法律理论和实践出发 ,法律保留在我国确立的基本依据是民主原则、法治国家要求和基本人权 ,其适用范围理论应该采用重要性理论 ,其适用的密度应该涉及法律、行政法规、地方性法规、单行条例、自治条例、行政规章等 ,法律保留适用的领域应该包括涉及人身权、财产权、劳动权、受教育权、政治权利以及行政组织和行政程序等行政活动领域 ,而且法律保留原则还要求法律必须具有明确性 ,以保证行政权力公正合理地行使  相似文献   
商会是历史的产物,异地商会是市场经济发展的延伸。福建省委统战部、省工商联以异地商会为载体,深化其功能建设,使异地商会在凝聚闽商、弘扬历史、承接市场、搏击商海、海西先行、再创辉煌中发挥了积极的作用。以闽商为主体的福建省异地商会已成为福建对外发展、促进海峡西岸经济区建设的响亮品牌。探寻福建省异地商会的发展历程,究其"踏乾坤逐鹿商海,搏市场弘扬闽商"之道,研究认为,商会功能的完备、合理、规范、有序、创新,是福建省异地商会保持旺盛生机和蓬勃发展的不二法则。有道是"随着民间商会力量的崛起,其协调政府与企业以及推动国民经济发展的作用越来越大。"  相似文献   
Environmental samples from indoor surfaces can be confounded by dust, which is composed largely of human skin cells and has been documented to contain roughly tens of micrograms of total DNA per gram of dust. This study complements previous published work by providing estimates of the quantity of amplifiable human DNA found in environmental samples from a typical indoor environment, categorized by the intensity of human traffic and visible quantity of dust. Dust was collected by surface swabbing standard 576 cm2 areas in eight locations, and evaluated for total DNA quantity, presence of human DNA (mitochondrial and nuclear loci using conventional PCR), quantity of human nuclear DNA using quantitative PCR, and STR analysis. The total DNA content of 36 dust samples ranged from 9 to 28 ng/cm2, and contained 0.2–1.1 pg/cm2 of human DNA. Overall, human DNA was detected in 97% of 36 dust samples and 61% of samples yielded allele distributions of varying degrees of complexity when subjected to STR analysis. The implications of this study are twofold. First, the presence of dust in evidence can be a significant contamination source in forensic investigations because the human DNA component is of sufficient quality and quantity to produce allele calls in STR analysis. This can be effectively managed by implementing stringent protocols for collection and analysis of potential biological samples. A second implication is the use of dust as a source of evidence for identification of inhabitants within a defined location. In the latter case, a number of additional studies would be necessary to identify relevant pretreatments for environmental dust samples and to develop the necessary deconvolution techniques to separate the composite genotypes obtained.  相似文献   
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