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The Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) focuses on the role of narratives, drawing from a rich scholarship in narrative, language, and culture. Despite the understanding that narratives are constructions of language and that narrative construction differs across languages, NPF studies have not focused on policy narratives in languages other than English. Language characteristics of narratives are important to assess the stability of policy narratives when there are multiple dominant languages in a political system. This study investigates the use of narrative elements in policy narratives in agricultural biotechnology policy in India across Hindi and English media coverage to examine the NPF assumption that narratives have generalizable narrative elements irrespective of variation in linguistic context and, specifically, tests the transportability of narrative elements. Findings validate the transportability of narrative elements in Hindi narratives, indicate variation in the use of narrative elements over time, and have implications for applying NPF across languages.  相似文献   
Seismologists have reported that a majority of recent earthquakes in Oklahoma have been triggered by the activities of oil and gas companies. Despite this fact, there is evidence of strong opposition toward earthquake mitigation policy. In this article, we argue that how individuals define issues affect their policy choice. Furthermore, we incorporate the concept of venue shopping from the literature on macro theories of the policy process to investigate the effect of problem definition in shaping individual venue preference for policy choice. Using unique survey data, we find that problem definition, particularly issue causality and issue image, is strongly related to individual support for earthquake mitigation policy. However, a more nuanced relationship between individual problem definition and venue preference is observed. Our findings contribute to scholarly endeavors to understand the politics of problem definition at an individual level, which may be the precursor of understanding policy choices at the institutional level.  相似文献   
Since its inception in 2009, Uber has grown into a technology behemoth, with operations in over 70 countries and 500 cities around the world. Along the way, it has successfully forced regulatory upheaval in hundreds of local taxi markets controlled by municipal authorities. In this sense, Uber is not only a market disruptor, but also a policy disruptor. This paper examines the nature of such policy disruption at the local level by reviewing regulatory responses to Uber in ten North American cities. We find that regulatory outcomes are a function of two factors: Uber’s government relations strategy, either cooperative or confrontational, and the degree to which local governments perceive Uber as complementary or harmful to the existing marketplace. We conclude by proposing a typology of regulatory responses to Uber as a basis to identify patterns in the behavior of municipal regulatory authorities and political leaders.  相似文献   
Among the more recognizable programs related to natural and sustainable food is the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program. Although the robustness of the organic food market is difficult to contest, many debate the extent to which U.S. organic policy outcomes adequately serve consumers and the organic agriculture producers they rely on. This paper engages the debate from the perspective of certified organic producers. Drawing on the results of a nationwide survey of USDA‐certified producers, we first provide a snapshot of how producers assess the environmental, consumer, and market impacts of U.S. organic food policy. We then examine the extent to which organic producers’ policy impact perceptions are associated with their alignment with an “organic ethos”—understood as producers’ commitment to core organic principles and the organic movement. The paper highlights producers’ values as perceptual filters and cognitive mechanisms that help shape producers’ policy impacts perceptions, illustrating a contributing factor to the enduring nature of organic policy debates.  相似文献   
Governance scholars have long championed the adaptive utility of decentralized management institutions, in part due to their ability to bring diverse stakeholders into decision‐making processes. However, research into the link between decentralization and participation often looks at policy design but bypasses important system feedbacks that shape sustained participation over time. To paint a more robust picture detailing how decentralization and participation are related, this paper uses a complex systems framework to explore interacting structural, operational, and cultural components of decentralized wildlife governance institutions in the United States and Botswana. Through this comparative analysis, I argue that the landscape of public participation in decentralized governance institutions appears to be significantly impacted by three factors: 1) how decentralization processes occurred, 2) where in the process of decision making participation is situated, and 3) perceptions of power distribution between groups with competing interests.  相似文献   
Recent work has applied the Narrative Policy Framework (NPF) to examine narrative strategies in policy debates on social media platforms. We contribute to the literature by applying the NPF to fracking policy debates in New York using well-established Natural Language Processing tools, including sentiment analysis. We combine this computational approach with a qualitative hand-coding of pro- and antifracking Twitter influentials. This approach allows us to consider a much larger corpus of tweets over a much longer time frame than has been done thus far. We adapt and test NPF propositions related to the use of the devil/angel shift strategies before and after a major state-wide policy change, that is, a state-wide moratorium on high volume hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Overall, we find evidence for the use of the devil shift narrative strategy by the pro-fracking coalition aimed at the Governor prior to the moratorium. After the moratorium, the relative percentage of Tweets containing devil shift sentiments decreases as the pro-fracking coalition generally downshifts in its use of angel shift language without a corresponding increase in devil shift language, whereas, conversely, the anti-fracking coalition generally downshifts in its use of devil shift language without a general increase in angel shift language. When we shifted our analysis to Tweets containing fracking and the Governor, we found a similar postban decrease in devil shift language among anti-fracking users. Our findings offer lessons for using computational tools in the NPF as an approach to expand analytic ability and for the operationalization of concepts such as narrative strategies and policy entrepreneurs.  相似文献   
Wir argumentieren, dass das Pfadabhängigkeitskonzept des historischen Institutionalismus ein geeigneter Ansatz zur Integration des Top‐down‐ und des Bottom‐up‐Ansatzes der Mehrebenenvollzugsforschung darstellt. Unser Testfall ist die Umsetzung der Nationalen Strategie Palliative Care in den Kantonen. Mittels deskriptiver quantitativer Nachzeichnung und dreier Fallstudien wird die Pfadabhängigkeitshypothese untersucht, dass sich die Palliativversorgung in den Kantonen entlang von Pfaden entwickelt, die durch spezialisierte stationäre Einrichtungen vorgegeben werden, und dass es dem Bund kaum gelingt, diese anhand der Nationalen Strategie Palliative Care zu durchbrechen. Die Empirie bestätigt die Annahme des historischen Institutionalismus, dass positive Rückkopplungen zu Pfadabhängigkeiten führen und dadurch eine Anpassung der Institutionen an die sich wandelnde Umwelt erschwert wird, wobei sich in den Fallstudien unterschiedliche Formen positiver Rückkoppelung mit unterschiedlichen Wirkmechanismen äussern. Spezialisierte stationäre Einrichtungen können als jene Institutionen gewertet werden, die die Entwicklungspfade der Palliative Care und somit das Versorgungsarrangement in den Kantonen prägen. In Bezug auf den Einfluss des Bundes hingegen lässt sich kein allgemeingültiges Fazit ziehen. Vielmehr zeigen die Fallstudien die unterschiedliche Bedeutung kantonaler Pfade, die durch die drei Formen positiver Rückkoppelung theoretisiert werden können.  相似文献   
大庆油田有限责任公司第三采油厂在基层单位运用市场手段,探索实施4+3内部市场管理法。4+3,即构建4个内部模拟市场,完善三项配套措施。实行4+3内部市场化管理模式两年来,基层队发生了深刻变化:员工自觉性明显提高;员工学习技术热情明显提高;员工挖潜增效意识明显提高;基层生产管理水平明显提高。  相似文献   
中国东盟领导人所倡议的自由贸易区已引起巨大反响,其所带来的机会与挑战为学术界广泛关注,本文主要针对柬、老、缅、越四个东盟新成员所具有的潜力和机会,在自贸区内或在第三方市场竞争中将可能遇到挑战和阻力等问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
近几年,大学生的心理健康问题已经引起教育工作者乃至全社会的关注.据统计,大学生中有16%~25%存在不同程度的心理障碍.本文就大学生心理健康问题的原因进行了较为深入的分析,在此基础上提出,用营销学的4C理论指导高校教师对学生进行教育和沟通,使当代太学生能够健康地成长,把他们培养成伟大祖国的建设者和接班人.  相似文献   
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