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监所线人制度乃现代社会中的必要之恶。监所线人证言与一般证人证言相比具有内在的不可靠性,故需谨慎采用,否则容易造成冤狱。美国和加拿大均有类似的惨痛经历,因此近些年进行了司法改革。我国也面临类似问题,有必要借鉴域外经验改革完善:一方面要高度重视监所线人证言,不与普通证人证言等同视之;另一方面须完善审查机制,确立假定不可信规则与补强规则。此外,还应重视跨部门相关知识的培训。  相似文献   
集资诈骗罪一方面被认定为特殊诈骗罪,与诈骗罪表现为一般与特殊的关系,另一方面又被当作“加重型”非法吸收公众存款罪。因此在刑事司法过程中出现了“骗”与“被骗”的构成要件缺失却依然构成集资诈骗罪、非法吸收公众存款罪中的“欺骗”与集资诈骗罪中的“诈骗”混淆不清、两罪以“非法占有目的”为区分标准的主观化趋势的问题,从而导致“非法占有目的”在被扩大化的同时又被弱化,进而造成集资诈骗罪被矮化、限缩。应从金融秩序法益的立场,回归集资诈骗罪的金融犯罪属性,重塑诈骗罪与集资诈骗罪的关系,明确“欺骗”“诈骗”的同质性,增设“骗取集资款罪”,调整非法吸收公众存款罪的规制范围,构建体系化的集资诈骗罪罪名群,化解集资诈骗罪刑罚供应过度与不足并存的尴尬。  相似文献   
现行的《道路交通安全法》对机动车违法停放、临时停车的规定缺乏确定性,对法律条文也有多种理解。加强对车辆通行的有序管理是《道路交通安全法》的立法目的,在保障驾驶人合法利益的同时,也要充分保护社会公共资源公平分配、合理使用。从法理运用和法条理解的角度剖析机动车违法停放和临时停车的违法行为,或可找到一种最具适用性的法律运用模式,为当前的公安交通执法管理提供一些思路。  相似文献   
《Digital Investigation》2014,11(4):261-272
Internet technologies are beginning to influence the sale and supply of illicit drugs in Australia. One such technology, an online marketplace known as Silk Road, had dramatically increased in popularity since its worldwide launch in February 2011. This research and paper were completed prior to the Silk Road's founder, Ross Ulbricht being arrested on 2 October 2013 and Silk Road being taken off line. This research paper will consider such factors; as the increasing use of internet by Australians, the popularity of shopping online and the variance in the quality and price of products available on Silk Road to those available in other drug markets. The case study will provide an in-depth look at Silk Road from an Australian perspective and in light of the continuing popularity of illicit drug use in Australia. Though Silk Road is currently off line, ‘Bitcoin’ has survived and it will only be a matter of time before a substitute for Silk Road emerges.  相似文献   
《Digital Investigation》2014,11(4):273-294
A major challenge to digital forensic analysis is the ongoing growth in the volume of data seized and presented for analysis. This is a result of the continuing development of storage technology, including increased storage capacity in consumer devices and cloud storage services, and an increase in the number of devices seized per case. Consequently, this has led to increasing backlogs of evidence awaiting analysis, often many months to years, affecting even the largest digital forensic laboratories. Over the preceding years, there has been a variety of research undertaken in relation to the volume challenge. Solutions posed range from data mining, data reduction, increased processing power, distributed processing, artificial intelligence, and other innovative methods. This paper surveys the published research and the proposed solutions. It is concluded that there remains a need for further research with a focus on real world applicability of a method or methods to address the digital forensic data volume challenge.  相似文献   
本文是中国政法大学诉讼法学研究院于2013年底对J省检察机关实施非法证据规则情况考察报告的组成部分,内容包括J省人民检察院在实施非法证据排除规则方面的经验和具体活动,J省三级检察院侦查、起诉等刑事诉讼活动和非法证据排除申请、处理等方面的重要数据。报告总结、分析了J省三级检察院实施非法证据排除规则情况,结合我国非法证据排除规则的特色,对该规则实施过程中存在的问题进行了探讨,论述了我国排除非法证据的主体、程序、范围等重要问题,并提出非法实物证据的排除将会成为今后的重要任务。  相似文献   
最近,钓鱼岛和南中国海争端已经成为我国面临的重大国际挑战,通过历史证据和他国的一些文件、地图等资料论证他国对我国在钓鱼岛和南海诸岛的承认在国际法上的意义,并对相关国家以现代海洋法作为主权要求根据的局限性予以分析,结合时际法原则总结出南海诸群岛、钓鱼岛的主权归属问题。有关国家对南沙群岛、钓鱼岛的主权要求不仅缺乏历史根据,而且在国际法上也站不着脚;它们对南沙群岛、钓鱼岛的侵占活动是非法的、无效的行为。  相似文献   
陆琪 《科技与法律》2014,(3):445-454
非法集资在互联网金融兴起的背景下呈现进一步多发的态势,且呈现出一些新的特征。监管机关和司法机构对非法集资的管制和处罚也进一步加强,这固然是有利于保护金融消费者的权益,但是过于严苛的管制和认定也与互联网金融大背景下整体放松管制的趋势相矛盾,有可能伤及无辜并遏制互联网金融的创新和活力。为此,通过总结互联网金融领域非法集资的犯罪特征,深入解读最新的司法解释,将有助于完善非法集资的防控体系。  相似文献   
本文就一起乡村医生非法行医案件移送进行分析和思考,就此类案件在移送中出现的问题做一些探讨和研究,以期减少行政争议,提高依法行政的能力和水平。  相似文献   
This article examines the issue of legality and illegality, focusing on U.S. citizenship, anti-immigrant rage, and pro-immigrant protests. The central case study is an analysis of what I call digital rage, namely, the rhetorical strategies present in anti-immigrant online activism. I argue that online performance of rage invests in acts of bordering (Nyers 2008) which propel a discourse of white supremacist pure nation and neurotic citizenship (Isin 2004). The final part of this article explores No Human Being is Illegal, a protest art exhibition. Imaginatively refusing forms of citizenship grounded in legal/illegal axis, the exhibition exposes U.S. citizenship itself as illegal, rooted in the colonization of indigenous people and in current neocolonizing practices of exploitation.  相似文献   
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