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在我国证券市场股权结构不合理的情况下和现行法律与政策的框架下,独立董事制度只能在有限的范围内起有限的作用。完善我国上市公司治理结构中的独立董事制度,必须完善独立董事的产生办法,明确独立董事的义务和责任。  相似文献   
在我国现阶段,农户生产经营面临着巨大的自然风险。自然风险是自然力和人类活动相互作用的必然结果。其突发性和随机性强,对农业生产的破坏力大,危害的范围广,有明显的地域性和季节性。建设农业自然灾害防御体系,完善自然灾害救济制度,健全农业保险体系,有利于防范和减少农户自然风险,保护农业生产力,促进农民增收和农业可持续发展。  相似文献   
《Labor History》2012,53(2):79-95

Using a case study in San Diego, California, we explore the complexities of precarious employment for taxi drivers. We seek to answer the following question: how do the ambiguities of taxi drivers’ status as independent contractors shape drivers’ work conditions and opportunities for resistance? Our study is based on 331 surveys, 20 in-depth interviews, participant observation, and policy analysis over two years. While drivers were objectively disempowered by the independent contracting designation, lacking both the protections granted employees and the prerogatives of ownership, they were empowered by the alliances this duality facilitated. Drivers used their marginal identities as workers and as entrepreneurs to their advantage in their campaign for reform. This case presents an alternative narrative to previous research, which generally highlights how independent contractors either accept their status in exchange for flexibility or resist by claiming misclassification. The immigrant taxi drivers in our case study actively resisted, not by pursuing recognition as employees, but rather by successfully seeking the full rights of business owners.  相似文献   
Race and Class     
《Labor History》2012,53(4):486-494
This article examines the rise of the Independent Workers Union (IWU) in Ireland, North and South, in relation to the bifurcation of trade unionism on the Island, from 1900 until the demise of the so-called Celtic tiger in the early years of the twenty-first century. It is argued that two competing ideological and political trajectories defined the major divisions in the Irish labour movement and where given added impetus with the formation of two separate states after 1920. One tradition was committed to an idea of a progressive British empire, while the other was born of a movement linking together trade union, class and national autonomy. A trade union with a long history and recent past, the IWU represents a labour movement formation whose tradition extends the latter: it is committed to developing forms of opposition to state and capital. If more subdued since the partition of the island, this tradition was reignited with the implosion of Social Partnership in the South and the rise of the new sectarianism in the North. Neoliberalism, with its consequent assault upon labour and its various institutions more broadly, provided additional impetus to the creation of the IWU in 2004. The article also assesses its various alternative union and community organising strategies.  相似文献   
吕炳斌 《法学家》2020,(2):73-87,193
明确商标性使用的是与非,既是解决新型商标纠纷的实践需求,也牵涉商标法原理的基本构造。基于法定主义的立场,商标侵权构成中的使用应当是商标性使用,即来源识别意义上的商标使用。商标性使用是商标侵权构成中与混淆可能性并列的一个独立要件。从理论上而言,商标性使用对应于商标财产化的程度,即对来源指示功能所产生的财产利益的保护。商标性使用的判断标准应采用行为人主体标准,行为人使用行为的定性需要进行主客观的综合考察。行为人的主观意图并非不可知悉,在法律构造上需要进行的是主观判断的客观化努力。行为人主体标准在涉外定牌加工、关键词广告等边界案件中具有很强的适用性。  相似文献   
《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(1-2):93-98
With the number of single parent homes on the increase, many children must derive their ideas of roles and responsibilities of fathers from secondary sources, especially books. The picture of fathers that emerges from popular adolescent novels is a disturbing one, with father being commonly portrayed as ineffectual, uncaring, or absent. Significant examples from currently popular books are discussed.  相似文献   
由于转型时期社区矛盾和民事纠纷的增加,社区调解对于中国基层社会治理和秩序控制的作用日益变得重要。社区调解源于传统中国乡村自治基于法外情理的民事调解,在当代中国社会治理中被赋予新的涵义,它可以被界定为一种法外治理,既强调法外的情与理的运作,又主张法、情、理三者的结合。与正式社会控制不同的是,作为非正式控制方式的社区调解,其社会功能不仅在于秩序控制,而且在于社区团结和社区自治。居委会作为群众自治组织,其在社区调解中的角色正面临挑战,但是社区调解的变化本身也是居委会重建其自治功能的机遇。  相似文献   
马荣 《学理论》2011,(29):31-32
"五行"学说在中国哲学史上具有相当重要的地位,但长期以来为人们所忽视,实为一大罕事。从自然界到社会政治、伦理活动,从人体结构到宗教祭祀活动,"五行"学说都无所不及,可见其范围之广,堪称中国古代一个庞大的哲学思潮。这一思潮产生很早,从春秋战国到秦汉,它已成为一种世界观的理论体系,为人们普遍运用,一切事物及其运动变化都以"五行"的作用和属性的相生相胜为基础。因此,探讨"五行"学说的基本内容,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
当代刑事诉讼的发展体现着诉讼重心前移的趋势,公诉机关不起诉裁量权的扩大应用便是明证之一。对于同为审前程序的侦查阶段,是应时而变还是固守本色,无疑是当今诉讼法学界的重大课题。在实务中,侦查机关及时终结刑事诉讼程序,减少进入审判程序的案件数量,事实上行使着消极刑事裁决权这一具有司法属性的权力。而侦查权的基本权属实为行政权,此时论证、赋予侦查权的司法属性是解决这一形似“悖论”的前提。  相似文献   
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