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世界贸易组织的前身是关税与贸易总协定。这个“协定”有着“富国俱乐部”的味道。后在经济全球一体化的推动下 ,更名为国际贸易组织。我国是发展中国家 ,历经十五年的努力 ,终于加入了这个“俱乐部” ,但我们对此应有清醒的认识。并在具体运作中应争取获得“双赢”。  相似文献   
The main topic of this article is the regulation and the construction of insider trading as crime. Trading on inside information is not something new, but the dramatization and the attempt to regulate these acts by penal law are of quite recent date. This article tries to examine the simple question of why there has been such activity in this field the last 20–30 years and the goals of this regulation. The article points out the need for building trust in the financial markets, even if it might be illusory, especially when these markets have been opened for the money of ‘ordinary citizens’. It also stresses the importance of creating a ‘moral map’ in order to establish clearer lines between right and wrong in the rather blurry world of financial markets.  相似文献   
不动产查封是一个涉及司法秩序与交易安全的问题。为防止查封可能造成的司法冲突 ,确保第三人的利益不受意外的伤害 ,需要有健全的法定化的查封公示制度。不动产查封应以登记为准。特殊情况下未以登记办理的查封 ,应迅速补办查封登记 ;未办理查封登记的不得对抗后登记的查封  相似文献   
本文分析了《中国货运代理协会标准交易条件》对货运代理人作为“代理人”和“当事人”不同身份的界定,并针对如何扩大其适用范围做了阐述;此外还探讨了货运代理人在享有货物留置权的同时是否还享有单证留置权,以及有关的时效是否与中国《海商法》冲突和解决的途径。  相似文献   
互联网技术的普及和迅速发展,促进了网络交易的迅猛增长,也带来了一系列知识产权保护方面的问题。以专利为例,由于现行法律法规关于网络交易中专利权保护的规定不够完善,网络交易专利纠纷不断增多。梳理和明确网络交易平台提供商专利侵权法律责任,提出相应的法律修改建议,对于网络交易市场持续健康发展意义重大。近年来,网络交易平台专利侵权纠纷呈现四方面特点:一是专利纠纷数量居高不下,网络交易平台提供商处理压力极大;二是网络交易平台专利侵权认定难,网络交易平台提供商不具有认定主体资格;三是针对外观设计和实用新型专利的恶意投诉问题突出;四是网络交易平台提供商的法律责任不明。针对这些问题,建议将“通知”规则作为判断网络交易平台提供商专利侵权责任的一般原则,将“知道”规则作为判断网络交易平台提供商专利侵权责任的特殊原则,并对二者的适用条件进行区分。  相似文献   
为建立与西方列强相同的金融制度,日本明治政府于1897年建立了金本位制。但在第一次世界大战期间,日本出于各种考虑,以禁止黄金出口的方式,暂时停止了金本位制。一战之后,日本执政者出于政治上的考虑,放弃了恢复金本位制的这一极好机会。"金解禁"问题经过20世纪20年代的长时间酝酿,民政党内阁终于在1930年1月完成了"金解禁"。"金解禁"虽然对当时日本经济有一定的作用,但这时"金解禁"却是在世界性经济危机已经爆发的情况下实施的,日本经济遭到双重打击。继而波及日本社会各个方面,给日本历史造成深远影响。  相似文献   
This paper investigates how piloting programmes in China can promote local policy innovations. By using one of the piloting emission trading schemes (ETS) in Guangdong province as a case study, it is argued that the main features of the piloting experiments, particularly in the climate change domain, are largely different from previous local marketization experiments that dominate the reform period of China. Whereas previous experiments are often characterized as bottom-up or indigenous initiatives with strong patronage relations to the pro-reform politicians at central level, the current piloting programmes are often crafted in a top-down fashion that is often misaligned with local market or corporate interests. Hence, local policy innovations are designed, developed and brokered by the local state officers, in order to bridge this central–local interest gap. As a result, successful implementation of these policy innovations largely depends on local political traditions, bureaucratic culture and perceptions of distinctive development needs.  相似文献   
This article analyses why Switzerland has so far remained outside the European Union's emissions trading system (EU ETS), the centerpiece of the EU's efforts to combat climate change. In doing so, it contributes three insights to the literature on the EU's external governance. First, it shows that interdependence is of limited explanatory power in predicting EU–Swiss interactions. Secondly, it identifies domestic interests in the non‐member state, Switzerland, as the key factor in explaining the EU's external governance structures concerning emissions trading. Thirdly, it highlights the EU's limited flexibility in dealing with third countries in areas where its internal governance mode is hierarchical. The article presents a hypothesis about the future development of emissions trading in Switzerland and discusses implications for both the external governance literature and the development of global carbon markets.  相似文献   
美国经济霸权与全球经济失衡   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
当前世界经济发展的一个重要特征,就是全球经常账户失衡,美国的逆差持续扩大,且顺差国主要集中在东亚地区。这种现象的出现,是东亚经济依附于美国经济霸权的必然结果。由于对美国商品市场和金融市场存在着双重依赖,东亚地区成为当今美国经济霸权最重要的支撑者。正是由于双方在世界经济发展中的这种不对称地位,调整失衡的压力将主要由东亚来承担。  相似文献   
认定操纵证券、期货交易价格罪,应正确掌握犯罪的主观方面和客观方面,分清罪与非罪的界线及本罪与编造并传播证券、期货交易虚假信息罪的界限。对于共同犯罪和行贿、受贿罪的不同情况,要区别对待,正确定罪。  相似文献   
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