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作为沿袭葡萄牙、并深受法国行政审判制度影响的澳门行政法,它的若干制度与经验对内地的行政诉讼制度可以有所借鉴和启示。因此,比较内地与澳门行政诉讼制度中的若干因素,包含受案范围、当事人资格以及诉讼客体变更,我们认为,促进行政诉讼的类型化发展并加快行政诉讼配套制度的建立,特别是行政程序法的制定,这应当成为未来完善内地行政诉讼法的重要内容。  相似文献   
目的探讨MSCT及后处理功能在法医鉴定中的应用方法。方法对366例法医鉴定者行MSCT薄层扫描并表面遮盖成像(SSD),透明化X线模拟投影(see-through)和多平面重建(MPR)处理。分析技术参数和应用方法。结果采集层厚1~3mm,重建间隔0.5~1mm。SSD重建366例,其中细小骨折显示欠佳,4例眼眶重建出现“假孔”。21例关节分解后关节面显示清晰。透明化X线模拟投影重建18例,准确鉴别新鲜与陈旧骨折。MPR重建366例,显示骨折326例。结论选择适宜的后处理技术并联合应用可更好的显示骨折,为法医鉴定提供高质量图像。  相似文献   
法律根植于社会,社会变迁与公法的发展紧密相连,社会变迁在制度、观念和应用等层面影响着公法的发展,公法对社会变迁具有推动作用。中国正在经历从政治国家一元社会向政治国家与市民社会并存的二元社会的变迁,这种变迁需具备建立市场经济和确立正确的政府理念两大要素,对中国经济社会发展具有积极意义。与之相适应,中国公法应当在制度层面、观念层面和方法层面对这种变迁作出回应。  相似文献   
领会党的十九届四中全会精神,坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,必须把党的执政与治国两种能力建设相贯通。从提出加强党的执政能力建设到提出推进国家治理现代化,显示了党的建设发展思路的战略演进。党的十九届四中全会通过的《决定》,对国家治理各个领域各个方面的制度建设作出全面部署,既体现党的建设与国家治理制度建设的关系,又体现增强党的执政能力与提高国家治理现代化能力的关系。在中国特色社会主义制度安排下,中国共产党长期执政与全面领导是连在一起的,执政与治国两种能力具有不可分离的理论和实践逻辑。执政与治国两种能力既有区别又相联系,两种能力建设相贯通有其内在的机理。新中国成立以来,党领导人民创造的经济快速发展和社会长期稳定两大奇迹,展示了“中国之治”在人类历史上世所罕见的国家成就。党的十九届四中全会以坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的全面部署,为党领导人民再创“中国之治”新辉煌提供了实践指南。  相似文献   
张弛 《东北亚论坛》2021,30(2):85-99
2008年世界金融危机之后,竞争性地区主义的兴起成为亚洲合作中的一个非常值得注意的现象。不过,竞争性地区主义对于亚洲来说并非一个新事物,而是长期孕育在本地区合作的历史进程中。伴随着特朗普的上台和中美竞争的加剧,亚洲竞争性地区主义出现了新的变化趋向:以经济为出发点的合作导向逐渐让位于安全,国际制度日益成为大国权力博弈的工具,制度竞争的内容也从表面的规范之争迈向背后的理念价值之争。这种变化对中美关系发展、地区中小国家的战略选择、东盟在地区合作中的主导地位以及亚洲合作的前景都造成了不小的冲击。为了防止亚洲竞争性地区主义的发展滑向恶性竞争,包括中美在内的泛亚各国,应努力促使印太战略和一带一路倡议两大机制之间形成某种程度的兼容共存,避免两者成为完全对抗的国际机制,并在部分特定领域共同为亚洲各国提供必要的公共产品。  相似文献   
This article tracks the rise and fall of a community-based water supply programme in Manila, providing important insights into the issues of community participatory approaches to service provision, as well as the privatisation of basic services and public goods. The Manila Water Corporation, a private, for-profit company, developed an innovative programme to provide water to informal settlements through bulk connections, deploying the discourse of public participation to effectively transfer responsibility for distribution and collection of payments to local water users' organisations. The programme achieved considerable success, and also empowered local organisations or (more often) individuals, who used some of their increased legitimacy, influence, and income to mobilise for squatters' rights, challenging landlords and local governments. After an initial period, the company changed its policy and shifted instead to a programme that provides individual connections to informal settlements' households, supported by subsidies from the government and international aid agencies. This article chronicles and analyses the origins, growth, controversies, and eventual decline of community-based water supply in Manila's informal settlements. The article concludes with suggestions on how community-based organisations can provide water supply services effectively and equitably, discussing as well the capacity building and social transformation benefits of such an approach.

La réussite et l'échec des systèmes communautaires d'approvisionnement en eau à Manille

Cet article retrace l'essor et le déclin d'un programme communautaire d'approvisionnement en eau à Manille, aux Philippines, et permet de découvrir d'importants aspects des questions relatives aux approches communautaires participatives de la prestation de services, ainsi que de la privatisation des services de base et des biens publics. La Manila Water Corporation, entreprise privée à but lucratif, a mis au point un programme innovant pour fournir de l'eau à des établissements informels au moyen de branchements collectifs, en déployant le discours de la participation du public pour transférer efficacement la responsabilité de la distribution et de la collecte de paiements à des organisations locales d'utilisateurs d'eau. Ce programme a obtenu un succès considérable, et a par ailleurs autonomisé des organisations locales ou (plus souvent) des particuliers, qui ont utilisé une partie de leur légitimité, influence et revenus accrus pour se mobiliser en faveur des droits des squatteurs, défiant les propriétaires et les autorités locales. Après une période initiale, l'entreprise a modifié sa politique et a évolué vers un programme qui propose des branchements individuels aux ménages des établissements informels, avec le soutien de subventions accordées par le gouvernement et des agences d'aide internationales. Cet article fait la chronique et effectue une analyse des origines, de la croissance, des controverses et, en fin de compte, du déclin de l'approvisionnement en eau communautaire dans les établissements informels de Manille. Cet article se conclut par des questions sur la manière dont les organisations communautaires peuvent assurer des services d'approvisionnement en eau de façon efficace et équitable, et traite également des avantages sur le plan du renforcement des capacités et de la transformation sociale d'une approche de ce type.

Los altibajos de un programa de agua potable comunitario en Manila

El presente artículo describe los altibajos presentados por un programa comunitario de abastecimiento de agua potable en Manila. Asimismo, hace referencia a los importantes hallazgos encontrados en torno a los métodos de participación comunitaria en la oferta de servicios y en relación a la privatización de servicios básicos y de bienes públicos. La Corporación de Agua de Manila, empresa privada con fines lucrativos, desarrolló un programa innovador para abastecer de agua a los asentamientos informales mediante conexiones comunitarias, usando un discurso de participación pública con el objetivo de transferir eficientemente la responsabilidad para la distribución del líquido y para el cobro de pagos a las organizaciones locales de usuarios de agua. El programa obtuvo un éxito considerable, que conllevó al empoderamiento de organizaciones locales y (más a menudo) de individuos, quienes aprovecharon su mayor legitimidad, influencia e ingresos para movilizarse a favor de los derechos de los ocupantes indocumentados, enfrentando tanto a propietarios como a gobiernos locales. Tras un período inicial, la empresa modificó sus políticas impulsando un programa de conexiones individuales para los hogares de los asentamientos informales, el cual recibió subsidios del gobierno y de las agencias internacionales de asistencia. El presente artículo constituye tanto una crónica como un análisis del origen, el crecimiento, las controversias suscitadas y el posterior abandono del programa de abastecimiento de agua comunitario en los asentamientos informales de Manila. El artículo concluye exponiendo sugerencias respecto a cómo las organizaciones comunitarias podrán abastecerse de agua de manera efectiva y equitativa, abordando, también, las ventajas de este enfoque en términos del fortalecimiento de capacidades y de la transformación social que promueve.

A construção e destruição dos abastecimentos de água comunitários de Manila

Este artigo analisa a ascensão e queda de um programa de abastecimento de água comunitário em Manila, fornecendo ideias importantes sobre as questões de abordagens participativas da comunidade para a oferta do serviço, além da privatização de serviços básicos e bens públicos. A Empresa de Abastecimento de Água de Manila, que é uma companhia privada com fins lucrativos, desenvolveu um programa inovador para fornecer água a assentamentos informais através de conexões em massa, empregando o discurso de participação do público para transferir efetivamente a responsabilidade pela distribuição e coleta de pagamentos a organizações locais de consumidores de água. O programa alcançou um significativo sucesso e também empoderou organizações locais ou (mais frequentemente) indivíduos, que utilizaram sua maior legitimidade, influência e renda para a mobilização pelos direitos dos posseiros, desafiando os proprietários de terra e os governos locais. Após um período inicial, a empresa mudou sua política e passou a adotar um programa que oferece conexões individuais para as famílias dos assentamentos informais, com apoio de subsídios do governo e de agências de ajuda internacionais. Este artigo relata e analisa as origens, crescimento, controvérsias e declínio final do abastecimento comunitário de água em assentamentos informais de Manila. O artigo conclui com sugestões sobre como organizações comunitárias podem fornecer serviços de abastecimento de água de maneira efetiva e equitativa, discutindo também a capacitação e os benefícios da transformação social de tal abordagem.  相似文献   

In the last decade considerable research in social sciences has focused on interpersonal trust, treating it as a remedy for most maladies modern democracies suffer from. Yet, if others act dishonestly, trust is turned into gullibility, thus mechanisms linking interpersonal trust with institutional success refer implicitly to honesty and civic morality. This paper investigates the roots of civic morality. It applies hierarchical models to data from 38 countries, and tests the individual, community and structural explanatory factors. The results of the analysis point to the relevance of an institutional dimension, both in the form of individuals’ perceptions as well as the quality of governance: confidence in political institutions and their objective quality are the strongest predictors of civic morality. At the same time, the findings show that the recently popular claims about the importance of social capital for citizens’ moral standards are largely unfounded.
Natalia LetkiEmail:
The sometimes noted contradiction between cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships concerning city population size and crime rates is reexamined using more complex analytic procedures, controlling for extraneous variables, and allowing for non-monotonic relationships. Instead of a simple cross-sectional relationship between population size and crime rates, the more sophisticated analysis reveals either no association or a quadratic relationship. Similarly, instead of a simple lack of longitudinal relationship or a negative one, the more complicated analysis shows a non-monotonic pattern for three of six offenses. However, we contend that these divergent patterns for cross-sectional relative to longitudinal data are not necessarily indicative of an “anomaly.” Instead, they represent different aspects of a dynamic process in need of more extensive theorizing. Finally, the cross-sectional results showing that city size and crime rates are either not linked or when linked are in a non-monotonic pattern call into question one of the accepted relationships in criminology that have long guided thinking about crime.
Charles R. TittleEmail: Phone: +1-919-858-0374
From 1 to 12 December 2003, the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention took place in Milan, Italy. This conference continued the laborious effort of developing an international climate regime by preparing for the Kyoto Protocol’s entry into force. Some two dozen decisions were adopted on a wide range of options for responding to climate change. This paper assesses the progress achieved at the conference on a number of issues. Among these were operational details for implementing forestry projects under the Convention’s Clean Development Mechanism, and guidelines for reporting on greenhouse gas emissions and removals from agriculture, forestry and land-use change. Parties also decided on rules with respect to two funds, the Special Climate Change Fund and the Least Developed Country Fund. With respect to developing countries, Parties continued discussions on rules for building response capacity in light of the expected adverse effects of climate change and transferring environmentally sound technology. They also discussed how to incorporate scientific advice from the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into the negotiations. Although Russia did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol prior to the conference, Milan demonstrated momentum and interest among Parties to support the climate regime. Nevertheless, it is doubtful whether the detailed discussions were able to contribute to preparing for the long term. To this end, this paper concludes that more discussion and leadership is required to bridge the North/South gap if a post-2012 climate regime is to stand.  相似文献   
小布什上台半年来 ,美对外政策经历了从“僵硬”到相对“温和”的回调。回调原因在于美“僵硬”外交在国内外受到强烈批评和抵制 ,国际潮流出现不利于美国的变化。美对外政策调整不是对克林顿外交的简单“回归” ,调整仅限于策略层面 ,美霸权本质不会改变。美虽可能在一定程度上调整其全球单边主义 ,但在亚太 ,其单边主义可能逆向而行 ,呈局部加强之势 ,并对中美关系产生一定消极影响  相似文献   
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