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经侦部门的情报信息系统有待于进一步改善。经侦部门要根据经济犯罪的特点,注重经侦基础业务建设,充分利用社会资源,建立以反洗钱网络为中心,金融、税务、海关、工商以及重点公司、企业等多方参与的经济犯罪情报预警机制。  相似文献   
The current study examined the relationship between psychopathy, intelligence and two variables describing the conviction history (length of conviction and number of prior convictions). It was hypothesized that psychopathy factors (interpersonal and antisocial factors assuming a 2-factor model or interpersonal, affective, lifestyle and antisocial factors assuming a 4-factor model) would be related in different ways to IQ scores, length of conviction and number of prior convictions. Psychopathy and IQ were assessed using the PCL:SV and the CFT 20-R respectively. Results indicated no association between interpersonal psychopathy features (Factor 1, two-factor model), IQ and the number of prior convictions but a positive association between Factor 1 and the length of conviction. Antisocial features (Factor 2, two-factor model) were negatively related to IQ and the length of conviction and positively related to the number of prior convictions. Results were further differentiated for the four-factor model of psychopathy. The relationship between IQ and psychopathy features was further assessed by statistically isolating the effects of the two factors of psychopathy. It was found that individuals scoring high on interpersonal features of psychopathy are more intelligent than those scoring high on antisocial features, but less intelligent than those scoring low on both psychopathy features. The results underpin the importance of allocating psychopathic individuals to subgroups on the basis of personality characteristics and criminological features. These subgroups may identify different types of offenders and may be highly valuable for defining treatment needs and risk of future violence.  相似文献   
信息与材料、能源被视为当代经济发展和科技进步的三大支柱,树立正确的信息工作效益观,正确判断和评价信息工作的经济效益和社会效益,充分发挥其双重效应,对于加快社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设有着重要作用。  相似文献   
信访问题中维稳情报信息已经成为驾驭复杂严峻的社会治安环境、推进社会管理创新、维护社会稳定的有力保障。信访涉稳情报涉及的方面比较广泛,应该把握一定的原则,拓宽和畅通情报采集渠道,建立情报信息网络,并建立信访人员信息数据库,才能全面收集和掌握各类情报信息。  相似文献   
Steve Saxby's prescient founding of CLSR, two hundred issues ago, encouraged and resonated with my own digital visionary thinking and professional activity in the evolving field of ICT and the Law. From Infolex, the UK's first commercially-available computer-assisted legal information retrieval service, and my APPEAL Report (on the admissibility of computer evidence in court and the legal reliability/security of IT systems), via my Forensic Systems Analysis expert methodology, to the nascent CryptoBlockTV, Steve's scholarly foresight in promoting adventurous exploration of ‘digilaw’ high-ground topics and issues has presented me with opportunities to generate a stream of prescient material, for which I am immensely grateful. And what is beyond prescient today is that the Coming of the Robots is unstoppable. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Age is upon us; RoboJudge has all but already arrived. While many are concerned about defining and developing Machine Ethics, Castell's Second Dictum: “You cannot construct an algorithm that will reliably decide whether or not any algorithm is ethical” reveals that this is a futile exercise. Algorithms are also pivotal to the current mania for Crypto-Algorithmic Blockchain Technology Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), with a ‘Crypto Tribe’ of Millennials relentlessly raising billions in real money thereby, to the extent that I have dubbed Crypto the Millennials’ Rock'n’Roll. The seasoned ICT expert professional however bears in mind that there are as yet no ISO standards for blockchain, and there is far more to creating and delivering a complete quality-assured system than just the blockchain component. Furthermore, the legal status of cryptocurrency, smart contract and distributed ledger technology is not clear or uncontentious – and there is already ICO litigation on foot. Nevertheless, taking my limerick-writing Castell GhostWriteBot’s advice, it is perhaps time for my own asset-linked ICO, to launch my CapChere.com concept designed to reboot Capitalism and achieve ubiquitous universal share and wealth ownership. Look out for Castell GhostWriteBot’s account (with or without limericks) of how I fared, in the 400th issue of CLSR.  相似文献   
恐怖活动已经成为严重影响国家安全、社会政治稳定和改革开放、现代化建设的直接现实威胁。公安机关反恐部门应未雨绸缪、加大措施、积极防御、主动进攻,强化新形势下的自身反恐情报体系建设,为反恐斗争的战略全局打牢基础。  相似文献   
在校大学生因学习时间长,脑疲劳候的记忆力减退,影响了大脑连续工作状态。通过自我调控的研究,用点穴按摩的醒脑开窍作用改变大脑组织内部微循环,改善大脑缺氧状态,并且通过运动疗法调动全身能量潜力汇注于大脑部位,达到体健神全,精力充沛,心情愉快,从而提高智力,完成学业。  相似文献   
刍议企业反竞争情报的工作内容及其法律保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业反竞争情报是指阻止或妨碍竞争对手获得本企业情报的信息研究。企业反竞争情报的工作内容主要表现在增强保密观念,强化保密意识;整章建制,规范信息工作;正确利用商业秘密和专利权,保护新技术发明;以合同的形式约束内部职工和第三方的行为。企业反竞争情报工作在规章制度、信息产权、契约关系、市场秩序以及司法救济五个层面已形成一套完整的法律保障体系。  相似文献   
人工智能时代的到来,有关其创造物的知识产权法保护问题给现有的法律理念与规则带来了巨大挑战。因而比较法视阈欧盟背景下的德国经验或许有一定参考意义;即先通过评介欧盟层面与人工智能相关的法政策与伦理准则,再从德国层面整理其创造物知识产权法保护上的实务经验与理论讨论。进而从中获得对我国的启示:一方面,呼吁今后在我国人工智能创造物知识产权法保护的外部,进一步细化相关的法政策,并着手制定相适应的伦理准则;另一方面,在其内部,基于当前现行法修改实际,分别从专利法、著作权法二个主要维度提出具体的完善建议。并强调内外规制体系间的协调配合,以期塑造既具体可行又灵活完整的我国人工智能创造物的知识产权法保护体系。  相似文献   
"互联网+养老"服务智能化建设是一项需要准备多域基础条件、包容多元供需主体、整合多类服务模式、指涉现实与虚拟时空养老服务的社会化系统工程,旨在全面融合线下线上各种养老服务渠道和手段、功能和资源、服务过程及其成果、服务产出及其形式,构建多中心、一站式、专业化、整体性的养老服务平台,使之成为既有智能支撑又有智慧注入的日常性和应急性兼具的复合性生态综合体。"互联网+养老"服务智能化建设的价值或效用要得到最大限度的发挥,既取决于其成果本身的水准,也依赖于其多域基础条件准备程度、包容多元供需主体程度,以及有效发挥集聚效应尺度等基础和前提。多域基础条件准备程度,涉及技术域、组织域和管理域条件的覆盖面与雄厚度,各有其条件限度。包容多元供需主体程度,取决于克服"供需主体的共情落差""客观存在的数字鸿沟""尚难突破的协同壁垒"等主要难题程度。有效发挥集聚效应尺度,在于把握好"利用数字化填补供需发展堕距""利用智能化补足主体能力短板""利用一体化提升整体运行效能"等优化逻辑。  相似文献   
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